
Regular Meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission of the City of El Reno

6:00 P.M., Tuesday, September 26, 2017

El Reno City Council Chambers — 101 N. Choctaw Ave., El Reno, Okla.


Chairman Proctor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


PRESENT: Chairman Vicki Proctor

Commissioner David Jensen (arrived at 6:27 p.m.)
Commissioner Gerardo Troncoso

Commissioner Nancy Wise (arrived at 6:01 p.m.)

Commissioner Bobby Stevenson

Commissioner Chronister (arrived at 6:02 p.m.)

Commissioner Conley


AUDIENCE MEMBERS:Ken Worth, Amy Brooks, Mate Ellis, Gary Evans, Margaret Evans,

Cathy Kouba, Jay Kindsvater, Ron Ward, Jim Rutherford, Linda

Atkinson, Carmen Matteson, Charles Matteson, Joe Hall, Robert &

Melba Alexander, George & Cathy Knott, Gerald Gamble, Scott Ryan,

Janise Jensen, Gary Steinbruck, Jerry & Julie Lingo, Jim Murphy,

Seth Stevens, Joshua McElroy, Steve Jensen


  1. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the minutes of the August 22, 2017meeting.

Stevenson made the MOTION to APPROVE item 1 of the consent agenda. Troncoso SECONDED the Motion and the vote was:

AYES: Troncoso, Proctor, Wise, Stevenson


NAYS: None

ABSENT: Chronister (arrived at 6:02 p.m.) Jensen (arrived at 6:27 p.m.)


  1. A.A public hearing regarding a proposal for the creation of Increment District No. 4, CityofEl Reno,Oklahoma.

Chairman Proctor opened the public hearing at 6:04 p.m.

Nate Ellis explained that this is an economic development tool to help offset costs of infrastructure improvements. Ellis went on to expand on a proposed project that would utilize this tool. He added that this hearing is to provide a chance for any questions. Mayor Matt White who was in attendance, stated that the City was completely on board with this project.

Ron Ward addressed the commission with some information of the proposal. Wise asked about ingress / egress for the property. Ward responded with what is proposed.

Chairman Proctor closed the public hearing at 6:22 p.m.

B.Consider and take action with respect to a resolution recommending that the City ofElReno through its City Council create a Tax Increment District and approve the Crossroads Pointe Economic Development ProjectPlan.

Commissioner Chronister made the MOTION to APPROVE the TIF resolution. Wise SECONDED the Motion and the vote was:

AYES: Troncoso, Proctor, Wise, Stevenson, Chronister


NAYS: None

ABSENT: Jensen (arrived at 6:27 p.m.)

  1. A.To conduct a public hearing in consideration of a request submitted by CountryClubGroup, LLC. to amend the zoning classification and establish a Planned Unit Development on two tracts,totaling approximately three and one half (3 ½) acres, located on the west side of S. Country Club Rd., and north of Golf Course Dr., within the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven (7), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) W.I.M., Canadian County, Oklahoma, from Single-Family Residential (R-1)andMulti-Family Residential (R-3) to a Planned Unit Development with Restricted Commercial Underlay (CR-PUD).

Chairman Proctor opened the public hearing at 6:24 p.m.

Dustin Downey, the City Planner, handed out an amended version of design statement. He said there was a change to the minimum rear setback to 10 ft.There was a clerical error stating there would be one access point off Country Club but in fact there are two. Also, the maximum sign height went from 8 ft. to 12 ft.

Proctor asked if there were any further comments. Hearing none, the Chairman closed the public hearing at 6:26 p.m.

B.Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request submitted by CountryClubGroup, LLC. to amend the zoning classification and establish a Planned Unit Development on two tracts, totaling approximately three and one half (3 ½) acres, located on the west side of S. Country Club Rd., and north of Golf Course Dr., within the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven (7), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) W.I.M., Canadian County, Oklahoma, from Single-Family Residential (R-1)andMulti-Family Residential (R-3) to a Planned Unit Development with Restricted Commercial Underlay (CR-PUD).

There was no discussion prompting Commissioner Chronister to make the MOTION to

APPROVE the zoning request submitted by Country Club Group, LLC noting the amended design

statement. Commissioner Conley was the SECOND and the vote was:

AYES: Wise, Conley, Stevenson, Chronister, Proctor


NAYS: None

ABSENT: Jensen (arrived at 6:27 p.m.)

  1. A.To conduct a public hearing in consideration of a request by WeatherfordArtificialLift Systems to grant a Conditional Use Permit for the storage of explosives andradioactive materials within the Heavy Industrial (I-3) District. The tract of land is located at 901 Jensen Rd., more particularly described as Block Three (3), Lots One (1) through Six (6), Canadian Valley Industrial Park, Section 2, El Reno, Oklahoma, according to the recorded platthereof.

David Jensen joined the meeting at 6:27 p.m.

Proctor opened the public hearing at 6:28 p.m.

Joe Hall spoke on behalf of Weatherford. He said the company has been licensed in

Oklahoma since 2001 to store radioactive material. Hall brought some dummy samples of the

radioactive material source. Jensen asked how many they would have on site. Hall said we are

licensed for up to five.Jim Rutherford, also with Weatherford explained the storage and handling

processes they are required tofollow. Every six months they are required to perform leak tests as well

as an annual inspection of the facility.

Hall said the CUP is also for explosive storage stating they have had their explosive license

from the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms since 2006.He continued saying the explosives are

transported and stored according to federal regulations. Hall and Rutherford brought pictures of

examples of the storage bunkers to be used on site. Wise noticed it is above ground storage and asked

what they do in cases of a tornado. They assured her that the size / weight of the bunkers as well as

the way they are anchored that it wouldn’t be a safety issue.

Proctor closed the public hearing at 6:44 p.m

B.Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request by WeatherfordArtificialLift

Systems to grant a Conditional Use Permit for the storage of explosives andradioactive materials

within the Heavy Industrial (I-3) District. The tract of land is located at 901 Jensen Rd., more

particularly described as Block Three (3), Lots One (1) through Six (6), Canadian Valley Industrial

Park, Section 2, El Reno, Oklahoma, according to the recorded platthereof.

The commission had little discussion with Jensen making suggestions for conditions of the permit prompting Chronister to make the MOTION to APPROVE noting Jensen’s comments. Conley was the SECOND. The conditions of the approval are as follows:

City is to be copied on any required reporting and all inspections by any governing agencies. The City is to be notified of any incidents. Also the City is to be notified on ATF licensing expiration.

*Weatherford shall copy the City of El Reno on any required reporting and inspections by state and federal governing agencies. Weatherford shall copy and notify the City of El Reno upon renewal or expiration of ATF licensing. Weatherford shall notify the City of El Reno of any incidents.

The vote was:

AYES: Wise, Conley, Troncoso, Jensen, Stevenson, Chronister, Proctor

NAYS: None


  1. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request submitted by Murphy Real Estate, on behalf of Lamar Labahn, to amend the zoning classification (rezoning) of a tract of approximately one hundred thirty-three (133) acres in the Northwest Quarter of Section Thirteen (13), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma, from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate Industrial(I-2).

Chairman Proctor reminded the commissioners that the public hearing was held at last

month’s meeting. Dustin Downey, the City Planner had a visual of the sensitive border standards that

would apply to a development in the I-2 zoning district. He added that 60-65 decibels is the allowable noise


Mayor Matt White spoke saying the new intersection at Radio Rd. has triggered the industrial

development in this area. White added that the companies wantingto develop in this area will help with

road repair, waterlines, etc. Julie Lingo stated that she would like to see this area zoned for residential

development. Kindsvater, an audience member echoed Lingos opinion to zone this area residential.

Jensen left the meeting at 7:29 p.m.

Cathy Kouba has concerns of water runoff from new development because she has seen

changes over the years. She said she would just like to make sure that is taken in to consideration when

permitting these new developments. There were several similar comments about traffic and water

concerns from other audience members.

Commissioner Wise asked Murphy if Spurlin or Labahn either one had ever considered

rezoning to a residential use. Murphy said they approached him and wanted the highest and best use for

their property and in this area it is an industrial use.

There was no further discussion therefore Chronister made the MOTION to APPROVE the

zoning request submitted by Murphy Real Estate on behalf of Lamar Labahn. Stevenson was the

SECOND and the vote was:

AYES: Conley, Troncoso, Stevenson, Chronister, Proctor, Wise

NAYS: None

ABSENT:Jensen (left the meeting at 7:29 p.m. and returned at 7:54 p.m.)

  1. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request submitted by Murphy Real Estate, on behalf of LA Spurlin, to amend the zoning classification (rezoning) of a tract of approximately one hundred fifty-six (156) acres located near S. Radio Rd. and E. Elm Street; part of the Northeast Quarter of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma, from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate Industrial(I-2).

There was no discussion. Commissioner Chronister made the MOTION to APPROVEthe

zoning request submitted by Murphy Real Estate on behalf of LA Spurlin. Conley was the

SECOND and the vote was:

AYES: Troncoso, Stevenson, Chronister, Proctor, Wise,Conley

NAYS: None

ABSENT:Jensen (left the meeting at 7:29 p.m. and returned at 7:54 p.m.)

  1. A.To conduct a public hearing in consideration of a request submitted by Gerald L.Gamble,on behalf of Chesapeake Land Development Co., LLC, to amend the zoning classification (rezoning) of two tracts totaling approximately ninety-seven (97) acres located to the west of S. Radio Rd. and to the south of E. OK Highway 66; part of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-Three (23), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) W.I.M., Canadian County, Oklahoma, fromRural

Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate Industrial (I-2).

The Chairman opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m.

Gerald Gamble said Chesapeake has rezoned other properties they own in the area and they

would like to rezone this property as well.

Downey said there was one formal protest letter received from Mr. & Mrs. Alexander who

live at 4112 E. Hwy 66. Their property is bordered on 2 sides by the property proposed for rezoning.

They listednoise and odor as being an inherit factor of I-2 zoning therefore they are opposed to the

request. Tilley Pressure Testing, which is also near the Alexander’s, was built in 2013 and the sensitive

border standards were enacted in 2014. The sensitive border standards would apply to any new

development in the industrial district and the Alexanders are fine with that as long as there are no other

variances allowed.

Proctor closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m.

B.Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request submitted by Gerald L.Gamble,on behalf of Chesapeake Land Development Co., LLC, to amend the zoning classification (rezoning) of two tracts totaling approximately ninety-seven (97) acres located to the west of S. Radio Rd. and to the south of E. OK Highway 66; part of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-Three (23), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) W.I.M., Canadian County, Oklahoma, fromRural

Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate Industrial (I-2).

Conley made the MOTION to APPROVE the zoning request submitted by Gerald Gamble on behalf of Chesapeake Land Development Co., LLC. The motion was SECONDED by Chronister and the vote was:

AYES: Conley, Troncoso, Stevenson, Chronister, Proctor, Wise

NAYS: None

ABSENT:Jensen (left the meeting at 7:29 p.m. and returned at 7:54 p.m.)

  1. A.To conduct a public hearing in consideration of a request submitted by Gerald L.Gamble,on behalf of Chesapeake Land Development Co., LLC, to amend the zoning classification (rezoning) of a tract of approximately twenty-one (21) acres located east of S. Radio Rd. and E. OK Highway 66; part of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-Four (24), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) W.I.M., Canadian County, Oklahoma, from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate Industrial(I-2).

Chairman Proctor opened the public hearing at 7:47 p.m.

Chronister said this is essentially the same request as above. The commissioner agreed prompting Proctor to close the public hearing at 7:48 p.m.

B.Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request submitted by Gerald L.Gamble,on behalf of Chesapeake Land Development Co., LLC, to amend the zoning classification (rezoning) of a tract of approximately twenty-one (21) acres located east of S. Radio Rd. and E. OK Highway 66; part of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-Four (24), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) W.I.M., Canadian County, Oklahoma, from Rural Agricultural (A-1) to Moderate Industrial(I-2).

There was no discussion. Chronister made the MOTION to APPROVE the zoning request submitted by Gerald Gamble on behalf of Chesapeake Land Development Co., LLC. Troncoso was the SECOND to the motion and the vote was:

AYES: Stevenson, Conley, Troncoso, Chronister, Proctor, Wise

NAYS: None

ABSENT:Jensen (left the meeting at 7:29 p.m. and returned at 7:54 p.m.)

  1. A. To conduct a public hearing in consideration of a request by David H. Ratliff tograntConditional Use Permit for an RV Park within the Mobile Home Subdivision (R-4) District. The tract of land is located

on within the Northwest Quarter of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7)

West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma, totaling approximately 5.858 acres.

The Chairman opened the public hearing at 7:49 p.m.

Seth Stevens spoke on behalf of this request. He said the property could best be utilized by

putting in an RV park.

Downey read a letter from Mr. Ratliff stating he would put in extra amenities up and above the

code requirements. Stevens then offered what they have already done to the property in preparation of the


Commissioner Stevenson asked if Stevens had seen the property today. He said because of the

rain he said the property was holding a lot of water. Stevens said the dirt work has not been completed.

Jensen returned to the meeting at 7:54 p.m.

The property manager for El Reno Village asked where the drive would be off Rock Island to

access this property. She said they are currently going onto their property with their equipment. Proctor

asked where the entrance would be for the RV park. Stevens said they still need to get with ODOT to make

that determination. Matt White echoed the need to check with ODOT because they are currently in the

planning phase of reconstructing the bridge bordering Stevens proposed development.

The Chairman closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m.

B.Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a request by David H. Ratliff togranta Conditional Use Permit for an RV Park within the Mobile Home Subdivision (R-4) District. The tract of land is located on within the Northwest Quarter of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) West of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma, totaling approximately 5.858 acres.

The commissioners advised Stevens to get a more detailed site plan and apply for a permit for ingress with ODOT.

Chairman Proctor made the MOTION to TABLE the request by David H. Ratliff. Chronister

was the SECOND to the motion and the vote was:

AYES: Jensen,Stevenson, Conley, Proctor, Troncoso, Chronister, Wise

NAYS: None





Conley made the MOTION to ADJOURN and was SECONDED by Proctor. The vote was:

AYES: Troncoso, Proctor, Wise, Stevenson, Chronister, Conley, Jensen

NAYS: None


The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.