A meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Plainview, Nebraska, was held at the Council Chambers in said City on the 9th day of December 2014 at 7:00 o’clock P.M. Present were: Mayor Baird; Council Members:Wilson,Dummer, Grof andMiller.
The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.
Mayor Baird opened the meeting and announced to individuals in attendance that a full copy of the new Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted on the east wall of the Council Chambers.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by Publication, a designated method for giving notice, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication attached to these minutes. Notice of this meeting was given to the Mayor and all Members of the Council and a copy of their acknowledgment of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to the minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Kelly Pendergast was present as City Clerk/Treasurer.
Mike Holton was present as City Administrator.
Bruce Curtiss was present as City Attorney.
It was moved by Wilson, seconded by Grofto approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Motion carried, 4-0.
It was moved by Grof, seconded by Dummer to allow all claims and payroll against the City. Motion carried, 4-0.
Police Chief Yosten presented the police report.
Administrator Holton presented his report. He thanked the outgoing mayor and council for their service, and gave a brief history of the accomplishments made during their tenure.
Council member Wilson moved to adjourn the old council. Grof seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Robert Baird, Mayor (SEAL)
Kelly Pendergast, City Clerk/Treasurer
City Administrator, Holton, and City Clerk, Pendergast, presented plaques to outgoing Mayor Baird and Council MembersJoe Grof and Cory Miller.
The Mayor Elect,Daren Seip and Council Members,Michael Naprstek and Thomas Novicki took their oath of office.
Mayor Seip took roll call for newly elected Council. Present: Naprstek, Novicki, Dummer and Wilson. Absent: None.
Mayor Seip called for nominations for President of the Council. Naprstek moved to nominate Wilson. Dummer second the motion. Mayor Seip called for any other nominations to the Presidency. Judy Wilson nominated Grant Dummer for the vacancy but with no second on the motion, Wilson withdrew the nomination. Roll call vote Aye: Wilson, Novicki, Naprstek and Dummer. Motion carried to elect JudyWilson as President, 4-0.
It was moved by Wilson, seconded by Naprstek to accept the Mayor’s appointment for City Clerk – Kelly Pendergast. Roll call vote Aye: Naprstek, Wilson, Novicki and Dummer. Nay: None. Motion carried, 4-0.
It was moved by Wilson, seconded by Dummer to accept the Mayor’s appointment for City Attorney – Bruce Curtiss. Roll call vote Aye: Naprstek, Wilson, Novicki and Dummer. Nay: None. Motion carried, 4-0.
It was moved by Dummer, seconded by Naprstek to accept the Mayor’s appointment for Police Chief – Bruce Yosten. Roll call vote Aye: Naprstek, Wilson, Novicki and Dummer. Nay: None. Motion carried, 4-0.
It was moved by Wilson, seconded by Dummer to appoint Joe Grof as the regional Goldenrod representative from the Plainview area. Motion carried 4-0.
Council member Wilson moved to increase the City Clerk/Treasurer salary $2000.00 per year. Dummer seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Dummer moved to appoint JEO as the City Engineer for 2015. Wilson seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Terry Mead, a representative from JEO was present to give the new council a brief overview of the current street paving projects. It was agreed by Terry Mead and City Administrator Holton to conduct a public informational meeting in mid-January to discuss assessments and costs.
At 8:00 p.m., Mayor Seip opened the Public Hearing regarding the lot splitforMike McManaman. Discussion was held regarding the lot split with City Administrator Holton and McManaman regarding the area in question. At 8:14 p.m., it was moved by Dummer, seconded by Naprstek to close the public hearing.
It was moved by Dummer, seconded by Naprstek to approve the lot split. Motion carried 4-0.
Dave Peterson from JEO was present to discuss upgrades to the city’s electrical distribution system. The council agreed to revisit the subject in January with lineman Jake Petersen to discuss costs to upgrade the system.
It was moved by Dummer, seconded by Wilson to appoint JEO as the 2015 Street Superintendent.
Council member Dummer moved to add an energy element to the current Comprehensive Plan. Naprstek seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. It was discussed to re-evaluate the comprehensiveplan this summer and update where necessary. The current comprehensive plan was last completed in 2004.
The agreement to assist the Chamber and Community Club with the future repairs to the Klown Museum was tabled until next month.
Dummer moved to approve the CDBG Housing Claims for $9,074.00. Council member Wilson seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion was made by Dummer and seconded by Wilson to approve Ordinance No. 921 on its first reading. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted AYE: Wilson, Dummer, Naprstek and Novicki. The following voted NAY: None. Motion carried 4-0. Whereupon the Mayor declared said Ordinance No. 921 approved on its first reading.
It was moved by Novicki, and seconded by Naprstek to waive and approveOrdinance No. 921 on its second and third readings. Upon roll call vote, the following members voted AYE: Wilson, Dummer, Naprstek and Novicki. The following voted NAY: None. Motion carried, 4-0. Whereupon the Mayor declared Ordinance No. 921 approved on its second and third readings.
Section 1. That Chapter 1, Section 827 of the Municipal Code of Plainview, Nebraska, be created to read as follows:
Section 1.
(A)The City Council hereby establishes and adopts the LB 840 Plan, as
previously approved by the Council in the enabling Resolution, and submitted to and
approved by the voters of Plainview at the last general election;
(B)The Term of Existence of the LB 840 Economic Development Program shall
be: so long as the City of Plainview collects Local Option Sales Tax dedicated to
Economic Development; the funding of the program shall match that same time period.Funding shall be the revenue from the dedicated Economic Development Local OptionSales Tax of 1/3 (one third) of 1% (one percent), which has already been approved by theVoters, as well as any funds that may be received from non-city sources (grants, etc.) thatare dedicated to Economic Development.
(C)In conformance with the LB 840 Plan the City hereby establishes and creates
the Citizen Advisory Board, consisting of five (5) (not less than five nor morethan ten) members, all of whom shall be registered voters of the City of Plainview; The members shall be appointed to the Committee by the Mayor, subject to approval of the Council; At least one member of the Committee shall have expertise or experience in the business of finance or accounting; The city official or employee with responsibility for the administration for the economic development program shall be the City Administrator or his/her designee, and that individual shall serve as an ex officio member of the Committee with responsibility for assisting the Committee and providing it with the necessary information and advice on the economic development program.
(D)No member of the citizen advisory review committee shall be an elected or
appointed city official, an employee of the city, a participant in a decision-making
position regarding expenditures of program funds, or an official or employee of any
qualifying business receiving financial assistance under the economic development
program or of any financial institution participating directly in the economic developmentprogram.
(E)The Citizen Advisory Review Committee shall have regular meetings to
review the functioning and progress of the economic development program and to advisethe governing body of the city with regard to the program. At least once in every six-month period after the effective date of this ordinance, the committee shall report to thegoverning body on its findings and suggestions at a public hearing called for thatpurpose.
(F) Members of the citizen advisory review committee, in their capacity as members and consistent with their responsibilities as members, may be permitted access to business information received by the city in the course of its administration of the economic development program, which information would otherwise be confidential (a) under section 84-712.05, (b) by agreement with a qualifying business participation in the economic development program, or (c) under any ordinance of the city providing access to such records to members of the committee and guaranteeing the confidentiality of business information received by reason of its administration of the economic development program. Unauthorized disclosure of any business information which is confidential under section 84-712.05 shall be a Class III misdemeanor.
Section 2. That any ordinance passed and approved prior to the passage, approval, and publication or posting of this ordinance and in conflict with its provisions, is hereby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, approval, and publication or posting as required by law.
Wilson motioned to authorize Juleen Johnson the ability to lease a skid loader for the manor. Novicki seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Council member Wilson introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption:
WHEREAS, the City of Plainview, Nebraska, has determined that the truck tractors for the Transfer Station are in need of replacement or upgrade; and
WHEREAS, the City has taken bids and investigated pricing on used truck tractors and settled on a preferred alternative;
- The City shall purchase a used 2007 truck tractor from the Truck Center company, for the sum of $49,000.00, subject to the terms and conditions of a Purchase Order to be signed and delivered by the City Administrator.
- A copy of this resolution shall be taken and accepted of evidence of the authority of such purchase and to borrow up to $49,000.00 at municipal rates for a term not to exceed four years.
Council member Naprstek seconded the foregoing motion and on roll call on the passage and adoption of said resolution, the following voted Aye: Dummer, Wilson, Naprstek and Novicki. Nay: None. Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Resolution #507 is passed and adopted.
Mayor appointments were tabled until the next regular meeting.
Many items were discussed under council comments. Among those included:
Personnel policy revisions
Drainage issues
Removing equipment no longer in use
Lagoon security
Mayor Seip nominated council members Naprstek and Dummer as the personnel committee and to meet with City Administrator, Holton. They were asked to bring information to the next council meeting.
It was moved by Dummer, seconded by Novicki to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
TIME: 10:40 P.M.
Daren Seip, Mayor(SEAL)
Kelly Pendergast, City Clerk/Treasurer
12884 AFLACIns. 85.67
12885 Western OfficeSu 219.00
12886 Staybridge SuitesTraining 191.98
12887 PostmasterPostage 46.00
12888 Certified TestingSvcs 2700.00
12889 City of PlvEnergy Asst 1687.12
12890 Neb Child SupportPmt 450.00
12891 Gary Gross TruckDeposit 1000.00
12892 Curt HartReimb. 32.00
12893 City of NorfolkFees 81.50
12894 ACH Plv HospCDL physical 240.00
12895 ViaeroMo chgs 348.61
12896 CoOportunityIns 7071.34
12897 Source GasGas 746.01
12898 City of PlvHousing Grants 12980.00
12899 Kyle TarrHaying 1125.00
12900 Gary Gross Truck2004 Ford 19080.00
12901 City of PlvPool sales tax 7694.98
12902 City of PlvLibr sales tax 4187.58
12903 City of PlvManor sales tax 4187.58
12904 City of PlvEc Dev Sales tax 4187.58
12905 Jason NeuhausReimb 57.30
12906 Jason NeuhausReimb 80.00
12907 Ft DearbornLife Ins 72.00
12908 PostmasterPostage 179.05
12909 Neb Child SuppPmt 450.00
12910 Midwest BankH S A 400.00
16147 thru
16163City EmpPayroll 11/28/14 14718.33
16164 AFLACIns 85.67
16165 Alby’sSu 38.44
16166 Anderson LightsSu 31.25
16167 BomgaarsSu 143.97
16168 Bush & RoeIns 111.00
16169 Casey’sGas 423.34
16170 Chad’s TireRepairs 1040.17
16171 City of PlvUtilities 3035.56
16172 Classic RentalsSu 92.77
16173 Combined RevBond pmt 2738.65
16174 Conn PointSvc 95.00
16175 Cornhusker AutoSvc 10.00
16176 Curtiss Law OfficeSvc 1250.00
16177 Donna ChristiansenReimb 176.64
16178 Dutton-LainsonMeters 1885.00
16179 Eakes OfficeCopier lease 212.00
16180 Electrical SystemSinking fund 2000.00
16181 Farmer’s PrideOil 1593.80
16182 Franco-PostPostage machine 164.85
16183 Green LineSu 119.75
16184 Hoffart Mach RepairsRepairs 18.95
16185 Ingram Libr SvcBooks 479.84
16186 Jack’s UniformsSu 50.69
16187 James AschoffSvc 7800.00
16188 JEO ConsultingSvc 7744.50
16189 Johnson RepairRepairs 600.38
16190 Kimball-MidwestSu 272.82
16191 Kriz-DavisSu 239.41
16192 L.P. GillSvc 9018.88
16193 Lana FongRefund 45.06
16194 Little Detroit Body ShopRepairs 72.45
16195 Madison Co BankEquip pmts 9433.75
16196 MathesonSu 33.90
16197 Matthew BenderSu 227.50
16198 Midwest BankEquip pmts 7266.01
16199 Mitch’sSu 105.66
16200 Moeller SprinklerSvc 15.00
16201 Mun Supp of NebSu 187.29
16202 Neb Public HealthWater samples 61.00
16203 Neb Mun Power PoolSupport 2170.00
16204 Omaha World HeraldRenewal 122.20
16205 Overhead DoorSu 260.30
16206 Plv AutoSu 840.55
16207 Plv PharmacySu 14.12
16208 Plv TelephoneSvc 967.52
16209 Plv True ValueSu 136.88
16210 Pollard PumpingSvc 150.00
16211 Prod PlusBackhoe Su 2251.96
16212 R.F. Machine WorksRepairs 60.00
16213 Schaefer GrainWeigh Tickets 308.00
16214 Shell Fleet Gas 657.09
16215 Steinkraus SvcGas/Su 3715.74
16216 The Farner Co.Su 23.57
16217 Water TowerBond pmt 3252.29
16218 WescoWood poles 2704.96
16219 West HodsonSu 392.50
16220 Western OfficeSu 27.95
I, the undersigned, City Clerk for the City of Plainview, Nebraska, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of proceedings had and done by the Mayor and Council on 12/9/14; that all of the subjects included in the foregoing proceedings were contained in the agenda for the meeting, kept continually current and readily available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk; that such subjects were contained in said agenda for at least twenty-four hours prior to said meeting; that at least one copy of all reproducible material discussed at the meeting was available at the meeting for examination and copying by members of the public; that the said minutes from which the foregoing proceedings have been extracted were in written form and available for public inspection within ten working days and prior to the next convened meeting of said body; that all news media requesting notification concerning meetings of said body were provided advance notification of the time and place of said meeting and the subjects to be discussed at said meeting.
Kelly Pendergast, City Clerk/Treasurer (SEAL)