The Mayor called the meeting to order. He then gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Anderson then asked for Roll call of the members: MARTIN, CURTIS, COOKE, MYERS, ANDERSON, and PARAMORE were present.
Also present: Ellen Simmons, Lynn Phillips, Harold Welch, Jason & Zorana Hales, John Chapin, and Chief Marko.
The Mayor then asked for approval of the Agenda. Paramore made a motion to approve the agenda. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No One opposed.
The Mayor then presented the minutes from the May 13 meeting for approval. Martin made a motion to approve the minutes. Paramore seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then asked for a report from the Administrator.
Shawn stated that the water Department has been working on relocating 6 water services on First Street in preparation of the Prospect Street Bridge project. The summer help has started and we are in the process of installing new meters again, and we are also working on replacing some catch basins.
He also informed council that we are getting really close to a closing date on the loan for the USDA SSO project. There are only a few more easements and title searches to be done and then we will be ready to go. It looks like that mid-July we will be bidding this out.
The street department has been working on mowing the lots of those homes that are abandoned or vacant in town, and they are also working on filling the pot holes around town. Letters have also been sent out regarding high grass to some homeowners.
ODOT has informed him that the Prospect Street Bridge Project has been awarded to RW Robertson out of Bellville. This project should be starting soon. The cost of the project is estimated at $408,675.56. This was a little over the engineers estimate.
In the Sanitation Department, we have run short on dumpsters several times already this summer so he ordered 4 more at a cost of $5,000.00.
Shawn then reported that the Park and the Reservoir will have a packed July. There are major things happening. There will be a Revelation Christian Youth Camping Retreat at the Reservoir starting Friday, July26 through Sunday, July 28. There will be live bands and inspirational speakers. We are hoping this is an annual event. Also on July 13, there will be "Rockin at the Res" on Saturday, July13 from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm. At this point there will be 14 bands performing, there will be Fireworks at dark by Terry Granneman. This also sponsored by Castle Music, and 95.3 WLKR, K96, and Ohio Grown. Tickets are available at the Village Office and will be located elsewhere for purchase.
Ellen Simmons asked what the "Jammin at the Reservoir" was. Jonna stated that is blue grass and country and is sponsored by the Camping association at the Reservoir. Shawn stated that he thought there will be more dates on the "Jammin at the Reservoir".
Shawn informed council that we have received our trench boxes, and there will be a safety training session on these on Friday. A representative is coming in to hold this session for all workers.
Shawn also announced that the Military Products building has been sold to a John Deere Dealer out of Ashland. It would be Pollen Implement, a tractor and mower sales and repairs service.
Shawn said that is all he had for council.
John Chapin then announced that Gabe Hileman passed his test and is now a certified Class II Waste Water operator. Which is very helpful with the staffing at the Sewer Plant as he can now be the operator on record.
The Mayor asked for any reports from the Police Department. Chief Marko reported that they are in the process of updating their policy and procedure manual, and also including a social media policy. This should be completed in a month or two.
Chief also asked that he be paid for his vacation time that he has. He has too much on the books right at the moment and he either has to use it up, or have it paid out. He would like to be paid for this time. Jonna stated she thought that was in the Employee manual. Steve Bond stated yes it was and yes he could be paid for these hours.
Bill Curtis reported that Firelands Ambulance had a busy May. There were 38 runs in May, 27 in New London, 3 in Ruggles Township, 4 in Troy Township and Fitchville had 1. There were also 3 motor vehicle accidents.
The Mayor then asked for any public questions or statements. Jason Hales took the floor and stated he received a letter regarding the High Grass behind his property at 108 North Main. He stated he would like to leave this alone and let it grow up into trees. He had planted some Walnut Trees last year, and has some more to plant this year. He asked if other letters had been sent around town. Jonna stated yes, and two property owners have been cited and have gone to court already. Jason asked that he be allowed to let this area grow up natural.
Stuart Cooke suggested that we refer this to Zoning Inspector Bob James. Jonna took Jason's phone number and will contact Bob concerning this. Bob is to report back to council on this matter.
Ellen Simmons commented that the Rotary Club toured the new ambulance station yesterday, and she wanted council to know that their Community Center and Council Chambers will be rented this weekend for two different activities.
Harold Welch then took the floor asking for help on a property line dispute. After some discussion John Chapin stated he would go down with one of the police officers to see if they can locate the property pin.
The Mayor then presented Ordinance 13-15, an ordinance allowing the Fiscal Officer to transfer $5,000 from the General Fund to the Rainy Day Fund. This would be the second reading on this ordinance. Curtis made a motion to approve the second reading of this ordinance. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No One opposed.
Ordinance 13-16, an ordinance amending the employee handbook concerning vehicle use policy. This ordinance was placed on a second reading. Martin made a motion to approve the second reading of this ordinance. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Resolution 13-04, a resolution allowing the Village to enter into contract with the Huron County Emergency management for a year. This ordinance was placed on a second reading. Myers made a motion to approve the second reading. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Ordinance 13-17, an ordinance allowing the Fiscal Officer to amend the 2013 appropriations due to receiving unexpected monies in the General Fund. This ordinance was placed on a first reading. Myers made a motion to approve the first reading. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Resolution 13-05- A Resolution authorizing and providing for a loan through USDA for the SSO - Sewer Project. This resolution was placed on an emergency measure. Curtis made a motion to suspend the rules to allow this resolution to be passed on an emergency. Paramore seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No One opposed.
Myers then made a motion to approve Resolution 13-05 on an emergency. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call: Martin - yes; Curtis- yes; Cooke - yes; Myers - yes; Paramore - yes; and Anderson - yes.
The Mayor then asked for any old business. There was none.
The Mayor then asked for any new business. Cooke asked about a bill listed for payment tonight that we purchased dirt for the ball fields at the park. Jonna explained that this dirt was paid for through the Little Leagues Bat-A-Thon. Joe had worked with Mrs. Albuagh on setting up and running the Bat-A Thon so that all of the ball fields could get new dirt.
The Mayor presented Schedule A of the bills to be approved for payment. Myers made a motion to approve Schedule A. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then presented Schedule B of the bills for approval. Martin made a motion to approve Schedule B. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call: Martin -yes; Curtis - yes; Cooke - abstain; Myers - disqualify herself; Paramore - yes; and Anderson _yes.
The Mayor then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Martin made this motion. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. Meeting adjourned.
Jonna RowlandDarwin K. Anderson
Fiscal OfficerMayor