Regular City Council Meeting 2.19.18

The regular city council meeting for the City of Neola opened at 5:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Dawn Goodsell was present along with city council membersKarla Pogge,Robb Lockey, Joe Munch and Nicole Schneckloth. Clint Fichter,Jeremy VanArsdol,Paul Ward, Eric Wingert and Heidi Erwin were also in attendance.

Motion to approve the agenda made by Munch and seconded by Pogge. All in favor.

Motion to approve the consent agenda including minutes from regular Council meeting 1/15/18, Fire Department meeting minutes 2/6/18, claims and payroll, financials, Pott. Co. Sherriff’s monthly report, EMS Billing Rate Schedule 2018, Muxfeldt Associates FY 17 annual exam recommendations and housing program application for David Schierbrock for 600 2nd St. made by Munch and seconded by Lockey. All in favor.

Motion to approve developer’s $3,500.00 housing program incentive for Cook Brother’s LLC made by Pogge and seconded by Munch. All in favor.

Discussion on a uniform contract. No action made.

Motion to table community signs made by Munch and seconded by Pogge. All in favor.

Motion to table Matulka’s property at 104 & 108 Front St public right-of-way beatification made by Munch and seconded by Pogge. All in favor.

Discussion on initial budget, the public hearing will be 3/5/18 at 5:30 pm for FY 19 budget estimate. No action made.

Discussion on Taylor property. No action made.

Discussion on Meyerring property, procedures for annexation and Urban Renewal to amend the TIF district, discussed different lot sizes and concept plans. No action made.

Brett Cook mentioned that the lot sizes at Whispering Creek were 80’-85’ so if the Meyerring property were 85’ that would be better.

Employee Reports: VanArsdol reported that they have been working in the water plant painting the pipes and floor. Wingert reported that he will be having knee surgery tomorrow and will be off for a few days recovering. Erwin presented a report on utilities from last month. There were 87 delinquent letters, 20 red tags and no shut offs & gave an update on pool applicants.

Munch gave an update on the trails meeting & Arrowhead Obstacle Trail Run will be on 4/28/18 all proceeds benefit Pottawattamie County Trails Association to build a paved bike and running trail. Goodsell will be going to a Pottawattamie County Accessors meeting tomorrow and update the Council on how the meeting went when it is over.

Motion to adjourn made by Pogge and seconded by Lockey. All in favor. Meeting officially adjourned at 6:42 pm.

Heidi Erwin