Regular Board Meeting Minutes

March 20, 2017

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March 20, 2017

The Regular Board Meeting of the Wattsburg Area School District Board of Education was held on March20, 2017 at the Wattsburg Area Elementary Center.
President Andy Pushchak called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were in attendance: Dr. Bill Hallock, Mr. Josh Paris, Mr. Marty Pushchak, Mrs. Brenda Sandberg, Mr. Aaron Snippert, and Dr. Andy Pushchak. Also in attendance were Mrs. Leslie Hutchinson, Assistant to the Superintendent; Mrs. Vicki Bendig, Business Administrator and Attorney Christine McClure, Solicitor. Those members absent were: Mr. Eric Duda, Mrs. Nancy McNally, Mrs. Amanda Thayer-Zacks and Mr. Kenneth Berlin, Superintendent.
The pledge was led by Ms. Burns, the elementary art teacher and Alayna Ramsay (K), Isabella Black (3), Ella Geiger (4), McKenna Edwards (4) and William Van Hooser (K) who won awards in the art show. / Roll Call
Motion by Mrs. Sandberg, seconded by Mr. Snippert to approve the agenda and addendum as presented. Motion by Mr. Paris to remove the NCI Purchase Agreement from the agenda. The amended motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Agenda
Motion by Mrs. Sandberg, seconded by Dr. Hallock to approve minutes from the February 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting and Building and Grounds Committee Meeting and the March 13, 2017 Work Session. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Meeting Minutes
During the school reports, Mr. Podpora and Mr. Hudnall introduced the Science Olympiad High School Team: Nicole Law, Amanda Gryskevicz, Ryan Alloway and Nicole Schwab. The WAMS team members are: Lauren Cass, Brynn Tefft, Haley Poe and Emma Carrier. The teams will be representing the district at the state competition. The teams thanked the board for the support of the district in sending them to the competition and their experiences being on the team. / School Report
Gerri Lynn Schultz addressed the Board with concerns of busing and students crossing busy roads to board or exit the bus. She shared there is an online petition to mandate that children not cross the road while boarding or exiting the busses. She questioned if anything was being done about this in our district. Dr. Pushchak responded that the district is evaluating the situation and shares in the concern for students’ safety and once all information has been obtained and evaluated, the district will decide on what action can be taken. / Visitor
Mrs. Hutchinson introduced the IT Steering Committee Members who shared their experience of attending the PETE & C (PA Education Technology Exposé & Conference) Conference in Hershey. Ten employees of the district attended this conference and brought back many ideas for developing technology for educators to utilize in the classroom and for professional development to further WASD students use of technology. The committee will continue to develop and implement the use of technology throughout the district. / Superintendent’s Report
Motion by Mr. Pushchak, seconded by Mr. Snippert to approve the following reports, payments and invoices as presented:
·  Revenue & Expenditure Reports
o  General Fund: $8,357,320.24
o  Capital Reserve Fund:
o  Cafeteria $
·  Checks and Invoices
o  Exhibit A1 Checks Already Written: $63,082.60
o  Exhibit A2 General Fund Bills: $276,571.23
o  Exhibit A3 Checks Already Written: $7,136.96
o  Exhibit B Cafeteria Bills: $28,563.70
o  Exhibit B1 Cafeteria Checks Already Written:
o  Exhibit C Capital Project Fund Bills:
o  Exhibit D SHS Activity Fund Report: $56,081.71
Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Business Administrator’s
Motion by Dr. Hallock, seconded by Mr. Snippert to accept the resignation of Nancy McNally from the Board of Directors effective March 20, 2017. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Board Director Resignation
Motion by Mr. Snippert, seconded by Mrs. Sandberg to advertise for applications of parties interested in serving on the Board of Directors. Applicants to submit a letter of intent for the board to review. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Advertise for Director Vacancy
Motion by Mr. Pushchak, seconded by Dr. Hallock to approve the Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit General Operating Budget for the 2017-2018 school year in the amount of $57,218,724.00 and to further approve Wattsburg Area School District’s contribution to the General Operating (Fund 010) and the School Improvement Services (Fund 020) budgets of the Intermediate Unit for the 2017-2018 fiscal year in the amount of $31,916.34. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit 2017-2018 Budget
Motion by Mr. Pushchak, seconded by Mrs. Sandberg to approve the 2017-2018 General Fund Operating Budget for the Erie County Area Vocational-Technical School in Secondary Programs and Regional Career and Technical Center Adult programs as presented for adoption. The 2017-2018 General Fund Budget includes total expenditures of $6,974,581 with total district contributions of $3,996,901 (Wattsburg $293,935) as outlined in Exhibit F. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Erie County Technical School 2017-2018 Budget
Motion by Mr. Snippert, seconded by Mrs. Sandberg to approve the use of WAMS Cafeteria, by the Seneca Music Boosters on April 7, 2017 from 5:00 – 9:00 PM for a Paint & Snack Fundraiser at no cost to the requestor. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Facility Use Requests
Motion by Mrs. Sandberg, seconded by Mr. Snippert to approve the following:
·  The additions to the Kelly Educational Staffing Substitute List as outlined in Exhibit G.
·  Amy Bender as an addition to the Service Personnel Substitute List for the 2016-2017 school year.
·  The resignations of Ben Stepnowski, Client Technology Specialist effective March 10, 2017 and Melissa “Jill” Pence, Medical Assistant effective March 31, 2017.
·  The following conference requests:
o  Jim Caspar to attend PMEA State Conference in Erie, PA on April 20-21, 2017 at an estimated cost of $370.00. Funds from Professional Development.
o  Lesley Lopez to attend the 2017 Pennsylvania Music Educator’s Annual Conference, April 20 -21, 2017 in Erie, PA at an estimated cost of $320. Funds from Professional Development.
o  Vicki Bendig and Rebecca Leone to attend K12 User Group Conference on May 10, 2017 in Harrisburg, PA. Cost: $350. Funds from Business Administrator Conferences.
·  Intermittent Family Medical Leave for Trina Zielinski effective March 13, 2017 according to the WASD/WESPA Local 2 Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement.
·  The Wattsburg Area School District Organizational Chart as outlined in Exhibit H.
·  The revised Job Description for Technology Systems and Services Network Specialist as outlined in Exhibit I.
Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Kelly Substitutes
Service Personnel Substitute
Conference Requests
Leave Request
WASD Organizational Chart
Job Description
Motion by Dr. Hallock, seconded by Mr. Snippert to approve the MOU between the Caring Place and Wattsburg Area School District as outlined in Exhibit J. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Caring Place MOU
Motion by Mr. Paris, seconded by Mrs. Sandberg to approve the Internet Provider Service Agreement between ZITO Business and WASD as outlined in Exhibit K. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / ZITO Business Agreement
Motion by Mrs. Sandberg, seconded by Mr. Snippert to approve the transportation requests as outlined in Exhibit M. Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Transportation Requests
Motion by Mrs. Sandberg, seconded by Dr. Hallock to approve the following:
·  the additions to the WASD Volunteer List as outlined in Exhibit N.
·  the resignation of Ben Stepnowski as Audio Visual Coordinator effective March 10, 2017.
·  the appointment of Kathy Holland as a Rainbow Advisor for the 2016-2017 school year at the compensation rate of $309.
·  the appointment of Jon DiBello as 2nd Assistant Boys’ Soccer Coach, Step 1, $1,885 for the 2017-2018 school year.
Motion was approved by a voice vote with no opposition. Motion carried. / Volunteer List
Athletic Appointment
Dr. Pushchak reported that the Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit Board has decided to appoint the current assistant director, Dean Maynard to the director position (due to the untimely death of Dr. Fred Johnson). They will then look at the reorganization and consolidations. / Northwester Tri-County Intermediate Unit
Dr. Pushchak shared that Mr. Berlin is in the hospital recovering. He is doing well. / Board Correspondence
There being no further business before the Board, upon motion by Dr. Hallock, seconded by Mr. Snippert the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m. / Adjournment
Signature on File
Vicki Bendig
School Board Secretary