Registration Form Korean Language and Culture Program Matsunaga Elementary School Summer 2013

Please complete this form and return payment in order to register your child for the upcoming Korean Language and Culture Program. There will be two same sessions held this summer. Session 1 will be held from June 18 – June 28, 2013. Session 2 will be held from July 1 – July 12, 2013 (there will be no school on July 4). Each session will be Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from school.

If you have any questions concerning this program, please feel free to contact Mrs. Michelle Park at 301-601-4350 (ext. 200).

My child ______is interested in attending the MatsunagaE.S.Summer 2013Korean Language and Culture Program. Please select:

Session 1 ______($50.00)or(and) Session 2 ______($50.00)

Current Grade ______School name______Teacher’sName ______

Korean Proficiency Level:

_____ Beginner (Student knows little or no Korean. Cannot read or write the Korean alphabet.)

_____ Intermediate (Student can read and write the Korean alphabet as well as basic sight words.)

_____ Advanced (Student can read and write short to long sentences in Korean.)


Parent Name (please print)Parent/Guardian Signature

Date ______

Contact Information:

Cell # ______Home # ______Work # ______

Email address ______

Allergies? Please list ______

A SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM MCPS Approved Program at Matsunaga Elementary School for students currently in grades Kindergarten through 4th Grade


Session 1 – June 18 - June 28, 2013 Session 2 – July 1 - July 12, 2013 (no school on July 4, 2013)

Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

We are so excited to once again have the opportunity to make available to our students the Korean Language/Culture Program, a MCPS approved program funded by a grant from the Korean Embassy.

Your student will spend three hours a day having great fun learning the rich language and culture of Korea.

The lessons taught will meet the needs of individual children at all levels of Korean language proficiency, whether they are brand new to the language or heritage speakers.

Your student will enjoy cultural arts activities including: calligraphy, traditional dance and drumming, Tae Kwon Do, Jong Yi Jup Ki and field trip(s).

The program is aligned with the Foreign Language in the Elementary School (FLES) curriculum.

This program is free (except for a $50.00 activity fee to cover the cost of supplies) for each session.Checks should be made out to: Matsunaga Elementary School

Please fill out the form on the back to register! If you have any questions, please contact the school at 301-601-4350(ext. 200, Mrs. Michelle Park).