Registration Form for Full Paper
I. Registration Instructions for Full Paper
Oral Presentations & Full Paper publication (Full Paper): Attendance to all sessions, 15 minutes (Q&A included) to present your paper orally, Certificate, Name tag, Conference bag, Souvenir,Lunches, coffee breaks and Dinner, Conference Program, Chance to be selected as the winner of best oral presentation (one winner in each session), Full paper be published into the conference proceeding, Conference Proceeding, online and indexing service.
II. Participant Information
*Your Name: / Interest field:*Position: √ Prof. □ Assoc. Prof. □ Dr. □ Mr. □ Ms. □
*Paper ID: / *Paper pages: / *E-mail:
*Paper Title
* Will you attend the conference in person?(Please choose √)
*Participant’s name:
All the materials of participation will be prepared under this name, One registration invite one author to come
Any changes, please inform us 30 days before the conference, or the participant should be responsible for the consequences.
*Participant’s Affiliation(Organization or University): / One-inch-Photo here
(*please take a photo to the conference if you didn’t put one here)
* Chose the presentation terms
Oral Presentation □ / Poster Presentation □
NO □
*Conference materials will be posted to your address after the conference.
*Invoice Title (to whom will the receipt/invoice be issued):
*Mailing Address:Please provide the details
Paper ID: XXXXX (APEEC 2019)
Phone NO:
Special dietary:
Diabetic □ Vegetarian □ Muslim □ Other □ (please specify: )
How do you know our conference:
Recommendation □: (please specify: )
Advertising Website □: (please specify: )
III. ConferenceRegistration Fee
Full Papers / Normal RegistrationStudents / USD 500 | RMB 3170
Regular Authors / USD 550 | RMB 3510
Additional Paper / USD 350 | RMB 2230
Additional Page / USD 70 | RMB 445 /page
Optional One Day tour / USD 100 | RMB 638
Your Choice
* One regular registration can cover a paper within Five pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
** One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only ONE proceeding book.
***Please provide a student card or an official letter on your institution or organization's letterhead which indicates proof of your status as a Student.
IV. Payment Terms
- Online Payment linkage:
*VISA and Master card ONLY. No handling fees, please calculate the right amount and pay.
Please fill in the E-mail and Confirmation Number you received after paying.
E-mail: / Confirmation Number:- Bank Transfer
If you are not able to use the online payment system and need to pay by bank transfer, please directly contact with separately.
- PayPal
If you are not able to use neither the online payment system nor bank transfer, please use PayPal with the following account:
Please fill in the following form for us to check your payment after you finished the payment:
Payment Order No.Payer’s Name:
Payment Date:
PayPal Amount:
Thanks for your time, PLEASE RETURN the completedRegistration Form, Final Papers (DOC and PDF), Payment Voucher, and Copyright Form to (BeforeDecember10, 2018)
APEEC Conference Committee
Chengdu, China