Meeting Minutes
Ft. Worth, TX
5/6 February 2001
Attending:Scott RichterNot Attending:Reg Blake
Don BuehlerPierre Salle
Dale Gordon
Craig Korkoian
Jay Park
Dave Smith
Jay Meyers, Gretchen Brothers & Lauren Fortney – SAE
The RMC met this date beginning at 1:00 PM CST at the Stockyards Hotel.
- The minutes of the previous meeting were not available.
- AIR5359A Status: the SAE Aerospace Council (AC) as of this date has not approved the document. There was some confusion about the version of the draft being approved. DG provided an overview of the draft document and some of the changes that were made to align with International activities. The document will be published as soon as the AC approves it.
- AIR5493 Status: this is also pending the AC approval and should be available soon. There was also some confusion on the version issue. Both documents are approved by the AAQG.
Action:DG took an action to resolve the version issues with SAE
- AS 9100 Program launch: The program is ready to go and the applications were sent to RAB Registrars to complete and submit. To date there are 14 applications for AS9100 registration accreditation. There are corresponding requests for auditor upgrades and approvals. It is anticipated that the first registrations can begin March 1 even though the AIR documents are not available yet.
- Registrars, Data Reporting and Auditor Listing: The RMC discussed how best to handle these items. It was previously agreed to have the RAB list the approved Registrars (to either AS9000 or AS9100) on the RAB web site. This was seen as acceptable and should continue. SAE has the database on auditors and will maintain that database for the AAQG. The question came up about how best to access this data. SAE took an action to see about how best to be able to make this information available to the AAQG members for search and query, yet protect the database from inadvertent changes. The data to be submitted by the Registrars and OEM’s performing the audits was also discussed. AIR5359A requires the Registrars to report certain information to SAE for AAQG purposes. There needs to be a database established to collect this information and a method for AAQG query on the audits and organizations that are approved or registered to AS9100 / AS9000. Again SAE took an action item to determine the best method for handling, protecting and making this data available. A request was made to look at electronic submission as well as paper or fax.
ACTION:Gretchen Brothers to report to the RMC on how best to handle the Approved Auditor database access.
ACTION:Jay Meyers and Gretchen Brothers to determine the best method for handling the submitted information and the method of submission.
- Nonconformance Issue: DG raised the issue of how Major and Minor nonconformance are handled by the Registrars during Registration and during surveillance visits. The AIR5359A is a hybrid of the QS-9000 and ISO 9000 rules. The RMC considered this and decided to leave the rules unchanged. This means the organizations will have to have all nonconformance closed before they can get their certification. However, minors found during surveillance visits will not have to have verification of closure until the next surveillance. It was determined that minors should not be a big burden to organizations to get closed unless there are problems with the system. The Registrar needs to determine the acceptability and methods for closure.
- Approval of Registrars and Auditors: The RMC met in closed door session with the RAB to review auditor and registrar applications. 2 Registrars and their auditors were approved for AS9100. 12 other applications are pending more information or additional submittal requirements to meet the AIR5359A requirements. 1 Registrar was approved to AS9000. RAB will publish all RMC decisions on its Web site.
RMC Adjourned for the day
RMC resumed at 8:00 am on Tuesday Feb. 6th.
- International Issue: The RMC discussed the IAQG request to have one method for Registration / Approval worldwide. DG reported that the IAQG team to put this together was meeting in Indianapolis on Feb 22nd to finalize recommendations to the IAQG. AIR 5359A was being used as the model. There is however problems with cross border acceptance of local control and the problems of an International RMC are not easily solved.
- Presentation by IATCA: The International Auditor Training and Certification Association made a presentation to the RMC on how the organization is structured and operates. IATCA is offering to use its member organizations and processes to help the AAQG develop an International auditor training and certification program for aerospace. The RMC was interested and asked many questions. It was decided that this information would be presented to the IAQG sub-team and that any decisions of this nature would be made through the IAQG with AAQG concurrence.
Action: DG to include this information as part of the Feb. 22nd Sub-team meeting.
- RMC Membership: The RMC discussed the RMC make-up and it was determined that the AAQG would be asked to replace 2 members. Jay Park and Dale Gordon are to rotate off the RMC. (Subsequent AAQG decision was to have Robert Cook and Will Tate as replacements. Robert Cook will be the new Chair).
ACTION:Jay Park to request AAQG to appoint 2 new RMC members.
- Next Meeting: The next regular physical meeting of RMC will be at 1:00 p.m., May 14th in Montreal, the day before the AAQG meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM.