Issue 1 January 2003

Registered Automotive Workshop NewsPage 1

Issue 1 January 2003

From the editor

Welcome to the first edition of the Registered Automotive Workshop News. This is an electronic newsletter for all RAWS participants and contains articles of interest to RAWs about developments in the industry and in the Administration of the RAW Scheme. RAW News will be published approximately every two months on the RAWS web site. I would encourage all RAWS participants who have questions or concerns about the Scheme to put their questions in writing and send them to the RAWS email address . We will try to respond to your questions through RAW News.

Finally I would like to wish you all a happy New Year.

Stephen Spencer

SEVS eligibility – Mazda Proceed

Due to an administrative error the Mazda Proceed Marvie/Cab Plus was entered on the Register of Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles as entry number 025/00.

This error has now been corrected and the entry removed from the Register.

The Mazda Proceed Marvie/Cab Plus model is not eligible for entry on the Register, as the same model has been supplied to the Australian market in full volume as the Ford Raider.

If you have received approval to import this model, or have already imported a vehicle of this model, you should contact Lal Goonewardene on phone (02)62747500 as soon as possible to discuss future action in relation to the vehicle.

It should be noted the Mazda Proceed Marvie/Cab Plus model cannot be used as a sample vehicle for RAW approval. RAW applicants will need to obtain import approval for a different model for importation as the first sample vehicle for RAW approval purposes.

Plating of used vehicles imported under transitional approvals (old CPAs)

All vehicles imported under letters of agreement must be plated by end of 7 May 2003. A RAW may make an application during the transition period (ie before the end of 7 May 2003) for approval to place a used import plate on a vehicle imported under an old CPA. The normal procedures apply, for example, the vehicle model would need to be added to the RAW’s Schedule of Approved Vehicles.

Vehicle Inspection Manual

VSS Inspectors are now using the Vehicle Inspection Manual for conducting sample vehicle inspections. This will soon be available for download from the RAWS Website to assist in preparing for a vehicle inspection.

In the meantime, if you require any information relating to the Manual, please email your query to .

ADR applicability dates

Where an ADR was made applicable progressively for new models and at a later date for all vehicles, the ADR requirements will apply to used imported vehicles based on the start date of the Build Date Range mentioned in the Register of Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles.

For example: the Mazda RX-7 FD35 has an eligibility start date of 09/1999 as per entry no. 032/00 on the Register. The applicability for ADR 73/00 is from 1 January 2000 on all new model MA vehicles and from 1 January 2004 for all MA vehicles. As the start date of the build date eligibility range precedes the 1 January 2000 new model applicability date these vehicles need not comply with ADR 73/00 until the commencement date for all vehicles of 1 January 2004. That is, vehicles of this model built on or after 1 January 2004 must comply with the ADR.

It is acceptable for vehicles to comply with requirements ahead of the mandatory applicability date

Importation of modified vehicles

The RAWS Team have received a number of inquiries regarding the importation and plating of vehicles that have been modified from standard. The questions being asked are:

  • can we import and plate vehicles that may have after-market or non-standard components fitted to them; or
  • do we have to fit original equipment parts to the vehicle so that it is a standard vehicle; or
  • do we have to destroy or export the after-market parts?

The answer to these questions lies at the heart of the RAWS evidence requirements.

Firstly the key requirements for RAWS vehicles are:

a) for non L group vehicles, of a make and model listed on the Register of Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles; and

b) compliance with the requirements set out in the determination for an Approval to Place a Used Import Plate can be demonstrated.

The Register bases decisions of eligibility on the specification of the vehicle at the time of original manufacture. So for vehicles to be imported under a particular eligibility decision they must have been of a specification complying with the ruling when they were first manufactured.

The complication with regard to modified vehicles comes with the RAW being able to demonstrate that the vehicle in the specification to be plated meets one of the acceptable alternative standards (E-mark, Full Volume Vehicle, CRN, USA/Canada origin, Japanese origin, analysis) or complies with the requirements set out in the ADRs. If the RAW cannot demonstrate that a particular component that affects compliance for an ADR is as fitted to the vehicle when it was first supplied to the market in Japan/USA/Canada, then it cannot use this as a basis of demonstrating compliance with the ADR evidence requirements.

For example, you may want to import a vehicle with non standard, or after market wheels. The options for determining compliance for ADR 20 in this case are (a) to demonstrate that the wheels have been certified on a vehicle with full volume approval in Australia, or (b) conduct full testing for ADR 20 for that particular style of wheel.

The above approach can be used for all components depending on the acceptable evidence types for ADRs affected by non standard or after market components.

In the event that a RAW decides a component does not comply with the requirements, or the RAW decides that it is too costly to demonstrate compliance, the RAW is expected to export or destroy that component except in the case of tyres, which may be sold.

ADR evidence determination

The Motor Vehicle Standards (Approval to Place Used Import Plates) Determination 2002 (No 2) was signed by Senator Boswell on 12 December 2002 and commenced on 18 December 2002. This Determination revokes the earlier version signed on 31 January 2002.

In this version the evidence requirements against some ADRs have been amended to provide additional flexibility. Some of the changes have been as a result of industry consultation. The changes also mean that vehicles sourced from Canada will be treated the same as vehicles from the USA. A number of editorial changes have also been made to clarify the evidence requirements and correct inconsistencies in the presentation of the material.

The Determination is now available on the RAWS legislation page at If you have any questions in relation to the changes please call Lal Goonewardene on telephone (02) 6274 7500 or send an email to .

RAWS seminars

During the week 25-29 November three staff from Vehicle Safety Standards presented seminars in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. All of the seminars were well attended and from the feedback received provided some much needed information to RAWs and prospective RAWs. A copy of the presentation will be made available on the RAWS website shortly.

RAWS website

The next release of RAWS should be available on the Internet early in the New Year. RAWS 3 will provide users access to information on RAW companies and approved vehicles. The secure website will provide RAWS and applicants with access to information on the status of their applications as well as discussion items raised by VSS.

Stay tuned - in late January we will release a new online application fee payment module that should see dramatic improvements in form processing time.

Certification bodies update

Benchmark Certification Pty Ltd has now been accredited by JAS-ANZ as a certification body.

JAS-ANZ has now accredited two certification bodies for RAWS Audits. Information on who can do RAWS Audits can be obtained from


For a prompt reply to any RAWS related queries, please email .

Registered Automotive Workshop NewsPage 1

Issue 1 January 2003