RegionalWorking Document Template


The main goal ofthe V Encuentro is to discern ways in which the Church in the United States can better respond to the Hispanic/Latino presence, and to strengthen the ways in which Hispanics/Latinos respond to the call to the New Evangelization as missionary disciples serving the entire Church.

The regional process is designed to advance this goal, with the V National Encuentro in view. At this point, the local Encuentros in parishes, organizations, and dioceses have been completed, but the impact of the experience of encounter with Christ and with our sisters and brothers in the peripheries is much more lasting. The task nowis to ensure that the ideas, insights and recommendations borne out of the consultation, reflection, and dialogue will be applied throughout the Church with support from pastoral leaders at the regional level, as well as to initiate reflection on how national organizations and ecclesial structures can guide and strengthen those efforts.

TheRegionalWorking Documentwill faithfully summarize the voices from the peripheries and parishes, so that their concerns can be heard and responded to throughout the Church. It will also highlight the recommendations and strategiesidentified at the Diocesan Encuentros—both for the individual dioceses themselves, and for the Region as a whole. As such, it serves as the primary point of reference in the dialogue that will occur at the Regional Encuentro. In turn, the Documentalso significantly benefitsthe V Encuentro process in its ability to raise awareness, make recommendations,and provide resources and support at every level in the Church.

The following template will be utilized by the National Research Team, in collaboration with the RegionalTeam,in constructing an effective Working Document. The National Team, under the direction of Ken Johnson-Mondragón, will prepare the first draft of the document in one language, unless the Regional Team expresses a preference to prepare the first draft themselves. If the other language is needed, it is the responsibility of the Regional Team to prepare the translation, once the document is finalized in the first language.

When writing the Document, delete the instructions and only leave the bold section headers and questions in black.An important part of the process for the Regional Encuentros will involve reflection and discussion related to selected or assigned Ministerial Areas, chosen from among the areas that will be discussed at the V National Encuentro. The Regional Team will determine the appropriate number of Ministerial Areas to be studied, based on the space available and the number of delegates who will be in attendance. The National Team will then assign one Ministerial Area to the Region, and the remaining Ministerial Areas will be selected based on their prevalence among the recommendations and strategies identified in the diocesan reports. The Ministerial Areas are:

Ministerial Areas:

  1. Catholic Education (K-12)
  2. Higher Education
  3. Campus Ministry
  4. Youth Ministry
  5. Young Adult Ministry
  6. Faith Formation and Catechesis
  7. Leadership Development & Ministry Formation
  8. Family Ministry
  9. Pro-Life Ministry
  10. Justice and Peace
  11. Global Solidarity
  12. Care for the Environment
  13. Migrant Ministry
  14. Liturgy and Spirituality
  15. Ecumenism
  16. Ministry with the Incarcerated and Detained
  17. Ministry among People with Disabilities
  18. Immigration
  19. Vocations
  20. Ecclesial Movements
  21. Human Development
  22. Intercultural Competencies
  23. Communications and New Media
  24. Scripture and Theology
  25. Stewardship and Development
  26. Evangelization and Mission
  27. Latinas in Church and Society
  28. Hispanics in Public and Professional Life

Regional Working Document

Part I: Regional Information

Region: ______

Date of Regional Encuentro: ______

Location of Regional Encuentro:

City/State: ______

Name of Facility: ______

  1. Briefly describethe Region:[Include:geographic size, overall population served, number of parishes, missions, and schools, the number that serve the Hispanic/Latino community, and the ethnic/linguistic and socioeconomic composition—taken from the Diocesan Working Documents]
  1. RegionalTeam:

Name / Title / Ethnicity / Generation

Part II: TheVoices of Hispanic/Latino People in the Peripheries

3.Summarize the highlights and common themes regarding the obstacles, needs, and situationsthat requirepastoral attention and that prevent Hispanics/Latinos living on the periphery from reaching their potential in U.S. society:

See the answers from Q3 of the Diocesan Working Documents. Organize the themes into categories utilizing the Ministerial Areas listed at the beginning of this template. It is not necessary to utilize all 28 areas—just include those that are most pertinent to the data in the Diocesan Working Documents for your Region. Limit your answer to no more than 2 pagesin length.

4.Summarize the highlights and common themes regarding their most significanthopes and dreams, as well as the gifts andtalentsthey could bring to the Catholic Church,and for the common good of society:

See the answers from Q4 of the Diocesan Working Documents. Organize the themes into categories utilizing the Ministerial Areas listed at the beginning of this template. It is not necessary to utilize all 28 areas—just include those that are most pertinent to the data in the Diocesan Working Documents for your Region. Limit your answer to no more than 2 pagesin length.

Part III: The Voices from the Parish Communities and Participating Organizations

  1. List some of the successfulways in which dioceses in the Region are alreadyresponding tothe obstacles, challenges, and needs they have identified, as well asaffirming the presence and contributions of Hispanics/Latinos in the peripheries:

See the answers from Q5 of the Diocesan Working Documents. Organize the successful practices into categories utilizing the Ministerial Areas listed at the beginning of this template. It is not necessary to utilize all 28 areas—just include those that are most pertinent to the data in the Diocesan Working Documents for your Region. Limit your answer to no more than 2 pagesin length.

  1. List some of the best ideas and successful ways the dioceses in the Region gave for welcoming, accompanying, and embracing Hispanics/Latinos in their communities, especially: family ministries, adolescents and young adults, and those who have left the faith or are in at-risk situations:

See the answers from Q6of the Diocesan Working Documents. Organize the successful practices into categories utilizing the Ministerial Areas listed at the beginning of this template. It is not necessary to utilize all 28 areas—just include those that are most pertinent to the data in the DiocesanWorking Documents for your Region. Limit your answer to no more than2 pages in length.

  1. List some of the best ideas and successful ways the dioceses in the Region gave for promoting and accompanying Hispanic/Latino leaders? What more is needed for a greater number of Hispanic/ Latino Catholics to discern ecclesial vocations (priesthood, diaconate, religious life, lay ministry)?

See the answers from Q7 of the Diocesan Working Documents. Organize the successful practices into categories and limit your answer to no more than 2 pages in length.

  1. What are some important insights and noteworthyrecommendations that emerged from the dioceses throughout the process, especially ideas that have not yet been mentioned?

See the answers from Q8 of the Diocesan Working Documents. Organize the recommendations and insightsinto categories utilizing the Ministerial Areas listed at the beginning of this template. It is not necessary to utilize all 28 areas—just include those that are most pertinent to the data in the Diocesan Working Documents for your Region. Limit your answer to no more than 2 pages in length.

Part IV: Regional Strategies for the Pastoral Care and Accompanimentof Hispanic/Latino Catholics

Ministerial Area #1:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #2:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #3:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #4:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #5:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #6:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #7:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #8:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #9:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:
Ministerial Area #10:
Strategy #1:
Strategy #2:
Strategy #3:
Strategy #4:
Strategy #5:
Strategy #6:
Strategy #7:
Strategy #8:
Strategy #9:
Strategy #10:

Appendix 1: Statistical Summary of the V Encuentro Implementation in the Region

1. Participation of Parishes and Organizations*
Type of Organization / How many
sent teams for training? / How many completed the five sessions? / How many did a Parish or Group Encuentro? / How many sent in their final report? / How many sent delegates to the Diocesan Encuentro?
A. Parishes
B. Elementary & High Schools
C. Colleges & Universities
D. Movements & Organizations
E. Dioceses That Did Not Report

* The numbers in the table represent numbers of parishes or organizations, not individual participants.

2. If any movements or organizations participated, please list them here—even if their members collaborated in their Parish Encuentros instead of doing it on their own.

See Q2 in Appendix 1 of the Diocesan Working Documents, as well as the groups mentioned on p. 1 of the Diocesan Post-Encuentro Supplements. If a single group is mentioned in more than one report, indicate in parentheses the number of dioceses that had participation from that group. Also name the dioceses that did not report this information.

3. Briefly describe the participants of the five sessions and consultation process.

Add the numbers from Q3 in Appendix 1 the Diocesan Working Documents.

A. Overall no. of participants:______

B. No. of youth or young adults:______

C. Ethnicities:Hispanic/Latino:______Black/Afr: ______White/Eur: ______

Native American:______Asian:______Other: ______

D. Language Preference:English:______Spanish:______


E. Dioceses that did not provide this information: ______


4. Briefly describe the Hispanics/Latinos encountered in the peripheries.

Add the numbers from Q4 in Appendix 1 of the Diocesan Working Documents.

A. Who they are:

How many people were reached overall in the three missionary actions? ______

Young adults:______Adults:______Families: ______

B. Locations: (Do not list all—just organize them into categories, andidentify the most common.)

C. Gender:How many men? ______How many women? ______

D. Language Pref.:English:______Spanish:______


E. Religious identity:Catholic:______Non-Catholic:______

F.Countries of origin: (List the top 5, and give an estimate of the percentage for each. It does not have to add up to 100%.)

1. ______%

2. ______%

3. ______%

4. ______%

5. ______%

G. Dioceses that did not provide this information: ______


5. How welcome do Hispanics/Latinos on the periphery feel by the Catholic Church?

Provide an average percentage for each category, based on Q5 in Appendix 1 of the Diocesan Working Documents.

Very welcome:______%Welcome:______%

Somewhat:______%Not welcome:______%

6. Parish or Organizational Encuentro participants:

Add the numbers from Q6 in Appendix 1 of the Diocesan Working Documents.

Total male participants:______Average % over age 30:______%

Total female participants:______Average % ages 18-29:______%

Participated in 5 sessions:______Average % under 18:______%

Part. in some sessions:______Average % from movements:______%

Invited guests:______

Number of parishes that did not report Parish Encuentro registration data: ______

Number of parishes that did not provide estimates by age or movements: ______

Dioceses that did not provide this information: ______


7. Diocesan Encuentro participants:

Add together the numbers provided from the Diocesan Encuentro registration records or p. 1 of the Diocesan Post-Encuentro Supplement reports. For the percentages, provide the average percentage reported in the DiocesanPost-Encuentro Supplements.

Total male participants:______Average % over age 30:______%

Total female participants:______Average % ages 18-29:______%

Total participation:______Average % under 18:______%

Average % from movements:______%

Dioceses that did not provide this information: ______


8. How many potential new leaders have emerged in your (Arch)Diocese, ready to serve the Hispanic/Latino community and our diverse local communities and ministries?

Add the numbers from Q7 in Appendix 1 of the Diocesan Working Documents.

Dioceses that did not provide this information: ______


9. Evaluation data:

Add together the numbers provided from pp. 1 and 2 of the Diocesan Post-Encuentro Supplement reports. For the ratings, provide the average ratings from the reports. The “Summary of comments” is found at the bottom of p. 1 of the Diocesan Post-Encuentro Supplements.

Total number of evaluations received: ______

Number of dioceses that did not report Diocesan Encuentro evaluation data: ______

Average ratings from the Evaluations:

Introduction and Opening Prayer______

Moment 1 (Taking the First Step)______

Moment 2 (Getting Involved)______

Moment 3 (Accompanying)______

Moment 4 (Being Fruitful)______

Moment 5 (Celebrating)______

My voice / ideas were respected______

The Diocesan Encuentro met its goals______

Dioceses that did not provide this information: ______


Highlights and common themes from the “Summary of comments”:

Appendix 2: Statistical Summary of Hispanics/Latinos in the Region

This data will be provided by the V Encuentro’s national staff.

Region ## Regional Working Document, p. 1