Assessment Application for a Regional Interests Development Approval
Regional Planning Interests Act 2014
Capital lettering must be at least 2 mm in height and in a bold style
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Capital lettering must be at least 2 mm in height and in a bold style
For: <Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style / Insert the name of the project if applicable
State the type of resource activity/ies or regulated activity/ies proposed in the assessment application.
Briefly describe the activity, including whether it is a new of changed activity or an extension to an existing activity
State the anticipated time period for the activity, distinguishing between construction and operation is applicable
State the total area of surface impact in hectares (Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style)
Area of Regional Interest: Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style / Insert the area/s of regional interest (Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style)
Where: <Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style / Street address, suburb/locality and post code of the land the subject of the application and the closest town (Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style)
On: <Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in
height and in a bold style / <Real property description (e.g. lot on plan) and, if applicable, description and reference number for resource authority/ies or application/s for resource authority/ies that impact the land the subject of the application (e.g. MDL 678) (Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height)
Applicant: <Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style / <Insert the applicant’s name. If this is company name, include the ACN/ABN as applicable (Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height)
Contact person:
Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style / <Name and company (if applicable) of the contact person. The contact details for the applicant may be the contact details for a representative authorised to act on behalf of the applicant (e.g. a consultancy firm operating as the contact for the applicant). (Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height)
Ph: Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style / <Insert the contact person’s telephone number (Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height)
web: Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style / <Insert the applicant’s web address, if any (Capital lettering must be at least 1mm in height)
Application no.: Capital lettering must be at least
1 mm in height and in a bold style / <Insert the application number assigned by the RPI development assessment team to the application (Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height)
Closing day for submissions: Capital lettering must be at least 2 mm in height and in a bold style
<insert the date the notification period ends (Capital lettering must be at least 2 mm in height and in a bold style)
Properly made submissions must be made in writing; state the name of each person who made the submission, and state an address for service for at least one of the persons who made the submission.
Properly made submissions will be published on the RPI Act website ( or made available for public inspection at the DILGP offices, Level 13, 1 William St, Brisbane.
The making of a submission does not give rise to a right of appeal against a decision about the application.
<Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height >
Make submissions to: <Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style>
The assessor at: Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height
RPI Act Development Assessment Team
Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
PO Box 15009
City East QLD 4002
Capital lettering must be at least 1mm in height
Submissions may be also made electronically at
Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height
or hand delivered, by appointment, to:
RPI Act Development Assessment Team
DILGP Level 13, 1 William Street, Brisbane
Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height
Further information and a copy of the full application can be obtained from the RPI Act website Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height
Approved form under section 94 of the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 — version 1.0 Public Notice Capital lettering must be at least 1 mm in height and in a bold style

Text in the approved form designated by the descriptor < > are instructions outlining the minimum requirements for form headings and free text. The information contained within the descriptor < > must be deleted prior to finalising the form. Where the text is also highlighted, this must be replaced by free text necessary to complete the form.