National Events Programme

Round 31 Application Form

Deadline: Friday 2nd October 2015
For events 1stMay 2016


  • Before completing this form, please ensure you:

1. Read the eligibility and evaluation criteria available on

2. Contact EventScotland to register your interest and discuss your application well in advance of the deadline with an Event Manager. Applicants who discuss their applications in advance will generally submit more relevant requests that have greater rates of success- Telephone: 0131 472 2313

3. Please complete this application form in full; failure to provide all the requested information (including the appendices detailed on the checklist at the end of this form) will impact on the success of the application.

4. Please submit your application form in hard copy and electronic version to be sent to and/or on a DVD/Disc

5.Note that any previous EventScotland award must be completed with the necessary documentation submitted and approved prior to lodging a new application.


event details

  1. Event Information

Event Name:
Event Website:
Facebook Page:
Twitter Account:
Event Date/s:
Event Venue:
Local Authority Area:
When was the event established?
How often is the event held?
Number of previous years support received from EventScotland and/or Homecoming Scotland 2009/2014 (if applicable):
Description of event including overview of Programme / Content: (Max 100 words).
Event Purpose & Objectives:
  1. Applicant Organisation details

Lead Contact:
Position in Organisation:
Full name of organisation:
Legal name (if different):
Organisation Address:
Organisation Website (if different from event website):
When was the organisation established?
Describe the main aims and activity of the organisation (50 words max):
If you are not the event owner, please provide details of the event owner:

Organisation Type:

(please ‘X’ as appropriate)

Local Authority
Other Public Body (please specify)
Company Limited by Shares
Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Charity
Unincorporated Club/Association
Community Interest Company (C.I.C)
Other (please specify)

If applicable please tell us your:

Registered Company Number
VAT Registration Number
Registered Charity Number


Please state the total amount requested from EventScotland:
  1. What do you plan to spend your award on? (provide a costed breakdown of the planned activity)
  1. Please explain the rationale for the funding request and the impact this will have on the event? How would the requested funding help the event develop and grow?
  1. List the key members of the management team, their roles and relevant experience. For instance you should address who is responsible for marketing & PR, production, programming, sponsorship, budget management.

Marketing Plan

  1. It is expected that you will submit an Event Marketing Plan with your application. This should include:

Summary of event


Target markets

Objectives and Key Performance Indicators

Key strategies and initiatives

Marketing and PR Budgetary information

Marketing Plan templates can be found on and can be included within the required Business Plan (see question 5).

Event Business Plan

  1. It is expected that you will submit an Event Business Plan with your application. This should include:

Executive Summary including the vision and mission of the event

SWOT analysis

Event Overview

Development plans

Event Requirements

Marketing and Communications Plan

Financial Plans

Management and Business Controls

Risk Management

Please note that EventScotland funding is for a limited period and we would like to know how you will continue to stage and grow the event without EventScotland support and this should be addressed in your Business Plan. Business Plan templates can be found on .

  1. Budget

Please complete and save your budget in the embedded budget template spreadsheet provided below

The financial viability of your event is critical to the success of your application; therefore you must provide a transparent budget with full details, providing notes where necessary.

Public sector support is critical to the success of your application; please ensure all confirmed and unconfirmed support is clearly detailed in the budget template. This may include funding from organisations such as your Local Authority, Creative Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, HIE etc with each listed individually.

Please ensure all confirmed and unconfirmed private sector support is clearly detailed in the budget template.

Please provide letters of support from confirmed and unconfirmed (where available) public and private sector funders.

Your request to EventScotland should not amount to more than 25% of your total cash budget.

Please note that the budget is for the overall event and should include the detail of the proposed new activity in both the income and expenditure sections

Please complete the excel budget template below. Click save and it will be saved in to this document. If you need any assistance with this element of the application, please contact our office on 0131 472 2313.

Please also print out the budget separately and submit with the hard copy of your application.

  1. Please provide any necessary notes to explain your budget projections, e.g. your ticket pricing structure or items of income and expenditure that require further explanation:
  1. Please provide information about the sources and value of any in-kind support that the event receives:

Source / Service provided / Value
  1. State if your budget is presented as Net or Gross of VAT

(please ‘X’ as appropriate)

Net of VAT
Gross of VAT
  1. If the event has been held before, you MUST include a copy of the final event budget. This should be a summary of Income and Expenditure from the last event, not an annual Profit and Loss account nor a Statement of Transactions. Previous event budget attached (please ‘X’ as appropriate)


If ‘NO’ – please explain

SECTION 3 : Event impact


  1. (a) Please provide details of projected visitor attendance as well as attendance at previous event:

Attendance / Projected attendance in year of support / Previous years attendance

11. (b) It is assumed that the above information is ‘Total Attendance’ as opposed to ‘Unique Visitors’. Please confirm this in the appropriate box by adding an ‘X’:

Total Attendance
Unique Visitors

If you wish to add any further comments around your answer to question 11. (b), please do so in the following box:

Note: When estimating the impact of your event, EventScotland requires to understand whether you have provided us with the number of attendances or the number of unique vistors. For example - if one individual attends your event on two days then we count that as two ‘attendances’ but only one ‘unique visitor’. This is important to understand so that there is no double counting of the individual when measuring the impact of your event.

  1. Please provide an estimate of the percentage split whether the attendances in question 11 (a) are Day Visitors or Overnight Visitors as well as the breakdown for the previous year:

Note: For each category of attendees and for each event (Year of support and previous years event) the totals must add to 100%.

Attendees: Day/Overnight / % Day Attendances in year of support / % Overnight Attendances in year of support / Total % in year of support / % Day Attendances - previous years event / % Overnight Attendances - previous years event / Total % - previous years support
Performers/Staff / 100% / 100%
Volunteers / 100% / 100%
Spectators / 100% / 100%
  1. On average, how many nights do you estimate overnight visitors stay as a result of your event? Please also provide breakdown for the previous years event(i.e average length of stay per person):

Number of Nights / Projection in year of support / Previous years event
  1. Please estimate the percentage split for the anticipated geographic origin of attendances as well as the breakdown for the previous years event:

Note: For each event (year of support and previous years event) the totals must add to 100%.

Area / % Projection in year of support / % Previous years event
Rest of Local Authority region
Rest of Scotland
Rest of UK
TOTAL / 100% / 100%
  1. Please mark a ‘X’ in the appropriate box below that best summarises how the information from questions 11 to 15 was compiled:

Ticket Sales Analysis
Audience Research
Economic Impact Evaluation
Anecdotal Evidence

*** If you have marked either Audience Research or Economic Impact, please provide a copy of the report.

  1. Please outline any reasons for the chosen timing of the event. For example, does it complement another event or attract visitors outside of the peak tourist season? What steps have you taken to ensure it does not clash with other events?


  1. Describe the event’s role in and ability to promote the area in which it takes place (i.e. the relevance of the event to the host area, the role it plays in the positioning and branding of the area, synergies with any local, regional or national initiatives)


We are interested in the previous and potential media impact of your event as part of our objective to promote Scotland as the Perfect Stage for events.

We appreciate that you may not have all of the information requested below, but anything you can provide us will help us evaluate your application and contribute to our monitoring of media impact for the industry.

  1. Have you compiled a media report for previous years?

If yes, please supply this with your application, including whether it was generated in-house or by an external agency.

If you have not submitted a separate media report, please summarise the key media outcomes including print, online and radio coverage and TV reach achieved by the event:

Also If you have calculated the Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE), PR Value, TV Reach figures and Opportunities to See (OTS) please include in media report/or overview below:

  1. Please provide an overview of your planned media activity including details on:

Expected print, radio, online and TV coverage (please detail in overview breakdown of local, regional, national and international levels of coverage expected)
Secured resource to deliver media and PR activity
Secured media partnerships
Social media plans
Please also complete the below table to give current statistics:
Social Network / No. of current followers
Blogging - WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger etc
Event website- current user statistics
Event dedicated database/e-zines



  1. Detail any business opportunities presented by the event, e.g. business to business opportunities, potential to showcase or involve local businesses, opportunities for networking/sharing best practise.


  1. Your event is expected to have an environmental sustainability policy (see guidance and templates at for example) which you should attach to this application. You should also indicate in the boxes that apply the specific steps you will take in the management of this year’s event as you continue to assess and minimise its effects on the environment. It is recommended you sign up to the Resource Efficience Pledge to assist in the ongoing development of sustainability measures:

Plans and, where possible, targets for this year’s event
Waste recycling and or reduction AND confirmation that you are complying with the Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012
Energy efficiency and renewable energy
Water efficiency measures
Sustainable travel initiatives
Local purchasing, including suppliers and food and drink provision
Communication of environmentally sustainable initiatives to stakeholders and especially event attendees


  1. Detail any opportunities the event presents for participation and development, i.e. opportunities to participate in cultural/sporting activity, outreach programmes and links to local, regional or national plans for developing the sport / cultural activity.
  1. In line with the Equalities Act 2010, your event is expected to make the best possible efforts to ensure access for all. Visitors who access your goods, facilities and services are protected from direct and indirect discrimination, which means that people with access requirements, such as disabled and older people must not be treated less favourably than others.

Please indicate in the boxes below where your event is currently compliant with accessibility legislation and the areas you are working on.

Do you have an Access Policy? – If yes, please attach with this application.
Are visitors who have additional requirements able to inform you of this at the time of booking?
Do your staff ensure that any responses or requests are dealt with appropriately?
Do your staff receive diversity training?
Do you have an Equal Opportunities Policy which staff are aware of?

For more information about drafting an Access Policy please visit


  1. Does the event play any role in regeneration of the area, or provide any legacy features for the local community, e.g volunteering opportunities


Before submitting your application, please complete this checklist and ensure allnecessary documents are enclosed. Failure to submit the required information will impact on the success of your application.

Please ensure that you have enclosed/attached: / Check

A fully completed application form
Letters of support from the Local Authority or Public Sector partners
Letters of support from additional partners/sponsors as appropriate
Please tick to confirm that you have a business bank account
Marketing/PR plan
Business Plan
Previous Event Budget (if the event has taken place previously)
Event Media report (if applicable)
Audience Research Report and/or Economic Impact Report (if applicable)
A sample of event print material (if the event has taken place previously)
An Access Policy (if applicable)
A Sustainability Policy (if applicable)
Electronic copies of photos from previous event, if applicable. (Applicant must have the appropriate rights to distribute the photos of the event to EventScotland and warrants EventScotland to use the photos for promoting the event, EventScotland and EventScotland’s involvement with the event).

I confirm that the information contained in this application is true and correct (should be signed by Chair/CEO/President or Director of the event management committee/organisation):



Please send your completed application to:

National Events Programme


VisitScotland Events Directorate

Floor 5, Ocean Point One

94 Ocean Drive

Edinburgh, EH6 6JH