Region V Presidents Council Meeting Minutes
Region V Symposium - Arrowwood Resort
Monday, July 13, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
Conference Call Instructions:
Phone number: 1-800-582-3014 Participant ID: 76657654# when prompted.
Region V Presidents Council Voting Members:
Deb Rodahl, Region V Director (P) Bridget Parsons, Region V Student Forum (A)
Kristi Enerson, Region V Sec/Treas (A) Karen Larson, ASCLS Region V NPNM Forum (A)
Janice Conway-Klaassen, ASCLS-MN President (P) Jeff Radle, ASCLS-MN Vice-President (P)
Alice Hawley, ASCLS-ND President (P) Nicole Lemieux, ASCLS-ND Vice-President (A)
Patricia Tille, ASCLS-SD President (A) Stacie Lansink, ASCLS-SD Vice-President (P)
Cecelia Landin, ASCLS-WI President (P) Mallory Janquart, ASCLS-WI Vice-President (A)
Region V Presidents Council Non-Voting Members:
Cindy Koffman, Region V LDC (A) Mallory Janquart, Region V MSC (A)
Shirley Heber, Region V PAC (A) Lori Murray, ASCLS GAC Rep to Region V (P)
1. Roll call – Greetings/Introductions: Indicated above by P=Present, A=Absent
2. Approval of previous minutes– April 7, 2015 Region V Council Meeting
Motion made to approve minutes by Janice Conway-Klaassen and seconded by Cecelia. Motion Carried.
3. Call for additional agenda items – None
4. Region V Treasury Report – Kristi Enerson
Deb presented the Region V financial report. Motion made to approve by Janice Conway-Klaassen, Alice Hawley; seconded. Motion carried.
5. Region V Directors Report - Deb Rodahl
EVP Recruitment: A Task force has been selected and working on the job profile and interviewing recruitment firms. That process should be concluded at the national meeting.
National Meeting:
· Board of Director’s meeting will be on Tuesday, July 28th starting at 8:30 am
· You might want to schedule your delegates and other state attendees to cover the various committee meetings on Tuesday – it is a great way to meet others and get 1st hand information on the committee charges
· Deb will be looking for volunteers to staff the ASCLS Booth – just waiting for our assignment
· Make sure to capture the schedule change related to elections. Voting (1st round) will occur immediately following the Region Caucus meetings – in the same room as our caucus meeting from 9:00 – 9:45 am. If there is a need for a run-off election, that will occur from 1:30 – 1:45 pm.
· Patient Safety Position paper will be referred to the House of Delegates.
6. 2015 Symposium October 1-2 – Janice Conway-Klaassen
Planning committee making progress. Exhibitors have been invited and 6 have responded so far. Program is almost complete. Working to set-up electronic registration with new company that Minnesota used this year. Goal is to have online registration available early August.
7. 2015 Leadership Academy Updates –Deb Rodahl
a. Committee has the August Conference Call session ready to go. Program is finalized for incoming class and graduating class for the Fall Symposium.
b. Incoming students were notified of their acceptance (Emma Miller – South Dakota, Rebecca Ram – North Dakota, and Kelley Weber – Minnesota) for the incoming class this fall.
c. New committee members have been identified from each state. We will be integrating them to the committee in September with a formal orientation process.
8. Old Business – 2015 is the last year of the contract for the Arrowwood Resort. Discussion will need to occur about future location options for the Fall Symposium. Cecelia discussed the proposal that she drafted to consider having the Region V meeting be combined with State Spring meetings. (See separate Document with proposal details). She also acknowledged the concern from Alice that it would be difficult to encourage state members to attend another state Spring Meeting as a “Regional Meeting” – due to the proximity to the North Dakota Meeting. South Dakota is looking at their meeting schedule as they find it difficult to support a Spring Meeting, Fall Meeting, and Regional Meeting. Janice shared that Minnesota’s spring meeting is tied to other laboratory groups and therefore could not be easily revamped to include a Regional Component. Deb shared that the original goals of the fall symposium was to create a treasury that could support travel for the Committee Representatives for Region V. While this has not been 100% support, we have been able to help defray those travel costs. Next Steps: We need to address the 2016 meeting – so it was agreed to bring suggestions for Fall 2016 to the Region V Caucus at the national meeting. The discussion can continue with the new Region V Director.
9. New Business
a. Region V Caucus to be held at the National Meeting. Agenda will be attached. All state members are invited to attend and participate in the discussion.
b. Region V Outing at National Meeting: Alice came-up with a location for the annual Region V outing – Ted’s Montana Grill. Flyer has been attached. Please send out to your state attendees and RSVP to Deb Rodahl.
c. Region V Student Forum Representative: One of the 1st tasks of the new Region V Director will be to appoint the Region V Student Forum Representative. Deb sent out the “Information Form” if any of the states have an interested student. So far we have interest from Wisconsin. Any interested applicants will be forwarded to the new Region V Director for their appointment.
d. Region V Secretary Treasurer: Kristi Enerson will be completing her 2nd term as Secretary/Treasurer at the end of this year. Elections will need to occur at the Region V Symposium. Interested candidates should reach out to Deb.
10. State Society Updates:
a. ASCLS-MN – Janice Conway-Klaassen: State meeting was held in Rochester and was well attended. Silent Auction to support student scholarships. The State also presented to the Science Teacher association, which was very well received. This has led to invites to high school invites to help recruit students into the profession.
b. ASCLS-ND – Alice Hawley: State meeting was held in Minot which was well attended by Western side of the state as well as many Philippine practitioners in the state, which is a great recruitment opportunity. North Dakota supports state Science Teacher’s too. This year they have worked to refine the duties/responsibilities for their student and new professional board members. Alice also noted that she is on the national Diversity Task force which has been working to revitalize and remodel the Forum for the Concerns of Minorities.
c. ASCLS-SD – Stacie Lansink: They are working on the plans for their Fall Meeting, which will be held in Chamberlain. They are sponsoring 2 travel grants for students to attend the national meeting. Sate membership numbers are up.
d. ASCLS-WI – Cecilia Landin: State meeting was held in Appleton and was very well attended including 125 students with 100 posters. This continues to gain ground. They also had a silent auction for scholarships.
11. Other National or Regional Info From ASCLS Committees:
a. Leadership Development Committee – Cindy Koffmann: No report
b. Membership Services (MSC) – Mallory Janquart: No report
c. New Professionals and New Members Forum – Karen Larson: No report
d. Student Forum – Bridget Parsons: No Report
e. Political Action Committee (PAC) – Shirley Heber: No report
f. Government Affairs (GAC) – Lori Murray: Not much occurring this time of year other than workforce reinvestment. Send any GAC Roster updates for the states to Lori.
12. Next Meeting – will be scheduled with the New Region V Director!
13. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Rodahl
ASCLS Region V Director
Minnesota ~ North Dakota ~ South Dakota ~ Wisconsin