Regina Multicultural Council

Continuing Education Scholarships 2017 Edition

Each year the youth of Regina’s multicultural community contribute their time, talents and energy to making multiculturalism thrive in our City.

As part of our mandate of promoting multiculturalism through cooperation and mutual understanding among all cultural and ethnic groups in Regina, the Regina Multicultural Council (RMC) is proud to recognize the outstanding achievements of these youth by offering the Regina Multicultural Council Continuing Education Scholarships. Three scholarships are awarded, valued at $1,500, $1,000 and $500.These scholarships are intended to encourage significant achievement in high school courses, recognize outstanding participation within a cultural community, your school,and the community at large, and assist a student in furthering his or her education.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2017 Regina Multicultural Council’s Continuing Education Scholarships. Students must be graduating Grade 12 in June 2017, must be actively involved in a RMC member organization, and enrolled in a post-secondary program.

The deadline for application is NOON - Friday July 14, 2017.

Further information is available by contacting the Regina Multicultural Council office by telephone at 306-757-5990, by email at or by visiting our website at .

Please assist the RMC by distributing this information to the youth of your community and help us applaud the efforts of our future leaders.

Since 1965, the Regina Multicultural Council (RMC) has been dedicated to advancing multiculturalism through cooperation and mutual understanding among all cultural and ethnic groups in Regina. The RMC is comprised of 50 multicultural associations involving over 30,000 individuals. All of the RMC’s members, and the citizens of Regina, benefit from the year-round projects of the RMC. The RMC is proud to recognize the accomplishments of our youth by offering the Regina Multicultural Council’s Continuing Education Scholarships.

The Regina Multicultural Council’s Continuing Education Scholarships are intended to:

  • Encourage significant achievement in high school courses
  • Recognize outstanding participation within a cultural community
  • Recognize outstanding participation within your school community
  • Promoting multiculturalism within your school community
  • Recognize outstanding participation within the community at large
  • Assist a student in furthering his or her education
  • Applaud the accomplishments of tomorrow’s leaders

The Regina Multicultural Council’s Continuing Education Scholarships will recognize outstanding graduating Grade 12 students who are enrolled in post-secondary institutions. The scholarship winner will receive personal recognition and a scholarship in the amount of $1,500, $1,000 or $500.The scholarship cheque will be paid directly to the student’s account at the post-secondary institution where they are enrolled.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for one of the Regina Multicultural Council’s Continuing Education Scholarships, the applicant must:

  • Be a Grade 12 student registered as a full-time student in a recognized post-secondary institution
  • Be a resident of Regina
  • Be a member of a RMC member organization
  • Submit a completed application and all supporting materials no later than


How can I apply for the Regina Multicultural Council’s Continuing Education Scholarships?

To apply for a scholarship, the applicant must submit the following:

  • The application form
  • A halfpage biographical sketch, including how you spend your time outside of school (in hours per week such as work, recreation, clubs, community work, etc). Please discuss your reasons for applying for this scholarship and why it is important to you to be involved in the multicultural community of Regina.
  • A description of your involvement in your cultural community, listing specific examples of your involvement.
  • List and describe any special academic accomplishments attained in high school, as well as extracurricular student involvement (e.g. Student Council, etc)
  • An official transcript.
  • A letter of recommendation from the President or Program Director of your cultural organization.
  • A letter of recommendation from an adult who is not a family member (eg. High School principal or Guidance Counselor).


All material must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked:


Regina Multicultural Council Scholarship Committee

2054 Broad Street | Regina, Saskatchewan| S4P 1Y3

How will the scholarship be awarded?

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and cultural community involvement.

When will I learn if I have been awarded a scholarship?

Letters of notification are sent to all applicants whether or not they receive a scholarship. Everyone should receive a letter after August 15, 2017. Once you receive your letter, you will have 30 days to notify the RMC as to whether or not you will accept the scholarship. If a student decides not to accept a scholarship, it will be awarded to an alternate student or will be reopened for applications. If you accept the scholarship you are required to provide your student identification number and name and address of the post secondary institute you will be attending.

How are the scholarships paid?

RMC scholarships will be applied to your student account in September 2017. Scholarship funds must be used for tuition or books.

Thank you for applying. The RMC wishes all applicants good luck and thanks you for your participation in multiculturalism!

Application Form

Please print clearly and submit to the RMC office by Noon - Friday July 14th, 2017.
Name 
Permanent Address
Temporary Address (if applicable)
Home Telephone Number
Cell Telephone Number
Email Address
Name of Post-Secondary Institution
Area of Study
Anticipated Post-Secondary Graduation Date

Please remember to include the following with your application form:

  • A half page biographical sketch, including how you spend your time outside of school (in hours per week such as work, recreation, clubs, community work, etc). Please discuss your reasons for applying for this scholarship and why it is important to you to be involved in the multicultural community of Regina.
  • A description of your involvement in your cultural community, listing specific examples of your involvement.
  • List and describe any special academic accomplishments attained in high school, as well as extracurricular student involvement (e.g. Student Council, etc)
  • An official transcript.
  • A letter of recommendation from the President or Program Director of your cultural organization.
  • A letter of recommendation from an adult who is not a family member (e.g. High School Principal or Guidance Counselor).

Regina Multicultural Council | 2054 Broad Street | Regina, Saskatchewan | S4P 1Y3

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