In the following handbook you will find the basic leadership and marching concepts used by the Spring Woods High School Band. While this manual is complete, some things may be added or abbreviated during the year at the director’s discretion.
Refer to this manual for studying of practicing at home on your own.
Marching Fundamentals
I Attention Position
- Feet in first position (heels together toes at a 45 degree angle) without knees locked (no fainting)
- Back straight (like spine being pulled straight from the top)
- Head up (10 degrees above parallel)
- Up on your toes and ease back almost down to practice posture(credit card under heel)
- Attention Command is “band-rest-ten-hut” The bands response is “HUT”
- Ready position command is “band-rest-parade-rest”
- Rehearsal attention command is “SET” (the command “Check” is used for parade rest)
- The bands dismissal command is “band-rest-dismissed” on bests 1, 2, and 3. The bands response is “WITH PRIDE” on beats 4 and 1.
II Horn carriage
- Bells parallel to the ground (horn down)
- Uniformity in carriage through each section
- 10 degrees above parallel (horns up)
- Triangle created with elbows, arm is a 90 degrees at elbow bend
- Knuckles in palms right over left, with thumbs opposing
- Horns up command is “band-rest-horns-up” The bands response is “tsst”
III Marking time
A. Initiated by lifting the left heel off the ground about an inch
B. Each beat will be marked by the entire heel hitting the ground.
IV Marching
- Left foot moves a full step on beat one, initiated on the and of beat 4. (left foot snaps straight in ski line)
- Keep head up and horn at 10 degrees
- Back is straight and not hunched
- Roll through each step
- The heel of the foot hits the ground on each beat
- Each step should have a subdivision of hit/cross/hit/cross on the down beats and up beats. The heals hit on the down beats and the ankles cross on the up beats.
- Up on the platforms for backwards march, heels are up!
- Maximum leg extension for maximum height
- Always take equal size steps between points in the drill
- Halt by placing the left foot next to the right (not jerky)
- Rehearsal count-off is with clicks (4+4+movement)
- Command to stop is “band-rest-halt” on beasts 1, 2, and 3. The bands response is “Toe-and-Close” on beats 4 and 1.
V Change of direction
- For forward to backward march, weight of body is on final step last count(on the right foot), the left foot is placed behind in the previous count. (stop and go)
- For left or right slide, foot placement on the change of direction is on the platform (tap), point the toe and in a 45 degree angle of the new direction, roll through the turn into left or right slide.
- Upper body control!
VI Slide
- Upper body is parallel to sideline (both shoulders and chest facing the sideline, belly button facing at a 45 degree angle to the sideline)
- Head up 10 degrees. Horn stays at ten degrees
- Lower body facing in the direction of movement.
VIII Mental Responsibilities
- Form
- Remember adjusted stride and guide to the form from set to set
- Visualize the form mentally and what your aspect should look like
- Use your peripheral vision to guide to the forms.
- Sideline
- Do not look down at your feet (the ground won’t tell you where to go)
- Look to the sideline to determine distance from each line
- Drum Major
- Look to drum major for pulse and tempo, commands etc.
- Judge the amount of delay from back field and stay on top of the beat
- Music
- With great upper body control play the music to the best of your ability every time that you play it
- Memorize all music as soon as possible (no liars, flip folders)
IXSet Book
- Have a notecard tied around your neck or waist at all times during rehearsal.
- Coordinate sheets for every set in the show
- Each sheet should detail (your dot, your section and measure numbers)
- Set book checks on a regular basis
X Rehearsal Technique
- Have all materials necessary to carry out a successful rehearsal (water, tennis shoes, hat, shorts, set book, music, instrument in good condition etc.)
- Go to set and assume “check”
- Instruction will always be given at “check”
- Drum Major will give “set”
- One hand up is ready
- Two hands up is set
- Both hands down is check
- Before rehearsing set to set, you will start with both feet on your dot, upon command you may place your left foot in final step of previous step(minus one)
- After completing set, freeze in that spot, upon command you may take one step in the new direction and freeze(plus one)
- Drum major will give “check” and then “adjust,” and then resume “check” until otherwise noted by the drum major
- Always get back to the previous set as quickly as possible and then immediately come to “check”
Forward Box Drill
Back Up Box Drill
Circle Drill One
Circle Drill Two
Diamond Drill
Plus Drill
Forward 8, Slide Left 8, Tap, Backward Slide 8, Hip Shift, Slide Right 8,Tap, Backward Slide 8, Hip Shift, Slide Left 8, Tap, Slide Backward 8, Tap, Forward 8 and Halt
Marching Principals - Points to Think About
- Full step on count one
- Full step in the new direction
- Full step on count eight
- Toes to your nose
- Straight leg on back-up
- Elbows make triangle at all times
- In extreme shifts, concentrate on keeping body parts separate
- Timing using subdivision hit cross hit cross etc. especially on slow tempos
- Stay smooth around direction changes
- Stay as tall as possible
- Don’t forget to breathe