eotas swindon
reducing barriers to better lives
St Philips RoadQueens Drive
Telephone: 01793 828941Telephone: 01793 618406.
Email: ail
Head of Centre: Glenn HillaryHead of Centre: Menna Jackson
Marlborough HouseThe School Unit, The Children’s Ward
Okus RoadGreat Western Hospital
SwindonMarlborough Road
WiltshireSwindon, Wiltshire
Telephone: 01865 903161Telephone: 01793 604982
Email: ail:
Head of Centre: Helen JamesHead of Centre: Lys Kirby
Chair:Peter Nathan
Clerk:Bridget Sinclair
Vision and goals
Key priorities
Centre Specific Information
A-Z of information
Who’s Who in EOTAS
Health & Safety Induction Checklist
General Induction Checklist
EOTAS Swindon is an educational service which has one aim and vision: tooffer better choices for better lives. Young people who are referred to one of our four centres have experienced health, emotionalor behavioural difficulties which have formed a barrier to their academic and personal success.
Our skilled staff work closely with other specialist agencies to provide a package which leads to our “gold” standard for this provision: reintegration into a mainstream setting or transition to a post-16 provision.
The length of placement may vary to achieve this and we work closely with the young person, parents, providers and the local authority to provide a “Stronger Together” framework for success. Below is some of the positive feedback that we receive about the work that we do:
At EOTAS we have a clear set of values that guide us in preparing us for the experiences, opportunities and responsibilities that we have.
Everyone is valued and positive relationships create a learning environment that is safe and secure.
High quality teaching that is tailored, creative and innovative that leads to effective and enjoyable learning and progress.
The Service culture is aspirational based on consistently high expectations and standards that help us all to be the very best we can.
Our provision is rich, diverse and challenging, developing a range of skills to equip our students for life beyond the Service.
We work with parents/carers and partners within the community to develop relationships that support us all to be successful.
1 / Maximising students’ achievementAim: Raising standards and consistency in all subjects including Mathematics and English and ensuring that all students make progress through and beyond significant barriers to national expectations of their progress capability.
2 / Maximising the quality of teaching
Aim: Ensuring that the quality of all teaching and learning is at least good.
3 / Maximising behaviours for learning
Aim: Developing a highly coherent ethos to secure a better climate for learning and a foundation for better lives.
4 / Maximising student, staff and centre safety
Aim: Ensuring that all centres are compliant as regards, Health, Safety and Safeguarding standards so that students and staff can thrive.
5 / Maximising Effective Leadership and Management
Aim:Developing Leaders, Leadership and Management structures and Governance that can secure sustained progress and improvement.
6 / Maximising Effective Community Engagement
Aim: Ensure that students have educational and social opportunities to experience “real outcomes”, make links with people beyond their friends and family and have the skills to be an asset to their community. Engaging parents, carers, organisations and referring schools to play their part in reducing barriers to better lives.
School Timings
Stratton Education Centre
Monday to Thursday 09:15 to 14:45
Friday 09:15 - 12:30
Monday to Thursday 08:45 to 14:30
Friday 08:45 -12:15
Hospital Unit
Morning School - 09:30 - 12:00
Afternoon School - 13:00 - 15:00
Adolescent Unit
Monday to Friday - 09:30 -15:30
An A – Z of information:
Academic calendar
The current academic year can be found on the Swindon Borough Council website – using the following link:
Academic Reports
Reports go out to parents/carers on a termly basis. It is crucial that written reports have correct SPAG and are appropriately phrased. Reports convey to students and parents/carers that their education matters to us and with this in mind, they should be written in a caring tone and phrased positively. These reports must include:
their target grade
the grade they are currently working at
the progress they have made this term
how they can improve on this
positive comments on the students personality/aptitudes/attitudes
Social skills/relationship with staff/other students
Contribution to group
Attendance and punctuality
Accident reporting and recording
All accidents involving pupils, staff or visitors should be reported to the Health and Safety Officer and the Head Teacher using an Incident/Accident reporting form (HSF12), who will investigate all accidents to see if action is needed to avoid recurrence This form is available from the Business Support Team Office. The accident book and forms shall be kept in the Centre’s office. Minor accidents/incidents requiring first aid should be recorded with treatment details. (See also section on First Aid.)
Alcohol and drugs
The abuse of alcohol or drugs is a safety and health hazard and if there is any suspicion that a member of staff or visitor is incapacitated, this must be reported to the Head Teacher. Staff must not consume alcohol or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst responsible for our children and young people.
Annual Education Review
Each student with a Statement/EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) will have an Annual Education Review. An annual school report will be prepared for this review and sent to parents before the review takes place. Parents are also asked if they would like to prepare a statement for the Review. The Review will usually take place in the school and include all adults who care and work with the child and where appropriate, the child will attend the review.
When the pupil is fourteen the Annual Education Review will also include a transition review to discuss future work within the school and post school provision. This is revisited and updated at each subsequent Review until the student leaves school.
Anti Bullying Policy
Any form of bullying or harassment is unacceptable and will result in further action. Staff should familiarise themselves with the contents of the Anti Bullying Policy which is available on the EOTAS website. This policy is applicable to pupils and staff.
Attendance of pupils
Attendance of pupils within our Centres is recorded and closely monitored on SIMS. The Attendance Officers/Head of Centre (SEC and Riverside) meet regularly with the EWS to discuss any issues/concerns. Staff must update SIMS should they be advised that a pupil is not coming to the Centre or has had to leave. This should be done via the communications logs and under no circumstances should the mark in the register be altered. It is mandatory that we understand where our pupils are at all times.
Behaviour Management and Positive Handling
All behaviour should be managed with sensitivity and professionalism. Staff should constantly re-examine and reflect upon their own values, attitudes and behaviours in order to appreciate the messages that they are giving students. They also need to be familiar with clear guidelines and strategies e.g. pupil behaviour management plans, to help maintain positive behaviour and discourage unwanted behaviour when it occurs.
Staff should be familiar with the Behaviour policy, a copy of which is available on the EOTAS website using the following link:
Occasionally there may be a need to restrain a pupil. Team Teach will be provided to staff and revisited periodically. Staff are trained in ‘Team Teach’, an Internationally respected system used in education, care and other settings. The focus is on de-escalation skills and where absolutely necessary positive physical interventions. If you are unsure about policy or procedures they should consult the Head Teacher or their Head of Centre. The decision to restrain must be taken with due regard to government legislation (specifically section 550A of the Education Act 1996). No child or young person should be restrained unless it is the only practicable means of securing the welfare of that child or any other child, and there are exceptional circumstances. It must be reasonable and proportionate, using the minimum force for the shortest time needed to prevent harm.
Reasonable force may only be used by staff members in the following circumstances:
• To prevent pupils harming themselves or others.
• To prevent a pupil running away where you reasonably believe they will put themselves at serious risk.
• Where young people are committing a criminal offence
• Wherein any behaviour would be prejudicial to safeguarding young people’s health and safety, both when they are authorised to be on the establishment’s premises and when they are engaged in authorised activities elsewhere.
• Where it is known or anticipated that a pupil’s behaviour might require physical control or restraint, a specific behaviour management plan (BMP) referring to restraint should be drawn up for that pupil and communicated to all involved (parents / carers, staff, pupils and other agencies if involved).
Following an incident where restraint has been used, staff involved must complete an EOTAS incident form with all of the requisite information about the incident, sign, date and give this to the Head Teacher. Information must also be logged in the bound book which is held by the Health & Safety Officer. A member of staff, usually the pupil’s teacher, must also inform the parents and add details to SIMS. Following an incident of restraint, the staff team make a time to reflect on and discuss what happened and include:
The events leading up to the incident; how the pupil’s physical state, thoughts and feelings may have affected their behaviour; what the pupil was hoping to achieve by their behaviour; how they may react differently the next time the pupil presents similar difficulties and wherever practicable, discussion with the pupil, helping him or her to learn to deal with the consequences of poor choices and how to mend relationships.
Car Parking
At Stratton Education Centre, the car park is partly monitored via CCTV. At this Centre and all other EOTAS Centres, all vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk and EOTAS will not be liable for any damage caused to vehicles using this area.
Central Staff Record
A complete record of all staff, external agency workers and volunteers is kept and updated on a monthly basis by the Business Support Manager. Please notify the Business Support Manager immediately if you have invited any external agency support to work regularly with you. The Business Support Manager will ensure that all appropriate checks are undertaken and recorded for each individual.
Communication within EOTAS
Regular staff briefings/meetings are held within each Centre. Please see your Head of Centre for the timings of these. EOTAS has 5 Service-wide training days throughout the year. These are organised by the Head Teacher/Business Support Manager.
Communication with parent/carers/external agencies
Any telephone conversation with parents/carers/external agencies should be recorded on the communications logs within SIMS and at the time it happened.
Generic or individual texts can be sent out via the In Touch system. The Data Manager or Attendance Officers can access this system.
Complaints about a member of staff/Head Teacher
Please refer to the Complaints policy which can be found on the EOTAS website using the following link:
All staff within EOTAS are expected to respect the privacy of information about individual pupils and the rights under the data protection act. You are also bound by EOTAS policies on child protection, please refer to the EOTAS website using the following link:
Control of Infection
Staff must be aware of guidelines for reducing the risk of infectious diseases when dealing with bodily fluids. Risks assessments have been carried out and are available from the Health & Safety Officer. Control measures include ensuring that any cuts/grazes are covered with waterproof dressings; wearing gloves and aprons; correct hand washing and use of alcohol gel if necessary.
Damage & Defects
Staff have a responsibility to report any defects that they notice to The Business Support team at Stratton or Chris Wakefield at Riverside. Damage or defects will then be reported to either SBC or the Caretaker as appropriate. Records will be kept of dates that the defect was reported and when it has been resolved. At GWH and The Adolescent Unit, damages and defects must be reported in accordance with site procedure (your Head of Centre will advise you on this).
Dress Code
Staff should dress comfortably and appropriately for the environment, taking into account the age and diverse needs and behaviours displayed by the young people attending EOTAS.
E – safety/Acceptable Usage Policy
Staff should familiarise themselves with the contents of the E-safety policy on the EOTAS website. In particular, staff are required to complete an acceptable usage form confirming they are aware of the policy.
Staff must keep pupil and staff information confidential and should not engage in any social networking site in such a way as could bring the school or other staff into disrepute. Such action could lead to investigation and possible proceedings under the staff disciplinary policy.
EHP (Early Help Record
This tool is used as a vehicle to start the process of multi-agency working.
Electrical Safety
All staff should monitor the condition of plugs, cables and electrical equipment and shall report to the school office any damaged electrical equipment or wiring. Lisa Higgs-Howard / Chris Wakefield shall be responsible for arranging repairs to said equipment. Portable Equipment Testing shall take place annually. Any electrical items brought into school must be reported to the Health and Safety Officer for testing prior to use. At GWH and The Adolescent Unit, damages and defects must be reported in accordance with site procedure (your Head of Centre will advise you on this).
The use of multi-adaptors is to be avoided as is the use of extension leads unless they are fully unwound and correctly protected. The school also encourages staff and pupils to conserve energy at all times. All appliances should be switched off and unplugged before going home at night.
Emergency Procedures
An Emergency action plan is currently being updated. This will be available on the EOTAS website. In the event of a bomb scare evacuation should follow the fire evacuation procedures. Please refer to your line manager any queries you may have.
EOTAS is an equal opportunities employer. Behaviour displayed by staff to be against the spirit of equal opportunities whether for reasons of age, disability, ethnic origin, gender, religion or sexual orientation will be unacceptable and should be brought to the attention of the Head Teacher. See also Anti bullying Policy.
Fire Procedures
There are detailed instructions in every classroom about the nearest fire exit point and signs indicating those exit points. Please familiarise yourself with the evacuation details for your classroom/office and the nearest call point should you discover a fire.
In the event of an alarm, please assist your pupils to evacuate; do not stop to collect personal possessions. The Head Teacher, Head of Centre or H&S Officer will give permission for pupils and staff to re-enter the building. EOTAS has a fire safety risk assessment which is available in Business Support Team office.
There will be a fire drill at least once a term which will be recorded by the Health and Safety Officer. Testing of the alarm bells will be undertaken on a regular basis.
Fire Evacuation Procedure
Fire Alarm – A continuous ringing of the sounder bell.
Evacuation of the Building
If you hear the continuous ringing of the Fire Alarm Bell:
Leave the building by the nearest emergency exit
Do not stop to collect personal items
Do not run
Make your way to the designated assembly point for your building
Do not re-enter the building until authorised to do so.
If you discover a fire:
Immediately activate the nearest Alarm Call Point (Break Glass)
Leave the building by the nearest emergency exit
Do not stop to collect personal items
Do not run
Make your way to the designated assembly point for your building
Do not re-enter the building until authorised to do so.