Red Socks and Yellow Socks s24




The Smurfs are way too nice for Gargamel. He mixes up a magic drink and turns himself into a Smurf. There is only one small problem, he has no tail.
--- Conversation Questions---
(1) / Tell me what this story was about.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / List the who the story was about.
(2) / Suppose you are Gargamel, why don’t you want the Smurfs to be happy?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Do you like for people to be happy?
(3) / If you were to make a magic drink, what would be in it?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Explain to me what the magic drink would do.
(4) / Tell me about a time you built something then somebody broke it.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Did anyone get hurt?
(5) / Define ‘prepared’.
(Answer) / To fix or to get ready.
(Follow Up) / Name some things you should be prepared for.
(6) / Give me the name of the wizard in our story.
(Answer) / Gargamel.
(Follow Up) / Gargamel was wanting to change himself into a what? (A smurf)
(7) / Explain to me how Gargamel was going to change into a Smurf.
(Answer) / He prepared a magic drink that would change him into a Smurf.
(Follow Up) / Can you recall the noise that was made when he drank the potion?
(8) / Tell me what was missing from the fake Smurf.
(Answer) / The little blue tail.
(Follow Up) / Gargamel used what instead? (Blue wood)
(9) / The fake Smurf had a plan to destroy something what was it?
(Answer) / He was going to cut some of the ropes that held up the bridge so that when the Smurfs crossed the bridge they would fall through the bridge.
(Follow Up) / Name the first Smurf that fell. (The fake Smurf)
(10) / Can you tell me who found out there was a fake Smurf in the village?
(Answer) / Papa Smurf.
(Follow Up) / Tell me what happened when Gargamel drank the magic drink at the end of the story.
1. / Create your own magic drink. List all the ingredients & what that magic drink would do.
2. / Draw a picture of Gargamel before he was the fake Smurf and then one when he was.
3. / Write an ending to the story about what happened after Gargamel drank the drink.
4. / Pretend you are Gargamel write an apology note for tricking the Smurfs.
1.  Bring in some things that are blue. Ask the children if they can name something else that is blue. (Get them to say Smurfs) Say, “Today we are going to read about the Smurfs and a strange visitor they get in their village.”
2.  Have a Smurf figurine or picture. Ask the children what they know about Smurfs. Discuss. Say, “Let’s read about another adventure in Smurfland. Let’s see what’s new.”
3.  Ask the child if there were to make a magic drink what would it do. Discuss. Say, “In today’s story we are going to read about a wizard that makes a magic drink to turn himself into a fake Smurf. Let’s read and see what happens when he becomes a fake Smurf.”

Book Title: The Fake Smurf

Author: Peyo
/ Illustrator: Peyo
ISBN: 0-394-84932-9 / # of Text Pages: 15 AR: N/A LEX: N/A
Building Oral Vocabulary
1 / wizard / 3 / difference / 6 / boiling
Prediction Questions
1 / What are some thing he might do?
5 / Do you think the bridge will fall?
8 / Do you think he will drown?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.