‘Red Form’ - For New AhmadisWho HaveNot ReceivedAdequate Training and Care

Please note, a summary of this report form will be provided to Huzur-e-Aqdas(aba) and Amir sb UK.


  • Who to complete: This form should be completed by the local New Ahmadi secretary. It should then be signed by the local Sadr, local New Ahmadi sec, local Tabligh sec and Regional Missionary.
  • ‘Red Form’: This Form should be filled in forany new Ahmadi in your Jamaat who is in the‘RedStatus’ (see info on ‘red status’ below).
  • Key Tarbiyyat Duties: The key duties for new Ahmadis are as follows: 1. AIMS ID, 2. Mulaqat with Huzur(aba), 3. New Ahmadi local, weekly Tarbiyyat class, 4. Mawakhat (brotherhood/sisterhood) relationship, 5. Weekly Social Meeting (NOT welcome pack - it is not an ‘essential’ task) (See full details on these duties in the:‘Training (Tarbiyyat) of New Ahmadis: The Office Bearers Handbook’)
  • ‘Red status’:A new Ahmadi is in the‘red’ status if:
  • Only 1 or 2 of the key duties (see above) have been arranged for the New Ahmadi;
  • OR the New Ahmadi has been in ‘Amber’for 3 weeks (‘Amber’means 3 or 4 of the above key duties have arranged for the new Ahmadi);
  • OR the new Ahmadi is struggling and/or close to leaving the Jamaat.
  • ‘Green status’: Your duty is to ensure that every new Ahmadi in your Jamaat is in the ‘green status’. A new Ahmadi is in the‘green status’ when all of the five key Tarbiyyat duties have been arranged.
  • Colour Codes: See full information on ‘Colour Codes’ in the document entitled: ‘New Ahmadi Tarbiyyat (Training) Colour Code + Action Points’.


  • This matter is now a crisis. When the instructions of Huzur(aba) concerning new Ahmadis are not implemented then New Ahmadis are likely to drift away from the Jamaat, and can lose their faith;
  • Thus, this form should be sent back to the UK New Ahmadi Dept (see contact details at the bottom of the page) within two weeksof the form having been received by yourself, in the local Jamaat.
  • If the form is not promptly sent back to the New Ahmadi dept, within four weeks, the matter will need to be reported to Amir sb UK. May Allah bless you for your assistance.

Box A: New Ahmadi Details
Local Jamaat
Mobile No
Postal address
Box B: Relevant Dates in Taking the New Ahmadi Out of Crisis (From Red to Green)
Task/Milestones / Date / Deadline (Tasks needs to be completed within this period)
Date new Ahmadi signed the Bai’at form? / ___/___/_____ / NA
Date you received this New Ahmadi Crisis Form from the new Ahmadi dept? / ___/___/_____ / NA
Date you called the new Ahmadi dept (to confirm that you will take new Ahmadi out of the ‘red’ into the ‘green’ by fulfilling the five key duties) / ___/___/_____ / 1 day of receiving form
Date you hosted a UK New Ahmadi Dept ‘crisis visit’ to your Jamaat to resolve crisis / ___/___/_____ / Within 3 weeks of receiving form
Date you took the new Ahmadi out of the crisis‘red’status into the ‘green’ (fulfilled the five key duties) / ___/___/_____ / Within 4 weeks of receiving form (after this, the matter will be reported to Amir sb UK)
Date you completed+ sent this form to the new Ahmadi dept / ___/___/_____ / Within 4 weeks of receiving form (after this, the matter will be reported to Amir sb UK)
Box C: Your Duties to Take the New Ahmadi Out of Crisis (Out of the Red)
Please confirm that you have now fulfilled ALL of the following ‘Five Key Duties’ for the new Ahmadi to take them out of the redstatus (crisis) and to take them into green
Confirmation: I have now fulfilled all of the following five key duties / Please TICK / Date on which this task was completed
  1. Sent a Tajneed form to the centre (for an AIMS ID card)? (NB. Tajneed form only needs to have been sent in order for this box to be ticked i.e. AIMS does not need to have been issued, to tick box)
/ __/__/_____
  1. Sent the completed form to book an individual Mulaqat with His Holiness, Huzur-e-Aqdas(aba)? (NB. The Mulaqat form only needs to have been sent in order for this box to be been ticked i.e. the Mulaqat does not need to have already taken place, to tick box)
/ __/__/_____
  1. Hosting a weekly, local new Ahmadi Tarbiyyat (Training) class (specifically for new Ahmadis) on an ongoing basis?
/ __/__/_____
  1. Put in place a Mawakhaat (brotherhood/sisterhood) relationship?
(Note: this relationship must be specifically arranged for the purpose of Mawkahaat, the new Ahmadi and Mawakhat partner need to be informed and you need to oversee the relationship) / __/__/_____
  1. Put in a place a weekly social meeting for New Ahmadis?
(Note: this weekly meeting should be specifically organised to enable new Ahmadis to socialise and build friendships. It should not, e.g., involve simply seeing the new Ahmadi at prayers) / __/__/_____

Signatures of Office Bearers Primarily Responsible for Looking After New Ahmadis

Name of Regional Missionary:______

Signature: ______Date: ___/___/___

Name of Local President: ______

Signature: ______Date: ___/___/___

Name of Tabligh sec:______

Signature: ______Date: ___/___/___

Name of Local New Ahmadi Sec: ______

Email+Mobileof Sec: ______

Signature: ______Date: ___/___/___

UK New Ahmadi Department: Baitul Futuh, 181 London Rd, Morden SM4 5PT. Tel: 0208 687 7843
