Red Bird PTA Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2009

*Meeting called to order: 7:10pm by PTA President, Lisa McPeek

*President’s Report: Lisa McPeek noted there are corrections to be made to March 11, 2009 meeting minutes. They are 1. The Make A Difference Award nomination does not need to be a PTA member, 2. A total of 6 walkie talkies were purchased by the PTA, 3. CASE class teachers receive a $75 grant and all typical class teachers receive $100. Motion to approve minutes by Jonna Reed, 2nd by Beth Ardern, all approve

Lisa McPeek also reported at the last superintendent meeting, a district student dress code was discussed. The Board of Education would like to hear from parents on their views of having a dress code. The district would like to have a stricter dress code and will enforce next school year the following guidelines: 1. no tank tops (must have sleeves), 2. no baggie or ripped jeans (jeans must sit at the waist), 3. no flip-flops. The staff dress code is also being assessed.

Lisa McPeek and Christina Lewis attended the last Lake County Council PTA meeting, and it was reported that the PTA is helping Governor Strickland pass House Bill 26, which will band corporal punishment in Ohio public schools.

Cindy Redd received a nomination for Corresponding Secretary for the 2009/10 school year. Motion to approve by Christina Lewis, 2nd by Kearsten Wood, all approved. Congratulations Cindy!

Teacher Appreciation is May 4 – 10. If you would like to bake for the teacher’s lounge, it would be much appreciated. See Jonna Reed for more info.

The teachers will host a Volunteer Appreciation day on May 26, at 2:30pm, in the gym. All volunteers are invited.

*Treasurers Report: The current balance is $17,229.38. Lisa McPeek and Christina Lewis reported if we remain on target for the remainder of this year and with no spring fund-raiser; the PTA will start the next school year with $10,800, which is where we want to be. It has been decided not to have a spring fund-raiser.

*Secretary’s Report: nothing to report

*Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Thank you cards were received by students for the COSI program and time given by PTA, Mrs. Pierce – for birthday gift, Teachers – for the PTA support for math/science night.

*Teachers Report: Mr. Nichols reported that the teachers and staff would like to hold a walk-a-thon next fall. All monies raised will go towards technology for the school.

*Principal’s Report: Mr. Nichols addressed the student dress code. He reported that the handbook states that students may not have bright color dyed hair or hair color that is clearly unnatural, that distracts from a learning environment. A reminder will be put in CHIRPS.

Mr. Nichols also reminded that students are discouraged from bringing cell phones to school, in efforts to avoid damage or lost phones. If a student needs to bring a cell phone, the student needs to have it turned off and left in their school bag during school hours. The office phones are always available for students to contact home, when needed.

A school assembly is scheduled for May 18. A company from California will be addressing issues such as bullying, making good choices, and character in a fun and exciting program. The cost of the assembly is being funded by the Principal’s Activity Account.


COSI: We will not be having COSI next year. Other programs are being looked into, such as programs from The Cleveland Natural History Museum. Their program is similar to COSI with an assembly and hands on activities. Cost is $1600 for 2 days, compared to COSI of $2,000.

Homework Helper: Beth Ardern reported the program will continue through the 2nd week of May. She was unsure if it will be held during Ohio Achievement Test week and will look into.

Science Night: All went well and the juggler was a big hit.

Market Day: Christina Lewis reported there were 33 customers and earned $243.18 at our last market day. Next pick-up is Tuesday, April 21st.

Spring Carnival: Lisa McPeek reported that the carnival went very well and thanks to all that helped. Lisa reminded everyone that this was not a fund-raiser and after all receipts are turned in, we will break about even. All left over food and drinks from the carnival will be used for the 5th grade picnic and 5th grade Olympic Day. PTA did receive a bill for the custodian’s services totally $335.00. Lisa said this bill was received in error and is contacting the Board of Ed. to address it.

Reflections: Tawnya Petti reported Gabrielle Perusek received an Honorable Mention for her film/video entry at the state level. Also, Alicia Robles theme idea, “Dreams Can Come True”, for the 2010/11 school year is one of 5 finalists. If her theme is selected, she will receive $100.00.

Red Bird Run: Lisa McPeek reported the run will be held Sunday, May 17th. Registration will begin at 8:00am. Many volunteers are needed and anyone who would like to help can contact Lisa McPeek. Donations are also needed to help cover costs and anyone who donates will have their name on the back of the run t-shirt. 25 entries were received for the t-shirt contest. The winner will be selected by the Wysockis.

Book Fair: Kearsten Wood reported it would be held April 27 – May 1. Family night is April 29. This is a 50% off book fair and no money is profited. Volunteers are needed; contact Holly Zappitelli if you would like to help.

Fund-raisers: Lisa McPeek reported PTA will not hold a spring fund-raiser. Box Tops we earned $1600.00, Tyson - $74.88, Giant Eagle – 299 points for last quarter and 1,206 points for the year, Mr. Brickman will be meeting with teachers to pick out what they want to use the points on.

Scholarships: Deadline is April 15th. Only 3 applications have been received. The board will meet April 30th to select winners.

Teacher Appreciation Week: Jonna Reed reported it will be held May 4 – 8th. A luncheon has been planned for the teachers, to be held Tuesday, May 5th. Volunteers are needed to bake goodies for the teachers lounge each day. See Jonna for more info.

5th Grade Olympics: It will be held May 27th and the rain day is May 29th. Lisa will contact Homer Nash about lunch for the students.

5th Grade Picnic: Room parents will be contacted to help plan picnic. Left over food and drinks from the carnival will be used. Picnic is the last day of school.

*New Business: Lisa McPeek reported the teachers would like to have a walkie-talkie for each grade level, so they can be contacted when the class is out of the building, such as recess. She suggested the PTA let the teachers use it’s walkie-talkies during school hours and they would be responsible for keeping them charged. It was unanimously agreed to do so.

*Old Business: Teachers’ birthday gifts will be purchased from Red Berry, which will include a box of candy, ribbon, card & bookmark.

Lisa McPeek suggested purchasing 2 banners with the school name on it to give the school for 50th birthday. 2 banners cost $20.00 plus tax & shipping. Motion to approve by Renee Lawrence. 2nd by Cindy Redd. All approved.

Kearsten Wood reported Waldameer tickets are on sale until May 1st.

*Meeting adjourned: 8:35PM.


Beth ArdernChristina LewisLisa McPeekTawnya Petti Cindy ReddKearsten Wood

Renee LawrenceNicole MartinDwayne NicholsMichelle Popovich Jonna Reed