Vendor Name:
Other Business Names:
This checklist is designed for the evaluation of potential refurbishers under R2:2013 Provision 6(c)(3) for equipment that is non-functional or untested and in need of testing/repair. This checklist is tailored to vendors who are not R2:2013 Certified.
Document the equipment sent to this refurbisher for testing and/or repair. Describe the processing techniques by the downstream vendor for each type of equipment. Remove or change equipment types specific to each downstream vendor.
Equipment / Processing TechniqueDesktops
Network Equipment
Rechargeable Batteries
LCD TV’s/Monitors
Cellular Devices
Requirements for non-R2:2013 certified Refurbishers
These requirements are documented in R2:2013 Provision 6(c)(3). The cross-referenced provisions are extracted here for all the requirements incorporated in 6(c)(3). Downstream refurbishers are required to meet the requirements of Provision 6 in order to qualify as a downstream refurbisher under Provision 6(c)(3). Any outsourcing to a downstream refurbisher is therefore expected to meet the same requirements as imposed on the R2:2013 certified recycler.
Prov. / Requirement / Verification6(c)(3)(B)(ii) / Verify that the downstream refurbisher does not resell equipment in untested or non-functioning condition?
6(b)(1) / Does the refurbisher label and sort each shipment downstream to track throughput?
6(b)(2) / Does the refurbisher sanitize all data on reusable equipment before it is shipped downstream?
6(b)(3) / Does the refurbisher handle and package shipments for reuse to prevent damage of the equipment during transit?
6(b)(3) / Does the refurbisher package shipments for reuse in light of the risks posed during shipment? For example, refurbished batteries packaged according to transport regulations to prevent fires or spills.
6(c) / Are shipments by the refurbisher for reuse identified prior to shipment as:
(1) Tested for Full Functions, R2/Ready for Reuse;
(2) Tested for Key Functions, R2/Ready for Resale
If downstream refurbisher produces fully functional equipment ready for reuse, verify these requirements.
6(c)(1)(A) / Tested and Full Functions, R2/Ready for Reuse – Are all equipment functions tested, working properly and ready for reuse as if it were new?
6(c)(1)(A) / Is R2/Ready for Reuse equipment loaded with legally licensed software, drivers, and configured?
6(c)(1)(B) / Is the refurbisher currently certified to RIOS or ISO 9001 for refurbishment activities?
6(c)(1)(B) / If not certified to RIOS or ISO 9001, has the refurbisher documented a Quality Assurance Policy?
6(c)(1)(B) / If not certified to RIOS or ISO 9001, has the refurbisher documented a Quality Assurance Plan?
6(c)(1)(B) / Does the Quality Assurance Plan include steps to verify the accuracy of test methods (monitoring) and test equipment (calibration)?
6(c)(1)(B) / Does the Quality Assurance Plan include procedures to maintain records of verification and results of testing?
6(c)(1)(C) / Does the refurbisher have a written Product Return Policy which includes specific policies for R2/Ready for Reuse equipment?
6(c)(1)(C) / Does the refurbisher have a written Product Return Plan that includes plans for R2/Ready for Reuse equipment sold?
6(c)(1)(C) / Is the Product Return Policy and Plan appropriate for the final destination of R2 Ready for Reuse equipment
6(c)(1)(C) / Is the Product Return Policy and Plan appropriate for the type of equipment sold to an end user as R2 Ready for Reuse?
6(c)(1)(C) / Has the Product Return Policy and Plan been communicated to buyers and sales persons as one step in the implementation?
6(c)(1)(D) / Is the refurbishers R2/Ready for Reuse equipment and components clean and free of major cosmetic defects?
6(c)(1)(E) / Does the refurbisher ensure that R2/Ready for Reuse equipment or components meet the requirements of the recipient?
If downstream refurbisher produces equipment tested for key functions and ready for resale, verify these requirements.
6(c)(2)(A) / Tested for Key Functions, R2/Ready for Resale – Does the refurbisher use effective test methods and testing equipment to confirm that the Key Functions of the equipment or components are working properly? For example, are “key functions” defined for each type of equipment and processes written to specify expected results for “working”?
6(c)(2)(B) / Is the refurbisher currently certified to RIOS or ISO 9001 for refurbishment activities?
6(c)(2)(B) / If not certified to RIOS or ISO 9001, has the refurbisher documented a Quality Assurance Policy?
6(c)(2)(B) / If not certified to RIOS or ISO 9001, has the refurbisher documented a Quality Assurance Plan?
6(c)(2)(B) / Does the Quality Assurance Plan include steps to verify the accuracy of test methods (monitoring) and test equipment (calibration)?
6(c)(2)(B) / Does the Quality Assurance Plan include procedures to maintain records of verification and results of testing?
6(c)(2)(D) / Does the refurbisher have a written Product Return Policy which includes specific policies for R2/Ready for Resale equipment?
6(c)(2)(D) / Does the refurbisher have a written Product Return Plan that includes plans for R2/Ready for Resale equipment sold?
6(c)(2)(D) / Is the Product Return Policy and Plan appropriate for the final destination of R2 Ready for Resale equipment?
6(c)(2)(D) / Is the Product Return Policy and Plan appropriate for the type of equipment sold?
6(c)(2)(D) / Has the Product Return Policy and Plan been communicated to buyers and sales persons as one step in the implementation?
6(c)(2)(C) / Does the refurbisher disclose to buyers in writing any functions that are not working properly with R2/Ready for Resale shipments?
6(c)(2)(C) / Does the refurbisherprovide a description of cosmetic defects and missing components in writing with R2/Ready for Resale shipments?
6(c)(2)(E) / Does the refurbisherensure that the equipment or components meet the specifications of the recipient vendor or the end user?
Data Destruction Requirements
If equipment is not sanitized of data prior to shipment from the R2:2013 recycler, then the downstream refurbisher must meet the requirements of Provision 8 for Data Destruction. Use the Downstream Data Destruction Vendor Checklist to qualify the refurbisher for Data Destruction requirements under R2:2013 Provision 6(b)(2).
5-Downstream Data Destruction Vendor Checklist.docx
Recycling of Residual equipment containing FMs
Downstream refurbishers who are not certified to R2:2013 must also meet the downstream requirements for recycling residual components containing Focus Materials from the refurbishment process. This includes any components removed during repair that contain FMs. It also includes any equipment that could not be resold or could not be repaired to a working status and therefore must be recycled. Use the Downstream Non-R2:2013 Certified Recycler Checklist to qualify the refurbisher to the Provision 3 and Provision 5 requirements for recycling of these residuals.
Downstream Non-R2:2013 Certified Recycler Checklist.docx
The above information applies to the minimum requirements of R2:2013 Provision 6 for downstream due diligence of refurbishers not certified to R2:2013. Additional evaluation is recommended. Onsite audits are encouraged.
Year 1Evaluator:
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Status: / ☐Approved ☐Suspended
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Year 2
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Status: / ☐Approved ☐Suspended
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Year 3
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Status: / ☐Approved ☐Suspended
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