Rectory Road, Frampton Cotterell, Bristol, BS36 2BT
Tel: 01454 867205Fax/answerphone: 01454 867206
Headteacher: Mr Peter Barnard
e-mail :
21 November 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you enjoyed the Half term break in October. So much has happened in school that it feels a very long time ago now! Term 2 is a busy and exciting term in school, please read on to see what your child will be doing. If you ever have any questions, or would just like to say hello, we are always available before and after school.
This term our main topic focus is the Tudors. This is a really exciting period in history, starting with the Battle of Bosworth. We are looking forward to finding out much more about the period, including the infamous Henry VIII. Our introduction to this topic was our visit to LLanciach Fawr Manor.
We are also starting our new class novel. The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. This is an excellent book that will form the basis of some of our literacy work in the future. It would make a lovely book to read with your child at home, remember that reading and talking about books counts as one of the five reads a week expected at school. It has also been made into a lovely family film which we will eventually get round to watching when we have read the book! Although this film is a U certificate, as we approach Christmas, if you have any objections to your child watching PG certificate films then could you please let one of the teachers know.
Reading, Comprehension and PEEL!
Several parents have asked how they can best help their children in developing understanding of texts. So, we thought it might be useful to share with you a structure that we use when reading and completing reading comprehension in school. PEEL helps children structure great answers.
When reading a text and discussing the meaning it is helpful to apply the PEEL structure. In this each letter stands for a different aspect. P – is make your point, E – evidence, where in the text does it give you this answer, E – explain this answer more fully and finally L – link your answer either with other evidence in the text (might be in previous chapters) or beyond the text, using your own experiences.
Doing this regularly will certainly help develop your child’s comprehension.
Christmas Preparations
By now your child (Year 5s only) has received their script for the Christmas performance. Please help them rehearse their lines, children need to practise speaking slowly, clearly and with expression.
Pencil Cases (Class 9 only)
Please can we ask that children do not bring expensive pencil cases and stationary into school. Although children enjoy using new stationary, we have noticed that these can cause distractions in lessons and upset when pieces are lost or mislaid. In school we are able to provide the stationary required and so your child’s special sets can be enjoyed at home.
Just a small reminder that children need to ne completing their maths calculation and reading comprehension weekly. In addition to this, regular practice of times tables is essential. The expectation is that by the end of Year 4 children are able to recall times tables facts for all times tables up to 12x12, including division facts. Within this it is useful for children to be very familiar with doubles, square numbers eg 4x4, 5x5 etc and Prime Numbers. Being able to use these tools and confidently spot number patterns is a great asset in our mathematical skills toolbox.
PE Kits
As we move into winter, please can you remind your children to ensure that they have appropriate clothing. At this time of year it is advisable to have a long sleeved top, joggers and boots for when the field is muddy. We will sometimes have to go outside because the hall is often in use for the many nativity practices.
Your next newsletter will be in term 3, when we are about to start our next topic which will be Space.
Yours sincerely
Alex Knight, Jess Whittock, Sandra Lakeman and Lucy Pugsley
Becoming the best we can through faith, friendship and participation