The Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality is an equal opportunity employer, and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of age, colour, gender, disability, religion, HIV status, conscience belief, political opinion, culture or language.

  2. All budgeted vacant permanent post be filled as soon as possible
  3. An approved organogram, job description, budget and duly completed personnel requisition form(attached)
  4. That internal recruitment as far as practicable be given first priority when there is a need to fill a vacant post.
  5. External recruitment will be an option when/where there is no suitable applicant internally.


Post / Approval Authority
Municipal Manager / Council approval must be given
Municipal Manager and Sec 56 Managers / Municipal Council, after consultation with the Municipal Manager
Post level 2 and below / Municipal Manager and Head of the Department gives approval


2.5.Criteria including qualifications/experience and job requirement, skills should be considered.

2.6.The requirements of the Employment Equity Plan must be enforced (taking to consideration the EEP of Ga-Segonyana)

2.7.The criteria to be used for the selection should be the same as the specifications set out in the advertisement.

2.8.The decision to determining the criteria is the responsibility of:

Municipal Manager and Section 56 : Council

Post level 2 and below : Heads of Department in conjunction with the Municipal Manager and Personnel Section.


Criteria for selection of the best and suitable candidate should include:

  1. Specific skills required (technical and social skills)
  2. Work experience and qualifications. This should not be a stumbling block to women, black people and people with disabilities.
  3. Diversity needs of the municipality and department.
  4. Ability to work in a team.
  5. Job requirements.

3.1.All positions which are vacant within the Ga – Segonyana Municipality will be advertised concurrently,

3.2.The human resource department, will place the advertisements for the vacant post once it has been determined whether the post should be advertised internally or externally, and be placed on Ga – Segonyana notice board,

3.3.And on local or national newspaper to run for 10 (ten) consecutive working days prior to the closing date.

3.4.Advertisement for the vacant post shall clearly specify:

3.4.1.The job title;

3.4.2.The job requirements;

3.4.3.Qualifications and experience required to perform the job, in terms of the job description(characteristics of the job);

3.4.4.The nature of Ga- Segonyana Municipality

3.4.5.Key standard of performance and relevant selection criteria;

3.4.6.Conditions and benefits of service;

3.4.7.The action to be taken by applicants and closing date (at least two weeks from the advertisement);

3.4.8.The organizations commitment to employment equity;

3.4.9.The strict prohibition to canvassing;

3.4.10.Promise confidentiality for all applicants.

3.4.11.The notice that if the applicant did not get a response within 30 days from the closing date of the applications, he/she must know that their application was unsuccessful.

3.5.The advert must be drawn up as follows:

Post / Authority
Municipal Manager and Sec 56 Managers / Exco
Post Level 2 and below / Municipal Manager

3.6.The Personnel section should compile the advertisement and submit it to the Head of Department for approval. Thereafter submit it to the Local Labour Forum.

  3. Applications
  4. All applications must be sent to the Personnel Section for the attention of the Municipal Manager for compilation of a profile of all the applications received.
  5. Internal applicants should be given preference, should they meet the prescribed requirements of the post.
  6. Short listing
  7. Short listing is the process in which all applications received in time for a specific advertised position, are evaluated against the actual minimum job requirements of the position, as reflected in the required formal qualifications and / or experience.


4.2.1.The Personnel Section should receive and process all application forms.

4.2.2.The Personnel Section should compile the applicant’s profiles for preparation of short listing.

4.2.3.The short listing is to be prepared by the Personnel section and will notify the panel three days before the date of the short listing.

4.2.4.The summary must include the following: and address Number with age requirements Equity (Sex and disability) license

4.2.5.The specifications of the advertisement should serve as a guideline in selecting the suitable candidates.


Posts / Panel Members
Municipal Manager and Section 56 Managers / Mayor, Chairperson of H.R.,delegate from SALGA, delegate from COGHSTA.
Post level 2 and below / Municipal Manager, relevant HOD, and chairperson of H.R. committee or his/her proxy
Secretariat service / Corporate Service Department
Observers / 1 Rep from each union, 1Rep from equity forum

Posts / Reference Checking
Municipal Manager and Section 56 Managers / Office of the Mayor
Post level 2 and below / Office of the Municipal Manager

6.1.Reference checking can be conducted telephonically or in writing. Attached is a format for questions which can be asked.

6.2.All information received will be dealt with as confidential and will be restricted to the interview panel.

  2. Relevant panel will conduct interviews.

Post / Interview Panel
Municipal Manager / -Mayor
- Chairperson H.R.
-Delegate from SALGA
-Delegate from COGHSTA
- Observers from the two unions
Post level1/ Sec 56 / -Council and Municipal Manager will recommend the names of the panelists.
-Personnel officer, Chairperson of the employment Equity Forum and representatives from both unions as observes.
Post level 2 and below / -Municipal Manager, Head of Department and Corporate Admin Manager
-Personnel officer, Chairperson of the employment Equity Forum and representatives from both unions as observes.

7.2.The panel should choose its chairperson during the interviews and every member of the panel should be delegated questions to ask.

7.3.All interviews will take place in an agreed format, free of intimidation/influence.

7.4.All interviews should be conducted in an official language that the applicant is accustomed with. The level of literacy should be taken into consideration.

7.5.All questions must be structured by the Human Resource section (Personnel Officer) in consultation with the relevant Head of Department. The standard questions will be structured by Human Resources section and work related once with answers will be structured by the relevant Head of Department.

7.6.Candidates who are short listed will be informed in writing about the date, time and venue of the interview as well as the interview panel. The candidates must also be requested in writing to bring along the original documents as stipulated in his/her application.

7.7.Score sheets must be prepared by the Human Resources section (Personnel officer) for each post. Score sheets for the evaluation must be completed by the members of the interview panel.

7.8.The interview panel should decide before the interviews on the score allocations in respect of satisfying the need of employment equity, people from the designated group, disable people as well as the criteria which will be used for score allocations.

7.9.The Personnel Section will tabulate questions and possible answers for each and every interview conducted, taking into consideration the requirements of the post, the level of literacy for that post and the post level.

7.10.After the interviews the panel will add their scores and the Human Resource section (Personnel officer) will add everything in one score sheet for submission to the interview panel.

7.11.The applicant with the highest score, best and suitable for the post will be appointed and the resolution of the interview panel must be noted on the score sheet. The chairperson must sign the score sheet with the resolution.

  2. A candidate may be disqualified for appointment for the following reasons:
  3. Canvassing to any member of the interview panel with the aim of being appointed to a post in the municipality. Disciplinary actions will be taken against that member of the panel.

Canvassing can be in the form of:

  • Bribery
  • Influencing Councilor or officials
  • Promising applicant’s positions.
  • Conscious misrepresentation of crucial information in the application.
  • Withholding crucial information that may have deciding impact on the outcome.
  2. After the interview the most suitable candidate will be appointed.
  3. The approval of the appointment should be made as follows:

Post / Appointing Authority
Municipal Manager / Panel will make recommendation to the Council for appointment
Post level 2 and below / Panel will make recommendation to the Municipal Manager for appointment

9.3.Appointment should be on a consensus base.

9.4.The Human Resource section (Personnel officer) should write the appointment letter to the applicant and only the Municipal Manager may sign an appointment letter.

9.5.The Human Resource section should also write letters to notify applicants who were unsuccessful after interviews.

  2. Induction is the process of introducing new employees to the Ga- Segonyana Municipality as his/her new workplace.
  3. The Personnel section (Snr. Personnel Officer) is responsible for the induction process.
  4. As part of induction, the new employee must be introduced to the Council.

In the event of any dispute as to the application of this policy, the dispute shall be determined in accordance with applicable legislation and specifically the Labour Relations Act, No. 66 of 1995 and the SALGBC Conditions of Service and Dispute Resolution Agreement.


  1. IntroductionPg. 1
  2. Approval for filling of posts
  • Procedure
  • Setting of procedure for position
  1. Advertising of vacant postsPg.2
  2. Selection policy and procedurePg.3
  3. Application
  4. Short listing
  5. Application procedure
  6. Short listing panelPg.4
  7. Reference checking
  8. Interview format Pg.4-5
  9. Disqualification of applicantPg.6
  10. Appointment process
  11. InductionPg.7
  12. Dispute resolution and amendment