Recovery Meeting, PIP 2/6/15
Take Home Messages
- This group/collection of folks would like to continue meeting.
- They clearly see a need for statewide collaboration and support from other student recovery groups or support organizations.
- Group recognizes that recovery issues might be a growth edge for institutions of higher education.
- Would be very appreciative of support from Partners in Prevention
- Possibility of having sub-meetings during the monthly PIP meetings (for example riding to Columbia with campus contacts, but having a separate meeting in a different room).
- Excited about the Meeting of the Minds Recovery Tract
- Want to continue with a workshop as phase II of this meeting at MOM
- Want to have 12 Step meeting at MOM.
Comments/Ideas Shared:
MO Recovery Network
-Funded by the Department of Health
-We need to mobilize to change public opinion
-Prescription Drug Monitoring program
-Check out
Adriatik Likcani, UCM - New Recovery Residence Coalition
-Coalition, provides actual services
-Works with treatment/detox centers
-9 year grant, 24 services
Dan Reilly, MU posed a question; How can we provide a systematic level of support?
-Campus visits to see panels
-Statewide umbrella
- All student groups, no administrators
-Invite schools that don’t have these groups to see panels/general operations
-Outreach to vocational schools
-Department of Health conference
- Possible sponsor for Students in Recovery conference
- Tag on sponsorships
-Outreach to High School
- Can be difficult, need to have high school advocates
-Create newsletter
-Project Community Connect
- Possible booth, more information to come
-Department of Mental Health Spring Conference
- Possible booth
-Statewide networking options, database of contact information for everyone here and those who will be interested in the future
-Communication platform - Facebook, listserv, etc.
-Panel once a month to meet with other schools - maybe during PIP meetings
-Panels at young people conferences
-Outreach to trade schools
-Sober housing
-More student involvement- practicums
-Three pronged groups, each prong keeps others in check (recovery, sober lifestyle, ally)
-Having a space is very important
-Sober not recovery important to SIC, apprehensive to outside meetings
-Survey- how do we reach non users?
-Possible conference in the summer, discounted residence hall rooms
-Don’t dilute the message!
-Create umbrella organization
- Strictly recovery?
- Creating welcoming spaces
-Strictly recovery events meetings: dating, sex, school work
-Panel open to everyone, not just recovery students
-Better outreach with MO Outreach Center, high schools
-Community Colleges Drug Awareness Week- speak at this event potentially
-Closed facebook group
-Staff perspective- less time to devote to CRC
- Get a GA for recovery?
-Convention for MO schools
-AA State Convention in Jeff City
-Fall Classic in STL
-First year experience class, speak to freshman
-Umbrella organization, “Friends in recovery”
-Collaboration with SLU or the surrounding campuses
-Area meetings
Ladell’s take home message: Get as large as you can and then get a real clear and good at what you are doing.