ALOHA PARENTS! It is time to order our recorders for music class. We will be ordering Soprano Recorders from Peripole Music Company. Learning to play recorders helps students understand and read musical notation. Recorders come in a blue bag with a halo lanyard that allows the recorder to be hung around the neck. A cleaning rod and a container of joint grease is included with the order. Students need to report to their weekly music class with their recorder and their binders. Failure to bring these two items will result in a lowering of their music grade. You are welcome to buy two, one for home and one for school if that is appropriate for your child. Your child can also borrow one from an older sibling. Please return this form with cash payment by: TUESDAY, SEPT 6.





(Cash only in a marked envelope should be turned in to their classroom teacher by the above date. Recorders should arrive by the end of 1st quarter and we will begin when we get back from the October break.) If you have questions, please email Kumu Lahela via our school website,


ALOHA PARENTS! It is time to order our recorders for music class. We will be ordering Soprano Recorders from Peripole Music Company. Learning to play recorders helps students understand and read musical notation. Recorders come in a blue bag with a halo lanyard that allows the recorder to be hung around the neck. A cleaning rod and a container of joint grease is included with the order. Students need to report to their weekly music class with their recorder and their binders. Failure to bring these two items will result in a lowering of their music grade. You are welcome to buy two, one for home and one for school if that is appropriate for your child. Your child can also borrow one from an older sibling. Please return this form with cash payment by: TUESDAY, SEPT 6.





(Cash only in a marked envelope should be turned in to their classroom teacher by the above date. Recorders should arrive by the end of 1st quarter and we will begin when we get back from the October break.) If you have questions, please email Kumu Lahela via our school website,