Record of Discussion
Meeting Called By: Garth CampbellMinute Taker: Chelsea Howard
Attendees: Garth Campbell, Chelsea Howard, Claudette James, Sophia Palahicky, Alisha MacGregor, Amber-leigh Polowich, Alejandra Lemus, Alexandra Scott, Amelia Boomgaardt, Andrew Mclane, Carly Brohman, Fedaa Ali, Kelly Marion, Kiel Morrall, and Margaret Qin
No. / Owner / Item / Record of Discussion / Action Items
1 / Garth Campbell / Review/approval of previous minutes / The meeting opened at 4:49 PM PST, utilizing the program Blackboard Collaborate. The minutes from the October 25th council retreat were approved. / N/A
2 / Medical Coverage Update / Garth is looking into a third-party medical provider, and hopes to partner with UVIC on an initiative that hopes to improve access to medical services for students. He will keep council informed with the initiative’s progress, and asks that reps share this information with their respective cohorts. / 1. Reps to discuss medical coverage update with cohorts
3 / Constitution/AGM (BF from Oct 25th meeting) / There have been some issues around the RRUSA Constitution, as last year’s proposed amendments were declined. The change that is required is the addition of Spenser’s new position. Unfortunately the paperwork we received which declined the changes was not specific about the way forward. Claudette will scan a copy of what we received and forward it to the Executive for review. The constitution is what we’ll primarily be addressing on Friday’s AGM (November 14th, 2014). / 2. Claudette to scan copy of paperwork to the Executive for review
4 / Formalizing Funding Requests (BF from Oct 25th meeting) / Claudette created a shared document on Google Drive, which is her proposed template for cohort funding requests. The three-page document addresses policy, event questions, and a place to estimate funding needs. Claudette is considering putting a draft on the RRUSA site in Moodle, but she does want feedback before Friday’s AGM. / 3. All to review fund request document, and provide Garth/Claudette with feedback
5 / Claudette James / Finance Update with Rahul / There is not yet enough information available to present at the AGM. Claudette did pick up some bank statements in the RRUSA office; included within was information about revenues collected, and the fact that there was a small profit last year. Sophia asked if cohort reps will be given a date that they can submit requests for funding, to which Garth replied in the affirmative; however, he stated that we need to look at our processes first to determine how this will look. The process to request funding will more or less be the same as last year, including the voting for fund allocation, but we might want to have the finance committee focus on how we can make improvements. Claudette added that we need to find an accounting firm to handle our financial statements. / 4. Find an accounting firm to handle our financial statements
6 / Chelsea Howard / Communications Update: RRU Email, Roster / Chelsea asked that individuals who haven’t yet emailed their personal email address and phone number, to please do so as soon as possible. She is building an excel spreadsheet as well as manages the council roster on the RRU website. It’s important to have accurate information about everyone. Sophia added that Chelsea uses certain distribution lists to email everyone, and that it’s essential that reps carefully monitor their RRU email if you don’t have your mail auto-forwarded to another personal email account. Garth suggested that we find a chat service to use going forward to bring issues/concerns immediately to the council’s attention. Something to discuss further. / 5. All reps need to email Chelsea with their personal email and phone numbers
7 / International Education Week: call for volunteers and materials / RRUSA is representing Canada during the International Education Week, specifically at a fashion show on Monday, November 17th from 11:30-1 PM, and a Showcase and Talent Show on Thursday, November 20th from 11:30-1 PM. Volunteers and materials are needed at each, so please reach out to your cohort reps for assistance. Chelsea will be sending out an informational email shortly, and interested students can contact her directly. / 6. Chelsea to send IEW info email
7. Reps to put a call out for IEW volunteers
8 / Amber-leigh Polowich / Support for online students during residency / Amber-leigh would like to develop relationships with local businesses to provide financial assistance to online students during their residency in Victoria. One entity she heard was a possibility is WestJet. Garth is in support of such an initiative, and suggested that a separate committee might be the best way to open up dialogue in this respect. He also suggested that Amber-leigh and Chelsea have a conversation about best way forward. / 8. Garth, Amber-leigh and Chelsea to discuss way forward
9 / Alexandra Scott / Student reimbursement / Alexandra brought up the fact that one of her cohort members has not yet been reimbursed by RRUSA for a cohort dinner that had funds approved. It’s been over two months since the dinner, which is currently accruing interest on her credit card. Garth agreed that this is unacceptable, and that we need to rectify the situation immediately. Sophia brought up the topic of signing authorities, and that one of the reasons this happened was because Rahul was the only signing authority during the summer. Sophia suggests that council appoints a fourth signing authority. She added that to change the signing authorities (to the new council executive), Rahul would need to send an email outlining the changes to the bank. Garth will push this forward. / 9. Garth to follow-up with Rahul to get signing authority amendments sent to the bank
10. RRUSA to reimburse Alexandra’s classmate
10 / Garth Campbell / Roundtable / Each person in the meeting gave a short introduction. Garth thanked everyone for coming, and stated that his goal is to create a good foundation for this year’s council. The table was then opened up for comments.
Andrew Mclane said that the upper parking lot on campus needs extensive
Improvements. Sophia to direct Garth in the right direction in this regard.
Alejandra Lemus asked about posters for the International Education Week, and drew attention to the outdated RRUSA website (which is not part of RRU). Sophia is providing the poster for Chelsea for distribution. Chelsea said that she’d been in touch with Jeff Baldry (former VP Communications) with regard to the outdated website, and he’s looking into getting edit access to it, or getting it taken down completely.
Kelly Marion discussed her Hatley Herald initiative that is going to re-boot the campus publication. Instead of being a solely online platform, it will go to print monthly. She is looking for funds and contributing writers, and asks that all reps take this to their cohorts to find volunteers. Claudette is forwarding Kelly a copy of the fund request document we discussed earlier.
Garth concluded the meeting by asking everyone to consider a mission statement to bring forward to the AGM.
The meeting closed at 5:53 PM PST. / 11. Sophia to provide Garth a contact with regard to the parking lot issue
12. Claudette to forward her fund request document to Kelly
13. Reps to consider a mission statement to bring to Friday’s AGM