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FEWD at University of Vienna 2014.01.29 Bibliography about Peter Singer and his reception in philosophy and ethics.With special focus on bioethics and animal ethics.More at The research is based mainly on The Philosopher’s Index The following bibliography contains nearly all 374 search results for: People as Subjects: Singer, P. and additional academic sources. Peter Singers Homepage:

1.) Basics and Overviews

Camosy, Charles C. 2012. Peter Singer and Christian Ethics: Beyond Polarization. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Düwell, Marcus 2009. Philosophical Presuppositions of Practical Ethics (Reply by Peter Singer). In. Schaler, Jeffrey A. (ed.). Peter Singer Under Fire. Chicago, IL, Open Court: 395-427.

Gensler, Harry J. 2009. Singer's unsanctity of human life: A critique. In. Schaler, Jeffrey A. (ed.). Peter Singer Under Fire. Chicago, IL, Open Court: 163-184.

Gruen, Lori 2009. Singer. In. Belshaw, Christopher / Kemp, Gary (eds.). 12 Modern Philosophers. Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell: 232-250.

Höchsmann, Hyun 2002. On Peter Singer. Belmont, CA, Wadsworth. ( )

Hooker, Brad 2014. The Appeal of Peter Singer’s Moral Philosophy. In. Perry, John (ed.). God, the Good, and Utilitarianism: Perspectives on Peter Singer. Cambridge, CUP:(In Print).

Huemer, Michael 2009. Singer's Unstable Meta-Ethics. In. Schaler, Jeffrey A. (ed.). Peter Singer Under Fire. Chicago, IL, Open Court.

Jamieson, Dale, (ed.) 1999. Singer and His Critics. Oxford, Blackwell.

Krantz, Susan Lufkin 2002.Refuting Peter Singer's Ethical theory.The Importance of Human Dignity.Westport, CT, Praeger.

Kuhse, Helga (ed.) 2002. Peter Singer. Unsanctifying Human Life. Oxford, Blackwell.

Perry, John (ed.) 2014. God, the Good, and Utilitarianism.Perspectives on Peter Singer. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Preece, Gordon R. (ed.) 2002. Rethinking Peter Singer: A Christian Critique.Downers Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press.

Schaler, Jeffrey A., (ed.) 2009. Peter Singer Under Fire. Chicago, IL, Open Court. (

Williams, Bernard 2009. The Human Prejudice.In. Schaler, Jeffrey A. (ed.). Peter Singer Under Fire. Chicago, IL, Open Court: 77-96.

2.) Further publications, mainly articles in journals and books

Abelson, Raziel 2005. Moral Distance: What Do We Owe to Unknown Strangers? Philosophical Forum36 (1): 31-39.

Alexander, John K. 2008. Eliminating the Harm We Cause: A Defense of Singer and Agent-Causation Responsibility. Philosophy in the Contemporary World15 (1): 11-21.

Almassi, Ben 2011. The Consequences of Individual Consumption.A Defence of Threshold Arguments for Vegetarianism and Consumer Ethics.Journal of Applied Philosophy28(4): 396-411.

Amato, Peter 1999. Reviewed Item: Singer, Peter 1999. A Darwinian Left: Politics, Evolution, and Cooperation. New Haven. Social Theory and Practice29: 515-522.

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 1927- Several articles mention P. Singers work.

Anchustegui, A. T. 2005. Biocentric Ethics and Animal Prosperity.International Journal of Applied Philosophy19 (1): 105-119.

Anderson, James C. 1993. Species Equality and the Foundations of Moral Theory.Environmental Values2(4): 347-365.

Anzenbacher, Arno 1995. The Ethics of Peter Singer (in Croatian).FilozofskaIstrazivanja59: 823-843.

Archard, David 2002. Selling Yourself. Titmuss's Argument against a Market in Blood.Journal of Ethics6 (1): 87-103.

Attfield, Robin 1979. Supererogation and double standards.Mind88: 481-499.

Attfield, Robin 1983. Methods of Ecological Ethics.Metaphilosophy14: 195-208.

Baccarini, Elvio 2000.On Speciesism.Synthesis Philosophica15 (1-2): 107-114.

Bachelard, Sarah 2002. On Euthanasia.Blindspots in the Argument from Mercy.Journal of Applied Philosophy19 (2): 131-140.

Bailey, Cathryn 2005. On the Backs of Animals: The Valorization of Reason in Contemporary Animal Ethics. Ethics and the Environment 10 (1): 1-17.

BallestaBallester, Francisco José 2004. El concepto de persona de Peter Singer en: 'repensando la vida y la muerte, el derrumbe de nuestraéticatradicional'. Medicina y Etica: RevistaInternacional de Bioetica, Deontologia y EticaMedica15 (1): 91-107.

Baranzke, Heike 2012. “Sanctity-of-Life“ A Bioethical Principle for a Right to Life? Ethical Theory and Moral Practice15 (3): 295-308.

Bardon, Adrian 1998. Abortion, Property Rights, and the Welfare State.Public Affairs Quarterly12(4): 369-381.

Barry, Christian / Overland, Gerhard 2013. How Much for the Child? Ethical Theory and Moral Practice16 (1): 189-204.

Baruchello, Giorgio 2002.Reviewed Item: Singer, Peter 1999. A Darwinian Left. New Haven. American Catholic Philosophical Association,76: 356-360.

Berker, Selim 2009.The Normative Insignificance of Neuroscience.Philosophy and Public Affairs37: 294-329.

Bailey, Cathryn 2005. On the Backs of Animals: The Valorization of Reason in Contemporary Animal Ethics. Ethics and the Environment10(1): 1-17.

Benson, John 1978. Duty and the Beast (Reviewed Item: P. Singer 1976 Animal Liberation; S. Clark 1977 The Moral Status of Animals).Philosophy53: 529-549.

Bernstein, Mark H. 2010. Reviewed Item: Schaler, Jeffrey A. (ed.) 2009. Peter Singer Under Fire. Philo: A Journal of Philosophy13 (1): 94-111.

Bernstein, Mark H. 2006. On the Dogma of Hierarchical Value.American Philosophical Quarterly43 (3): 207-220.

Bernstein, Mark H. 2004. Neo-Speciesism. Journal of Social Philosophy 35 (3): 380-390.

Bernstein, Mark H. 1991. Speciesism and Loyalty.Behavior and Philosophy19 (1): 43-59.

Bérubé, Michael 2009. Equality, Freedom, and/or Justice for All.A Response to Martha Nussbaum.Metaphilosophy40 (3-4): 352-365.

Best, Steven / Nocella, Anthony J. (eds.) 2004.Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?Reflections on the Liberation of Animals.New York, Lantern Books.

Best, Steven 2006. Weighing and Protecting Life.Beyond Speciesism, Welfarism, and Legalism.Organization and Environment 19: 284-288.

Best, Steven / Nocella, Anthony J. 2011.The Animal Liberation Front.New York, NY, Lantern Books.

Bindig, Todd S. 2007. Confusion about Speciesism and Moral Status.Linacre Quarterly: Journal of the Catholic Medical Association74 (2): 145-155.

Black, Max 1982. Why should I be rational.Dialectica36: 147-168.

Blackford, Russell 2009. Moral Pluralism versus the Total View. Why Singer Is Wrong about Radical Life Extension. Journal of Medical Ethics35 (12): 747-752.

Blumer, Karin 1998. Sind Tiere Personen? Eine Analyse terminologischer Kontroversen in der gegenwärtigen bioethischen Diskussion dargestellt am Beispiel der Position von Peter Singer. Theologie und Philosophie 73: 524-537.

Braybrooke, David 2003. A Progressive Approach to Personal Responsibility for Global Beneficence.Monist86 (2): 301-322.

Brennan, Andrew 2003. Humanism, Racsism and Speciesism.Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology7 (3): 274-302.

Brown, Geoffrey 1985. On pleasing all of the people all of the time.Theoria51: 16-23.

Buckle, Stephen 2011. Assessing Peter Singer's Argument for Utilitarianism.Drawing a Lesson from Rousseau and Kant.Journal of Value Inquiry45 (2): 215-227.

Buckle, Stephen 2005. Peter Singer's Argument for Utilitarianism.Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics26 (3): 175-194.

Buege, Douglas J. 1997. An Ecologically-Informed Ontology for Environmental Ethics.Biology and Philosophy12 (1): 1-20.

Burgos Velasco, Juan Manuel 2008. Persona 'versus' serhumano: unanálisis del esquemaargumentativobásico del debate. Cuadernos de Bioetica19: 433-447.

Burr, John R. / Goldinger, Milton (eds.) 1996.Philosophy and Contemporary Issues: Seventh Edition Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall.

Calef, Scott 1992. The Replaceability Argument and Abortion.American Catholic Philosophical Association 66(4): 447-463.

Camosy, Charles C. 2009. Common Ground on Surgical Abortion?Engaging Peter Singer on the Moral Status of Potential Persons.The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy33 (6): 577 - 593.

Campbell, Courtney S. 1998. The Crumbling Foundations of Medical Ethics. Review Essay about Singer, Peter 1995. Rethinking Life & Death.The Collapse of Our Traditional.Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (2): 143-152.

Caplan, Arthur L. / Callahan, Daniel (eds.) 1981.Ethics in Hard Times (Includes Peter Singer. The Concept of Moral Standing). New York, Plenum Press.

Carter, Alan 1998. In Defence of Radical Disobedience.Journal of Applied Philosophy 15 (1): 29-47.

Carter, Lucy 2007. GM Plants and the Third World.Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (1): 69-82.

Castrodeza, Carlos 1999. Ética, economía y derechos de los animales en unmarconaturalista. Teorema18 (3): 117-135.

Catholic Medical Quarterly. Journal of the Catholic Medical Association (UK) articles mention P. Singers work.

Chan, Kai M. A. 2003. Intransitivity and Future Generations: Debunking Parfit's Mere Addition Paradox. Journal of Applied Philosophy20 (2): 187-200.

Chappell, Timothy 2004. Absolutes and Particulars. In. O'Hear, Anthony (ed.). Modern Moral Philosophy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 95-116.

Chappell, Timothy 1997. In Defence of Speciesism. In. Oderberg, David (ed.). Human Lives: Critical Essays on Consequentialist. New York, Macmillan: 96-108.

Chartier, Gary 2005.Consumers, Boycotts, and Non-Human Animals.Buffallo Environmental Law Journal12: 123-194.

Chartier, Gary 2008.Consumption, Development Aid, and Natural Law.Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights Social Justice13(2): 205-257.

Christian Bioethics: Non-Eucumenical Studies in Medical Ethics, 1995- Several articles mention P. Singers work.

Campbell, Courtney S. 1998. Campbell, Courtney S. 1998 The Crumbling Foundations of Medical Ethics. Review Essay about Singer, Peter 1995. Rethinking Life & Death.The Collapse of Our Traditional.Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics19 (2): 143-152.

Chappell, Timothy 2011. On the Very Idea of Criteria for Personhood.Southern Journal of Philosophy49(1): 1-27.

Chappell, Timothy 1997. In Defence of Speciesism. In. Oderberg, David (ed.). Human Lives: Critical Essays on Consequentialist. New York, Macmillan: 96-108.

Clark, Stephen R. L. 1994. Companions on the Way (Reviewed Item: P. Singer 1991 A Companion to Ethics).Philosophical Quarterly44: 90-100. „and identifying a pervasive theme: namely, that God is dead, but that we needn't mind.”

Clark, Stephen R. L. 1988. Utility Rights and the Domestic Virtues: Or What's Wrong with Raymond. Between the Species4: 235-246.

Clark, Stephen R. L. 1978. Animal Wrongs. Analysis38: 147-149.

Clark, Stephen R. L. 1977. The Moral Status of Animals (2.Edition 1984). Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Clarke, Ellen 2006. Anarchy, Socialism and a Darwinian Left.Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences37 (1): 136-150.

Clarke, Melissa 2002. Ontology, Ethics, and 'Sentir': Properly Situating Merleau-Ponty. Environmental Values11(2): 211-225.

Clune, Alan C. 1996. A Critical Assessment of Varner's Proposal for Consensus and Convergence in the Biomedical Research Debate.Between the Species12 (1-2): 34-39.

Coady, C A J 2013.The Common Premise for Uncommon Conclusions.Journal of Medical Ethics39(5): 284-288.

Cockburn, David 1994. Human Beings and Great Squids in Philosophy.Philosophy69: 135-150.

Coghlan, Peter 2005. The Prodigal and His Brother: Impartiality and the Equal Consideration of Interests. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics26 (3): 195-206.

Cole, Phillip 1997. Problems with 'Persons'.Res Publica. A Journal of Legal and Social Philosophy3 (2): 165-183.

Cole, Phillip 1995. Dangerous Philosophies.Radical Philosophy72: 44-46.

Colosi, Peter J 2009. John Paul II and Christian Personalism vs. Peter Singer and Utilitarianism: Two Radically Opposed Conceptions of the Nature and Meaning of Suffering. Ethics Education15: 20-41.

Coope, Christopher Miles 2003. Peter Singer in Retrospect.Reviewed Item: Singer, Peter 2002.Unsanctifying Human Life. Oxford. Philosophical Quarterly53: 596-604.

Cordner, Christopher 2005. Life and Death Matters.Losing a Sense of the Value of Human Beings.Theoretical Medicine26: 207-226.

Corkery, Padraig 2011.Bioethics and the Catholic Moral Tradition. Dublin, Veritas.

Cornett, Russell 1986. Defining Morality.Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review25: 547-552.

Cottingham, John G. 1983. Ethics and Impartiality.Philosophical Studies43: 83-99.

Covic, Ante 1997. New Paths of Medical Ethics: 'New Medical Ethics,' Drustvenaistrazivanja 23-24 (3-4/1996). Synthesis Philosophica12 (2): 559-571.

Covic, Ante / Hoffmann, Thomas S. (eds.) 2005.Bioethik und kulturellePluralität / Bioethics and Cultural Plurality.Die süd- und südosteuropäische Perspektive. Sankt Augustin, Academia.

Cowton, Christopher J. / Gunn, Christine J. 2005. Animal instincts in the commercial jungle? Reflections on Peter Singer's Ethics in Action.Business Ethics14 (2): 176-185.

Cushing, Simon 2003. Against 'Humanism'.Speciesism, Personhood, and Preference.Journal of Social Philosophy34 (4): 556-571.

DAgostino, Fred 1998. Relativism and reflective equilibrium.Monist71: 420-436.

Dahbour, Omar 2005.Three Models of Global Community.Journal of Ethics9 (1-2): 201-224.

Daniels, Charles 2006. Ought We Prevent Preventable Evils? Disputatio20: 303-314.

Danielson, Peter A. / MacDonald, Chris J. 1996. Hard Cases in Hard Places: Singer's Agenda for Applied Ethics (Reviewed Item P. Singer 1993. Practical Ethics).Dialogue : Canadian Philosophical Review 35 (3): 599-610.

Dardenne, Emilie 2010. The Reception of Peter Singer’s Theories in France.Society and Animals18 (2): 205-218.

Deckers, Jan 2009. Vegetarianism, Sentimental or Ethical?Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics22 (6): 573-597

DeGrazia, David 1996. Taking Animals Seriously.Mental Life and Moral Status. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

DeGrazia, David 1992. Review of Singer: Animal Liberation. Second Edition.Between the Species8: 44-50.

DeMarco, Donald 2003. Peter Singer: Architect of the Culture of Death. Social Justice Review94(9-10): 154-157

DeMarco, Donald 2012. Reviewed Item: Camosy, Charles 2012 Peter Singer and Christian Ethics.Beyond Polarization. Cambridge, CUP. Linacre Quarterly: Journal of the Catholic Medical Association80 (3): 283-284.

DeMarco, Joseph (ed.) 1986. New Directions in Ethics: The Challenge of Applied Ethics. New York, Routledge.

Desmond, John 2010. A Summons to the Consuming Animal.Business Ethics19 (3): 238-252.

Diamond, Cora 1978. Eating Meat and Eating People. Philosophy53: 465-479. Reprinted in: Palmer, Clare (ed.) 2008.

Diamond, Sheila M. 2007.Response to Todd Bindig's 'Confusion about Speciesism and Moral Status'.Linacre Quarterly74(2): 156-158.

Dias, Maria Clara 2010.ConsideraçõesSobre a Questão da Justiçaem Peter Singer. Ethica: CadernosAcademicos17 (2): 19-33.

Dixon, Nicholas 1995. A Utilitarian Argument for Vegetarianism.Between the Species11 (3-4): 90-97.

Dombrowski, Daniel A. 1997. Babies and Beasts: The Argument from Marginal Cases. Urbana, IL, University of Illinois Press.

Dombrowski, Daniel A 2001. The Replaceability Argument.Process Studies30 (1): 22-35.

Donaghy, Kevin 1974. Singer on Speciesism.Philosophic Exchange1: 125-127.

Dorsey, Dale 2009. Aggregation, Partiality, and the Strong Beneficence.Philosophical Studies146 (1): 139-157.

Dunayer, Joan 2001. Animal Equality.Language and Liberation. Derwood, MD, Ryce Publishing.

Dunayer, Joan 2004. Speciesism. Derwood, MD, Ryce Publishing.

Dunayer, Joan 2007. Advancing Animal Rights.Journal of Animal Law 3: 1-32.

Duran, Jane 1990. Domesticated and Then Some. Between the Species 6: 176-180.

Eassom, Simon 1997. Sport, Solidarity, and the Expanding Circle.Journal of the Philosophy of Sport24: 79-98.

Edmonds, David (ed.) 2010. Philosophy Bites. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Elliott, Aaron 2011. Facing the Animal: Finding a Place for Animals in Levinas. Dialogue: Journal of Phi Sigma Tau 53 (2-3): 149-158.

Elstein, Daniel J. 2005. The Asymmetry of Creating and Not Creating Life.Journal of Value Inquiry39 (1): 49-59.

Engel, Mylan 2011.Review of Practical Ethics, 3rd Edition by Peter Singer.American Journal of Bioethics11: 73-75.

Engel, Mylan 2001.The Mere Considerability of Animals.ActaAnalytica16 (27): 89-107.

Engelhardt, Hugo Tristram 2002. Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences After God: Do Right-Worshipping Christians Know More Than Others About the Content of Morality? Christian Bioethics8(2): 209-219.

Engelhardt, Hugo Tristram 2004. Moral Knowledge: Some Reflections on Moral Controversies, Incompatible Moral Epistemologies, and the Culture Wars. Christian Bioethics10 (1): 79-104.

Ernst, Zachary 2007. The Liberationists' Attack on Moral Intuitions.American Philosophical Quarterly44 (2): 129-142.

Faber, Arkadiy 2012.The Ethics of Emergencies and Non-Emergencies.Dialogue: Journal of Phi Sigma Tau54 (2-3): 170-180.

Farland, Douglas 2007. Principles, the Methodological Challenge and Our Obligations to the Worst-Off.South African Journal of Philosophy26 (2): 133-142.

Feezell, Randolph M. / Stephens, William O. 1994. The Argument from Marginal Cases: Is Speciesism Defensible? Contemporary Philosophy16: 7-16.

Felipe, Sonia T. 2001. Da Igualdade. Peter Singer e a DefesaÉtica dos Animais Contra o Especismo.Philosophica - Lisboa17-18: 21-48.

Ferre, Frederick 1986. Moderation, Morals, and Meat.Inquiry: 29 391-406.

Ferreira, Sandro de Souza 2005. O conceito de pessoa e a suaextensãoaanimaisnão-humanos. Controversia1 (2): 1-8.

Fink, Charles K. 2011. El argumento de la depredación.Agora: Papeles de Filosofia (Santiago de Compostela)30 (2): 135-146.

Fink, Charles K. 2005. The Predation Argument.Between the Species13 (5): 1-15.

Finnis, John 2013. Capacity, Harm and Experience in the Life of Persons as Equals.Journal of Medical Ethics39 (5): 281-283.

Fjellstrom, Roger 2002. Specifying Speciesism.Environmental Values11(1): 63-74.

Fjellstrom, Roger 2002. Equality Does Not Entail Equality across Species. Environmental Ethics24(4): 339-352.

Fjellstrom, Roger 2003. Is Singer's Ethics Speciesist? Environmental Values12(1): 91-106.

Fleming, Lorette 1987. The moral status of the foetus: a reappraisal. Bioethics 1: 15-34.

Fox, Michael Allen 1978. Animal Liberation: A Critique. Ethics88: 106-118.

Fox, Michael Allen 1978. Animal Suffering and Rights: A Reply to Singer and Regan. Ethics88: 134-138.

Francione, Gary L. 2003. Animal Rights Theory and Utilitarianism: Relative Normative Guidance. Between the Species13 (3): 1-30.

Francione, Gary L 1999. El error de Bentham (y el de Singer).Teorema18 (3): 39-60.

Franklin, Julian H. 2005. Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy. New York, Columbia University Press.

Franklin, Julian H. 2005. Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy. New York, Columbia University Press.

Franklin, Julian H. 2011. Animal Rights and Political Theory. In. Klosko, George (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy. Oxford, OUP: 756-767.

Frey, Raymond G. 1977. Animal Rights.Analysis37: 186-189. Reprinted in: Palmer, Clare (ed.) 2008.

Frey, Raymond G. 1977. Interests and Animal Rights.Philosophical Quarterly27: 254-259.

Frey, Raymond G. 1978. Moral Experts.Personalist59: 47-52.

Frey, Raymond G. 1980. Interests and Rights.The Case against Animals. Oxford, Clarendon.

Frey, Raymond G. 1983. Rights, Killing and Suffering. Moral Vegetarianism and Applied Ethics. Oxford, Blackwell.

Frey, Raymond G. 1987. Autonomy and the Value of Animal Life.Monist70: 50-63.

Frey, Raymond G. 1989. The case against animal rights. In: Regan, Tom / Singer, Peter (eds.).Animal Rights and Animal Rights. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall: 115-118 only 3 pages!

Frey, Raymond G. 1997. Rechte, Interessen, Wünsche und Überzeugungen (Original 1979). In. Krebs, Angelika (Ed.). Naturethik. Frankfurt a. M., STW: 76-91.

Frey, Raymond G. 2011. Utilitarianism and Animals. In. Beauchamp, Tom L. / Frey, Raymond G. (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics. Oxford, OUP: 172-197.

Fulda, Joseph S. 1992. Reply to an Objection to Animal Rights. Journal of Value Inquiry26: 87-88. See also: Levin, Michael 1993. Reply to Fulda on Animal Rights. Journal of Value Inquiry 27: 111-112.

Fuller, Steve 2006. Humanity' As the Site for Ideological Conflict in the Twenty-First Century.LudusVitalis14: 227-231.

Fuller, Steve 2002. Karmic Darwinism: The Emerging Alliance between Science and Religion. TijdschriftvoorFilosofie64(4): 697-722.

Gauri, Varun / Sonderholm, Jorn 2012. Global Poverty: Four Normative Positions. Journal of Global Ethics8 (2-3): 193-213.

George, Kathryn Paxton 2000.Animal, Vegetable, or Woman?A Feminist Critique of Ethical Vegetarianism.Albany, State University of New York Press.

Gesang, Bernward 2001. Konsequenter Utilitarismus - Ein neues Paradigma der analytischen Bioethik? Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung55 (1): 24-51.

Glock, Hans-Johann 2011. Doing Good by Splitting Hairs? Analytic Philosophy and Applied Ethics. Journal of Applied Philosophy28(3): 225-240.

Glock, Hans-Johann 1994.The Euthanasia Debate in Germany - What's the Fuss?Journal of Applied Philosophy11 (2): 213-224.

Goldman, Michael 2001. A Transcendental Defense of Speciesism.Journal of Value Inquiry35(1): 59-69.

Gomberg, Paul 1994. Universalism and Optimism.Ethics104 (3): 536-557.

Gomberg, Paul 2002. The Fallacy of Philanthropy.Canadian Journal ofPhilosophy 32 (1): 29-66.

Gomez Alvarez, Jose Enrique 2003. La definicióncomo principio argumentativo en la docencia en bioética: un ejemplo a partir de la noción de personal de Peter Singer comparada con la concepción de la IglesiaCatólica. Medicina y Etica: RevistaInternacional de Bioetica14: 229-236.

Goodheart, Eugene 2006. Peter Singer's Challenge.Philosophy and Literature30(1): 238-247.

Goodmacher, Chris 2007. Partiality and World Poverty.Philosophy in the Contemporary World14 (2): 74-85.

Gordon, David 1983. Ng and Singer on Utilitarianism.Canadian Journal of Philosophy13: 239-240.

Graft, Donald 1997.Against Strong Speciesism.Journal of Applied Philosophy14 (2): 107-118.

Green, Karen 2003. Distance, Divided Responsibility and Universalizability.Monist86 (3): 501-515.

Groll, Daniel 2010. Reviewed Item: Schaler, Jeffrey A. (ed.) 2009. Peter Singer Under Fire. Teaching Philosophy33 (4): 418-421.

Grünewald, Bernward 1995. Peter Singers Objektivismus und seine versteckte Subjektstheorie. In.JahrbuchfürRecht und Ethik.3: 403-414.

Hadley, John 2009. World Poverty, Animal Minds and the Ethics of Veterinary Expenditure.Environmental Values18 (3): 361-378.

Haji, Ishtiyaque 1992.Evolution, Altruism, and the Prisoner's Dilemma.BiologyandPhilosophy7 (2): 161-175.

Hallich, Oliver 2008. Grenzen der Redefreiheit. Lassen sich Diskussionsbeschränkungen in der Bioethik rechtfertigen? AllgemeineZeitschriftfürPhilosophie32 (2): 125-153.

Hanley, Richard 2004. A Modest Proposal.Public Affairs Quarterly18 (1): 1-12.

Hannay, Alastair 1998. What Can Philosophers Contribute to Social Ethics?Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy17 (2): 127-136.

Hare, John E. 1996.The Moral Gap: Kantian Ethics, Human Limits, and God's Assistance. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Hare, R. M. 1987. Why moral language. In. Pettit, Philip (ed.). Metaphysics and Morality. New York, Blackwell: 71-90.

Hare, R. M. 1988.Comments. In. Seanor, Douglas (ed.). Hare and critics. Oxford, OUP: 199-293.

Haslett, D. W. 1984. Is allowing someone to die the same as murder? Social Theory and Practice10: 81-96.

Hellsten, SirkkuKristiina 2000.Towards an Alternative Approach to Personhood in the End of Life Questions.Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics21 (6): 515-536.

Herrera Ibanez, Alejandro 1999. ¿Quééticaqueremos para el desarrollosustentable?LudusVitalis7 (11): 147-155.

Herzog, Harold A. 2005. The Slippery Slope to Moral Chaos: Line Drawing and Animal Rights.Reviewed Item: Dunayer, Joan 2004 Speciesism.Ethics and Behavior 15 (2): 191-194.

Hills, Alison 2006. Reviewed Items: Singer, P. (ed.) 2006.In Defense of Animals; Sharpe, L. 2005. Creatures Like Us? Philosophical Quarterly56: 468-471

Hom, Alison 2002. The Animal Liberation Philosophy of Peter Singer.Aitia: Philosophy-Humanities Magazine23 (3): 5-8.

Hooker, Brad 2010. A reply to Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer.Ratio23 (1): 111-117.