Annex IV

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Recommendations of the Meeting

The Meeting:

Having examined the Report of the Executive Director of UNEP on the Implementation of the Caribbean Environment Programme l990-l992 (UNEP(OCA)/CAR IG.10/4);

Taking into account the Report of the Meeting of Experts on the Caribbean Environment Programme, Kingston, 9-10 November 1992 (UNEP(OCA)/CAR WG. 10/4);

Recalling the decisions on programme priorities approved by the Fifth Intergovernmental and Second Contracting Parties Meeting (Kingston, 17-18 January 1990) and the goals of the short-term period (1990-1995) of the Strategy for the Development of the Caribbean Environment Programme;

Recommends that the Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Third Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Kingston, 16-18 November 1992):

1.Request the Secretariat to formulate a draft legal framework arrangement for the administrative, technical and financial operations of RAC's and RAN's, to be circulated prior to its review by the Eleventh Meeting of the Monitoring Committee and the Bureau of Contracting Parties. At the time of establishment of a Regional Activity Centre (RAC), the draft legal framework arrangement will be adjusted in accordance with the national legislation of the host country and with the objectives of the regional programmes that it serves.

2.Support the proposal by the Government of France to establish and host a Regional Activity Centre (RAC) in order to facilitate the future implementation of the SPAW Protocol.

3.Request the Secretariat to formulate the appropriate terms of reference for the administrative, technical and financial operation of this RAC along the lines of the framework arrangement referred to in recommendation No. 1 as well as its precise mandate which will be presented to the Second ISTAC Meeting before its submission to the Eleventh Meeting of the Monitoring Committee and Bureau of Contracting Parties.

4.a)Recommend to the ISTAC that it completes the draft Rules of Procedure for STAC prepared by the First Meeting of the ISTAC, so that they are consistent with Article 20 of the SPAW Protocol, for consideration by the First Meeting of STAC.

b)Recommend the amendment of these draft Rules, if necessary, to be consistent with the Rules of Procedure to be developed for the Convention and CEP,

(c) Adopt the SPAW Workplan developed by the First Meeting of the Interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, ISTAC, UNEP (OCA)/CAR WG. 5.1, to the SPAW Protocol, (Kingston, 4-8 May 1992);

(d)Decide that the second meeting of ISTAC be convened immediately following the RAMSAR Convention Workshop (tentatively scheduled for April 1993 in French Guiana)

(e) Decide that funds be allocated from the CTF for the ISTAC meeting,

(f)Recognize the importance of the involvement in ISTAC Meetings of other participants in the CEP.

5.Endorse the main conclusions of the Draft Environmental Problems Affecting the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region as contained in the document [UNEP(OCA)/CAR IG.9/INF.5]. Additionally, recommends that the Secretariat include in future regional overviews of environmental problems, an estimate of the financial resources required to address these problems.

6.Adopt the recommendations of the Meeting of Experts on the Caribbean Environment Programme (Kingston, 9-10 November 1992) as contained in document UNEP(OCA)/CAR WG.10/4 with modifications to recommendation No. 3 (add "and other sources"...) and to recommendation No. 14 (change the word "concept" to the word "principle" in the first line).

7.Endorse the main conclusions of the evaluation of the achievements and shortcomings of the Action Plan for the period 1988-1991 as contained in document Draft Evaluation of Projects and Activities Implemented within the Framework of the Caribbean Environment Programme (1988-1991) [UNEP(OCA)/CAR IG.9/INF.4].

  1. Adopt the recommendations made by the Meeting of Experts on Land-Based Sources of Pollution (Veracruz, 6-10 July 1992) as contained in document UNEP(OCA)/CAR WG.9/4. In this context, that Governments continue to give high priority to the process of developing a protocol on land-based sources of pollution as expressed in paragraphs 52-56 of UNEP(OCA)/CAR WG.9/4 and accordingly,

a)as stated in paragraph 53 that the IGM direct the Regional Coordinating Unit, as a priority, to compile information on international agreements, conventions and protocols on land-based sources of pollution and to compile information on existing national legislation and institutional capacity in the Wider Caribbean Region;

b)the meeting of experts on land-based sources of pollution, planned for 1993, should review and analyze the information provided by the RCU, as well as other relevant information and evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, and relevance of the various approaches to action to be taken by the governments in the region, taking into account the diverse institutional, legal, and technical capabilities of the region; and

c)following the evaluation, the meeting should identify a pollution prevention, reduction or control strategy appropriate to the region to be considered in future negotiations on a protocol for land-based sources of pollution.

9. Adopt the revised 1992-1993 workplan and budget, as well as the proposed 1994-1995 workplan and budget of the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme including the establishment within the RCU of three additional General Service posts (as contained in document Report of the Executive Director of UNEP on the Status of Implementation of the Caribbean Environment Programme (1990-1992) UNEP(OCA)/CAR IG.10/4 Annex VI, Appendix I), with modifications as contained in appendices I and II of this Annex.

10.Adopt a recommendation in support of a more appropriate allocation of CTF funds among the various regional programmes and among their components according to the priorities established by the Intergovernmental and Contracting Parties Meetings bearing in mind the counterpart contributions received.

11.Note the financial contributions received from the UNEP Environment Fund and requests that the Executive Director, in addition to the request made in recommendation No. 8 of the Meeting of Experts, [UNEP(OCA)/CAR WG.10/4] allocate additional funds from the various budget lines of the Environment Fund to activities included in both the revised workplan and budget for the 1992-1993 biennium and the proposed 1994-1995 workplan and budget of the Action Plan as approved by this meeting.

12.Highlight the serious concern of the Governments with the decision to reduce EF support for the 1993 budget, and request that they be better informed about administrative and financial decisions of UNEP as well as of all other measures that could have a significant effect on the Programme's content.

13.Note the trends in the deficit between the contributions received and the expenditures incurred during the 1982-1992 period, the increased cost of the implementation of the Action Plan and decide on measures to ensure increased financial resources to the Caribbean Trust Fund.

14.Note the decision 16/46 (a) of the Sixteenth Session of the UNEP Governing Council which approved the extension of the Trust Fund until 31 December 1993 and recommend that the Executive Director of UNEP requests the Governing Council at its next session, to extend the Caribbean Trust fund until 31 December 1995.

15.Direct the Secretariat to clarify its presentation of financial information to improve reporting of the current operating budget, including an accounting of funds received, expected and expended and a comparison of proposed and actual budgets. The proposed budget should include a calculation of pledged contributions to the Caribbean Trust Fund from participating States and Territories, as well as possible counterpart sources.

16.Support the proposal made by the Government of Barbados to host the First Global Conference on Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and request the Secretariat to provide support to the extent possible.

17.Give further consideration to, and decide on the length, frequency and sequencing of the Meetings of Experts on the Caribbean Environment Programme, the Monitoring Committee and Bureau of Contracting Parties Meetings and the Intergovernmental and Contracting Parties Meetings.

  1. Request the Secretariat to formulate the draft rules of procedure and financial rules for the meetings and conferences of the Caribbean Environment Programme taking into account the relevant and existing rules within the framework of the United Nations, in particular the rules of the Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee (CDCC) of ECLAC. Additionally, to draft rules of procedure and financial rules for the Cartagena Convention. Both draft rules of procedure shall be presented in advance for review by Governments prior to the Eleventh Monitoring Committee and Bureau of Contracting Parties Meeting.
  1. Decide on the convening of the Eleventh Monitoring Committee and Bureau of Contracting Parties Meeting, tentatively proposed for November 1993, as well as the Twelfth Monitoring Committee and Bureau of Contracting Parties Meeting and Seventh Intergovernmental and Fourth Contracting Parties Meeting, tentatively proposed for November 1994. In accordance with customary procedures, the meetings, unless otherwise decided, will be convened in Kingston.