CTR Plan Update Review/Recommendation

Recommendation for CTR Board Action

Approve local CTR plan updates for pilot jurisdictions for the 2017–2019 biennium.

In 2012, the CTR Board solicited alternate plan proposals to field-test different ways to accomplish trip

reduction. In May 2013, the board chose six alternate plan proposals for its four-year pilot: City of Redmond,

City of Seattle, Snohomish County, City of Tacoma, City of Tukwila, and Yakima County. In 2015, the CTR

Board approved four-year CTR Plan Updates for the remainingjurisdictions, as well as Tukwila. Last year,

Redmond chose to go back to the traditional CTR program; WSDOT and PSRC recommended approval of

their CTR plan update; and the board approved their CTR plan update in June 2016. The remaining five pilots

will end on June 30, 2017.

Key Points

  • The pilot –rulemaking project structure and schedule were set up to be compliant with both CTR Program law and rules and the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) terms for pilot-rulemaking.

The pilot’s CTR plans were approved to run for four years (2013-2017) and will expire June 30, 2017.

This will bring the pilot jurisdictions back into the 2015-2019 CTR program cycle.

Per requirement, the pilot jurisdictions delivered their final report to the CTR Board earlier this year.

PSRC and WSDOT are recommending approval of all CTR Plan Updates for Seattle, Snohomish County, and Tacoma.

YVCOG and WSDOT are recommending approval of all CTR Plan Updates for Yakima County.

  • Eligibility for 2017-2019 CTR grant contracts for these jurisdictions rely upon their having board-approved plan updates by July 1 2017.
  • This will allow WSDOT and local implementers to proceed to update CTR contracts and ensure continuity ofservice.

RCW and WAC Citations:

  • WAC 468-63-040(1)(e) establishes the requirement for plans to be “updated at least once every four years, in order to establish new four-year targets and program strategies and update other elements as needed.”
  • RCW 70.94.526(6) provides that “local and regional plans must be approved by the commute trip reduction board in order to be eligible for state funding…”

1 / CTR Plan Update Summary Review and Recommendation – June 21, 2017
Contact: Kathy Johnston / /360.705.7925