What Your Child Will Learn in Pre-Kindergarten Quarter 1
Counting and Cardinality
  • Count to 10 by ones.
  • Recognize the last number name said tells the number of objects counted.

  • When counting objects, say the number names in order, pairing each object with one and only one number nameand each number name with one and only one object.
  • Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is thesame regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.

  • Explore relationships by comparing groups of objects up to 10, to determine greater than/more or less than, equal to/same.
  • Count to answer “how many?”
  • Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities to 5, then to 10; connect counting to cardinality.

  • County how many shoes you have, how many boxes of cereal you have, how chairs at the table. Count everything!
  • Help to set the table. Matching each person to spot at table, with one plate, one cup, etc for each person.
  • Write your name and a family member’s name. How many letters are in your name? How many are in your family member’s name? Which name has more?
  • Estimate how many spoonfuls it take to finish a bowl of cereal. Count each spoonful as you eat.
  • Walk around your home. Count how items are plugged into the wall.
  • Show the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in as many ways as you can. Use pictures, numbers, or objects.
/ One-to-one Correspondence: Students assign one number to each object as they count
Count On: Starting at a given number and counting forward from that number
Cardinality:accurately counts objects in a given set and then can answer the question “How many?” Demonstrates an understanding that the last number said is the total number of the set.
Greater Than: A number that has a higher value than another number
Less Than: A number that has a lower value than another number
Equal: Having the same value
Resources for quarter 1:
Literature Connections:
1,2,3, Go! by H.V. Lee
My Baby Brother has Ten Tiny Toes by C. Vulliamy

Apps: Tiny Hands Sorting 3
What Your Child Will Learn in Pre-Kindergarten Quarter 1
Measurement and Data
  • Sort objects into given categories

  • Sort a bag of skittles or other candy by color. Count each color. What color has the most? What color has the least?
  • Sort the mail by name. Who has the least amount of mail? Who has the most amount of mail?
  • Sort silverware, plates, cups, etc while helping to put away dishes.
  • Sort laundry by lights and darks. Help to sort clean clothes by family member. Who has the most clothes? Who has the least amount of clothes?
/ Sorting: Grouping objects based on similar attributes