Reception weekly maths plan: Autumn Week 2: Counting, matching numerals to quantities, ordering numbers

Week 2 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
On the rug / Starter: Count to 20 along cards on the washing line. Chn hold up fingers to match the count,emphasising 5, 10, 15 and 20 by shaking one hand (5, 15) or two (10, 20) as appropriate.
Teaching: Count 5 objects, e.g. small Lego®bricks into a see-through plastic bag. How many bricks?Ask a child to point to the number on the line. Peg the bag to the number 5. Rpt with at other numbers to 10. / Starter:Count to 20 along the washing line, then count back from 10 to 0. Rpt counting back from 10 to zero with chn keeping their eyes shut and instead of zero, shout BLAST OFF!
Teaching: Give a number card (1 to 10) to each child. Take 5 soft toys out of box, one at a time with exaggerated movements asking chn to count them in their heads as you do so. Who has that number of toys? Chn with 5 stand up. Put the toys back and rpt takingout different nos to 10. / Starter: Count 10 soft toys into a box. Take one out, saying 9, and another out saying 8. Chn join in counting backwards until you reach 0.Show chn the empty box. Rpt with 10 other items. Teaching: Shuffle a pack of large 1-10 cards. Chn put their hands behind their backs. Show a card, chn show this number of fingers. Rpt with each card, increasing the pace as chn gain confidence. Can you catch anyone out or are they just too clever! / Starter:Show chn a 1-100 grid. What a lotofnumbers, some are really big? Can anyone see their house /flat number? Count to 30 pointing to each number as you do so, Rpt so that more chn join in. Emphasise 5s & 10s.Teaching:Ask chn to help you to hang 1-10 cards in order on the washing line. Point to each number in turn and ask chn to think of something which matches this number, e.g. a chair with 4 legs. Draw/write this on a piece of paper and peg to the number on the line. Be creative if chn can’t think of anything! E.g. A spider has 8 legs, Eva’s brother is 9. We have 10 fingers. There is one headteacher! / Starter: Use the 1-100 grid to support counting to 30, with chn using fingers. Rpt.
Teaching: Hang 1-10 cards on the line in this order: 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Show chn a puppet. Muddles is learningtoordernumbers. He put these on the line this morning. He’s almost got it right. Ask chn to whisper to a neighbourwhat is wrong. Choose a child to help Muddles put his numbers in the right order. Take them off, and repeat, each timeswapping two or more nos.
Guided task with teacher / Easy
Show chn a 1-6 number track. Roll a 1-6 spotty dice, ask a child to count the spots then make this number of jumps along the track to land on the correct numeral. Assign a number to each child. Ask them to collect that number of objects from around the classroom to place on that number on the track. / Medium/Hard
Chn take it in turns to roll a spotty dice, build a tower of this number of cubes and choose the correctly numbered Post-it® to go with it. They stand it up on the table. If a child rolls a number which already has a tower, they roll the dice again. When all Post-its® have been stuck to a tower, chn work together to put them in order.
Hard Chn roll two dice and count all the spots, making towers of 1 to 12.
Guided task with Teaching Assistant / Easy/Medium
Give each child a shuffled pack of 1-6 cards, face down. Turn over a minute sand timer. Chn turn over their cards and try to put them in the right order before the sand runs out! Shuffle their cards and repeat. Are they getting faster? Can they beat the timer?! / Hard
Shuffle a pack of 1 to 12 cards,give three face down in a pile to each of 4 chn. The 1st child turns over their card and puts it in themiddle of the table. The next child turns over their card and puts it before or after the card on thetableonly if it is the next or previous number. E.g. 1st child puts down 6, so the 2ndchild can only put down 5 or 7. Ifthey can’t go, they put that card to the bottom of theirpack, and the3rdchild tries. Continue until all cards are in order. Count along the line to check.
Associated play contexts / Playdough/Painting
Chn choose a number to make out of playdough and press the matching number of counters into it. Chn paint a number and stick a matching numberofsequins on it. / Outside
Number the bikes and ask chn to park them in order. / Role play
Label items £1 to £10 in the class shop and£1 coins in purses. Chn ‘buy’ the items using the £1 coins. / Construction
Chn make models with up to 10 bricks and choose a Post-it® to label how manybricks they used. / Sand
Hide 5 shells and 7 pebbles in the sand. Chn choose numbered Post-its® to stick on a picture of a shell and a pebble. Change nos of shells and pebbles each day.
Resources / 1-20 cards, washing line and pegs, small objects, see-through plastic bags, 1-12 number cards, 10 soft toys in a box, 1-100 square, puppet, 1-6 number track, 1-6 spotty dice, interconnecting cubes, minute sand timer, numbered Post-its®

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Reception – Maths – Autumn, week 2