Reception Spring Term Curriculum 2018 Topics: Easter/Nursery Rhymes/Fairy Tales Teachers: M A Barlow (RMAB) V Hiller (RVH)

Communication and Language: Throughout the year, children will be given opportunities to speak with confidence. These will be during carpet times, assemblies, discussions and freeflow play with both adults and peers. They will learn to listen and respond to others taking turns during conversations in small groups. They will be re-enacting and re-telling simple stories or news and learn to ask questions. They will learn to follow simple instructions. The children will also be learning lots of new topic related vocabulary.‘Say it/Write it’ will be a focus this term in order to learn how to construct grammatically correct sentences that make sense. Reciting Nursery rhymes will also be a daily focus. We aim to learn three by heart per week if possible!
Physical Development: The children will be consolidating their learning and dress/undress independently for PE. They will take responsibility for their own clothes and kit bags too. They will be increasingly confident in using their fine motor skills for writing and continue to perfect a lead out when writing letters of the alphabet during handwriting. They will continue to practiceusing the correct pencil grip. Theywill be using scissors, rollers, brushes and other tools. The children will be practising moving with care and attention for their own and the personal space/safety of others. They will be taking part in the Daily Mile. We will continue using the Nelson Handwriting schemes. PE is every Tuesday and the children need both indoor and outdoor kit this term.
Personal Social Emotional: Going for goals and getting along with one another will be the focus this term with children learning about the self-control they need during times such as Lent and when they need to share and turn take. We will be supporting children with the qualities they need to develop to become strong learners such as resilience, independence as well partner or team work. During RE, the children will be exploring how they can learn to be the best that they can be through following the lessons told from the Life of Jesus as we prepare for Easter. We will be exploring feelings through music and dance this term.
Literacy: The children will be practising their blending and segmenting daily during Phonics Turnaround as well as class sessions. Whole class reading will become an established twice weekly session and group reading will take place once a week. The children will continue to read one to one with an adult at least weekly. The children will also be listening and learning many Nursery Rhymes and Fairy tales by heart. There will be lots of drama, dressing up and puppet or small world for retelling and performing. The focus for writing will be ‘Say it/Write it’. We will be creating our own sentences, captions, lists and letters this term.
Mathematics: We continue to explore the number system including counting back and forth, number order and value and addition and subtraction. We will begin with concrete apparatus and objects in order to embed concepts securely before moving onto pictorial and abstract methods. We will be exploring shape, space and measure. We will also be learning the days of the week and the seasons. We will be using measure to compare length and weight. We will begin to learn some number facts by heart including doubles to 6 + 6 and use numicon as our apparatus for learning.
Understanding The World: We will be continuing to explore the seasons, plants and animalsoutdoors and ‘mapping’ our local environment during Daily Mile. Celebrations will enable the children to learn about how different faiths celebrate significant events. This term we will learn about Chinese New Year and The Easter Story. We will continue using BeeBots and ipads to learn about technology. Each child will use ActiveLearn to access e books, maths games and other links to continue to enhance their learning. We will be looking at Traditional Tales such as the Chinese New Year animal Zodiac Story and foods from other parts of the world as well as make pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. We will be learning about the unseen world of microbes this term and growing Daffodils.
Expressive Arts and Design: This term we will be putting on a class assembly and taking part in an Infant’s Easter Assembly, learning new songs and continue weekly. music lessons with Mrs Ewens. We will be exploring how to create Chinese lanterns and dragons as well as creating our own Chinese Ribbon Dance too. Still Life drawing will be taught this term.

The characteristics of learning for children are Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, Creating and Thinking Critically. We start from where each child is and plan their next steps for learning. Every child is unique. Keep an eye on our webpages: and We will be visiting The Horniman Museum, this term.

RE Topics are: Stories from the Life of Jesus and, The Sorrow and the Joy. Please volunteer to help in our early years classes. Anything from an hour to hear readers to an afternoon to help in class much appreciated! Please ensure you read daily with your child and sign the reading record. Practise counting on and back to 20. We change reading books on Mondays and choice books on Fridays. The Home/School Book goes home on Friday and should be returned on Mondays. Please make sure ALL books are in the book bag every day. We will be having parent workshops for ‘Learning Together’. Watch this space!