An independent nondenominational, nonprofit and volunteer, educational and evangelical, para-church outreach
[P.O. Box 760124, S.A., 78245] President - Dr. Daniel Harris, 674-6229 V. President - Scott Lane, 599-7240
Secretary - Harry Jackson 33dino1 Treasurer - Dr. Paul Wilke, 497-3663
We confess the Bible to be The Word of God, Jesus Christ as The Lord, and young-earth scientific creationism.

May 1st, 2001 Meeting Recap:

Our meeting began with an meal and fellowship among the members and visitors. After addressing old business we were treated to a couple of video segments of John Pendleton’s 8 part series entitled CREATION CONFERENCE. Mr. Pendleton and his wife, along with their 8 children, have been working as missionaries in Central Mexico for over 16 years. At present, he is dedicating his efforts to Zacatecas, Mexico to bring the message of creation into the public schools and the community, and to equip the local churches with teachings and materials to do the same. He was in San Antonio in January of this year giving a seminar the ParkhillsBaptistChurch.

June’s Feature Article:Brontosaurs, Java Men and Other Mistaken Fantasies

Recently it was reported that a new dinosaur find (actually it was found 4 years ago) shows us an ancestor to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. This of course is publicized as another in a long line of branches in the evolutionary tree. The truth is this find points out just how much supposition, guesswork and faith in evolution are rested in such claims. Is this a missing link or another “Brontosaurus?“ This is not the first time a press conference was called revealing what evolutionists called a missing link only to find the claims to fall apart years later.

The find in question is less than a 40% find and is composed only of the spinal column of the creature. It is substantially smaller than a full-grown T. Rex is. The find could be an adolescent T. Rex with deformities or developmental anomalies on its structure which make it appear to be another species when in fact it is not. Or, it could be an entirely different species not even related to T. Rex. The size, position and design of its legs, head and abdominal cavity is pure supposition.

We would be more apt to accept the suppositions of these anthropologists if the track record of previous finds were not so abysmal. For example many years ago a more complete find was made of a larger dinosaur without its head. It was identified to be an entirely new species named Brontosaurus. Its figure became a favorite with children and the logo for a gas station chain. The only problem is that Brontosaurs never existed. In trying to fill out the find they paired a near by head with the body skeleton. It was not until years later that we had enough finds to see clearly that the body was that of an Apatosaur and the head that of a Diplodocus. What they had done years earlier was piece together an animal that never existed and they did so with much more to work with than this current find offers.

There are also several incidents in the crumbled building of the human evolutionary tree, which seem analogous to the Brontosaur. The first was the supposed discovery of Java Man in 1891 by Dr. Eugene Dubois on the island of Java. Dubois found a skullcap and a femur 50 feet apart from each other. A year later he found 3 teeth 70 feet away from the first two finds. He put the three finds together and said that they all belonged to the same animal. It was not revealed to the public the distance between these finds nor that the skull cap was found in the same excavation and level as 2 human skulls (1500-1600cc cranial capacity). An estimate of the skullcap was that it belonged to an animal with a cranial capacity of about 900cc (equivalent to an ape or some extinct animals). Not until 1922 were the particulars of the find revealed and its identification as a missing link was seriously called into question. 15 years later, on his deathbed, Dubois himself admitted the skullcap probably belonged to a giant gibbon.

30 years after Dubois’ find a single tooth is found, a press conference is called and we are told that we have discovered the remains of Nebraska Man (the tooth was found in Nebraska). From this single tooth was extrapolated, surmised, or fantasized (take your pick) an entire new species of half-man/ half-ape. This find was given such credibility that it was used as proof of man’s evolution at the Scope’s Monkey Trial. At the trial there was no mention of the fact that the find included only a single tooth and was presented as a factual and more complete and compelling find. Years later a jaw of an extinct pig was found several feet from where the tooth was found with several missing teeth. The “Nebraska Man” tooth fit right into one of the empty tooth cavities in that jaw!

Circa 1900 a skeleton is found in the NeanderthalValley near Dusseldorf, Germany. The skeleton looks like a brutish, hunched over being. The skull has an extended forehead and ridge across the brow. It was declared an ape-man due to its large brain capacity (larger than a normal human!). More skeletons found underneath this find years later in the NeanderthalValley are completely human. How could the fully evolved man predate the transitional form? After years of declaring Neanderthal Man to be a missing link an examination of the skeleton by a medical doctor revealed that it was a normal human that had rickets and arthritis!

The list goes on. The point is that I would place little faith in the current interpretation of the finding of a T. Rex transitional form. Indeed the evidence is not such that it should give a creationist any pause at all. The history out lined here should however calls into question the motives and lack of impartiality of most evolutionary anthropologists.