Dynamic Analysis of Long-Span Bridges
John …., PhD
Professor at the Department of Bridge Engineering of
Sebastian …
Technical Office...
300 words
Keyword1; Keyword2; ....; Keyword6 (maximum).
1 Introduction
ABPE - Brazilian Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering and ABECE - Brazilian Association of Structural Engineering and Consulting present the Fifth Brazilian Congress of Bridge and Structural Engineering:
Date: 6, 7 and 8 June 2012
Location: Pestana Hotel, Av. Atlântica 2964, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The event is open for research and application papers. All professionals, researchers and engineering students who want to innovate, discuss and update their knowledge in Structural Engineering are welcome.
I. Design, construction, rehabilitation, retrofiting and maintenance of Bridges, Stadiums, Buildings, Industrial Plants, Metropolitans, Ports, Dams, Offshore Platforms, Wind Turbine Generators and Foundations
II. Standardization, testing, analysis and design of structures: Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Steel, Wood, Masonry and Advanced Materials.
2 Abstracts
Abstracts should be limited to 300 words. Use Times New Roman font and format A4. Abstracts should contain the title, the full names of authors and their email addresses. It's allowed to add a few graphics, photographs or tables. Abstracts may be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish and should be sent in DOC extension to the following address: . Please place in the subject line of the message: CBPE Abstract.
3 Final papers
The submission guidelines for final papers must be strictly followed; otherwise the articles will not be accepted for publication. Final papers may be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish, and should be sent in PDF extension to the following address: . Please place in the subject line of the message: CBPE Final Paper.
4 Guidelines for papers
Text Times New Roman 12
Title 1 Times New Roman 14 bold
Title 2 Times New Roman 12 bold
Title 3 Times New Roman 12 bold
Equations use Equation or Math Type, text size 12
Table 1 – Caption.
Force (kN) / Strain (%)100 / 1,0
23 / 2,9
14 / 7,8
45 / 8,0
67 / 3,2
Figure 1 – Caption.
4.1 Equations
The equations should be presented without visible borders at the center of the page, as shown by the following example:
All equations are right numbered.
Photographs must be clear and numbered as figures.
The length of the paper should be between 8 and 20 pages.
5 Presentation
The presentation (PPT file) should use the recommendations presented in CBPE2012.ppt. It is recommended to use text sizes larger than 18 points.
6 Conclusion
We look forward to meeting you at the V Brazilian Congress of Bridge and Structural Engineering.
7 References
AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE. ACI 318 – Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. 2005.
BOUSSELHAM, A.; CHAALLAL, O. Shear Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer: Assessment of Influencing Parameters and Required Research. ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, No. 2, p.219-227, 2004.
CHEN, J.F.; TENG, J.G. Shear Capacity of FRP Strengthened RC Beams: FRP Debonding. Construction and Buildings-Materials, 17, p.27-41, 2003.
COLLOTI, V.; SPADEA, G.; SWAMY, R. N. Analytical Model to Evaluate Failure Behavior of Plated Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened for Shear. ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, No 6, p. 755-764, 2004.
FIB. Externally Bonded FRP Reinforcement for RC Structures. Bulletin 14, 2001.
NIELSEN, M.P. Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity. CRC Press, 1999.