Due Date: May 17, 2013

Biology is the science that deals with “living things.” You will show how biology relates to your life by creating a small “Life” magazine depicting biology in action. Each page in your magazine will be graded based on the content, writing skills displayed, creativity, neatness, and organization of the information. Use the guidelines below and the attached rubric for each page.

Magazine Guidelines:

Cover / Create a cover for your magazine. It should be colorful, eye catching, and creative. Also depicted on your cover should be catch phrases for what lies inside your magazine. You will want to put a price, issue/volume number, and other typical magazine structures on your cover page.
Table of Contents / On this page, which you will create last, you will tell your reader what they will find in your magazine and on what page(s).
About the Editor / On this page you will assume the role of editor of this magazine. Write your autobiography! Tell us about your life up until this point and where you’d like to go in the future, what career do you want to pursue, are you going to college, which one, etc.? Make sure to sign your name at the end. Feel free to bring in a picture of yourself for this page!
Characteristics of Life / Depict a pictorial page of all the characteristics an organism must have in order to be considered alive. Each characteristic of life must be labeled! If your picture is not self explanatory then add captions or labels to aid your reader.
Scientists at Work / Create a research page that explains the scientific method. On this page you will create a scenario using all steps of the scientific method. Assume you are a scientist that is researching a problem, once you’ve stated the problem, go through each step of the scientific method. You will even set up the controlled experiment and tell what the independent and dependent variables are, the controls, and the constants! Include a drawing of the setup of your experiment.
Scientific Profiles / Interview Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel, two famous biologists. Make sure you ask the hard hitting questions! Find out what they studied, why, any controversy surrounding their research, and what impact their findings have on modern science. Include pictures that relate to each scientist.
Organelle Advertisement / Organelles have many jobs in the cell. On this page you will create several help wanted ads for 3 organelles of your choosing! You’re looking for an employee(organelle) to fill a position at your company. For each organelle, consider what type of employee(organelle) you want to hire. Describe job responsibilities, the position, salary range, phone number, essential qualifications etc. Include a picture of your organelle!
Membrane Characteristics / On this page you will draw and label a picture of the cell membrane which is a phospholipids bilayer. In a separate area of this page draw and label a single phospholipid. Explain why we call the membrane a “fluid-mosaic” model. What special properties does the cell membrane have? Why can only certain molecules pass through the membrane and others cannot?
Operation Homeostasis / This page will be used to demonstrate movement of items through the membrane. You must use illustrations to explain what happens to cells when they’re placed in a hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solution.
Biochemistry & Life / Pick two of your favorite macromolecules and create an advertisement that includes their functions and monomers! It should look like an ad that you’d see in your favorite magazine.
Cell-ebrity Divorces / Write an article talking about the split for two famous cells, a heart cell and an egg cell. In this section you will talk about mitosis for the heart cell and meiosis for the egg cell. Describe the splitting up process and include pictures of the unified couples before and after their splits.
Energy Drink Ads / Cells need their energy, just like teenagers. On two different pages, you will create an ad for new energy “drinks,” one for the mitochondria and one for the chloroplast. Be sure to include what is in each drink in order for photosynthesis and cellular respiration to happen and what each will get out of the appropriate process.
Protein Recipe / You are creating a recipe for a cell to make proteins. Include a list of ingredients and equipment needed by the cell to make the proteins (be sure to include the organelles needed), step by step instructions as to how to make a protein (be detailed), and pictures with captions for each step so that the cell can follow along.
Genetic Disorder / This is a human interest piece. You are writing a 2 page article (500 words) about a genetic disorder (see Ms. Frega or Ms. Garrison for a list). You must detail the symptoms of the disorder, who is affected, how common it is in the general population, how it is passed on (is is recessive or dominant, sex-linked or not, etc), and what advances we have made to cure/control it. Include pictures of people with the disorder.
New Species Discovered / A new species has been discovered somewhere in the world. You must detail the newly discovered creature, including its scientific name, its common name, what it looks like, its trophic level with a food web (what it eats and who eats it), what biome in the world it lives in and how it is adapted to live in that biome, and a cladogram showing its ancestors. This must be at least 3 pages (750 words minimum) in length.
Point/ Counterpoint / Two leading scientists are debating which type of reproduction is better: sexual or asexual. You will write a one page article showing this debate. Be sure to include characteristics of each, which kingdoms use each, and what the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Green Tips / There are a lot of misconceptions about global warming. In this section, you will make a drawing showing how global warming occurs on one page and have 10 tips to reduce your carbon emissions on another page.
Too Big, Too Fast / In America, bigger is better. In this article, you are talking about the tragic story of an overly ambitious cell that tried to get to the size of a basketball. In a 1/2 page article write about why, according to biology, a cell cannot get that big and what happened to the poor cell that tried. Be sure to include pictures.
Letter from the Editor / You, as the editor, are writing a letter to your readers, examining how human cloning would change society. Talk about how possible it is, how cloning works, and what differences there would be between the original and the clone.

NAME: ______Due: May 17, 2013


Grading Rubric

Page Content / Title on Page
0pts = No Title
1pt = Used Given Title
3pts = Creative Title / Grammar/ Spelling
0pts = 5+ mistakes
2 pts = 3-4 mistakes
3 pts = 1-2 mistakes
4pts = 0 mistakes / Pictures
0pts = 0 pictures
1 pt = 1-2 pictures
2pts = 3 pictures
3pts = 4 pictures / Neatness/ Organization
1 pt = Rough Draft/Major Changes Needed
2 pts = Minor Changes Needed
3pts = Publication worthy / Creativity
1 pt = Not creative
2 pts = Little creativity
3pts = Very creative! / Information
0pts = Not very informative
1 pt =Some information
3pts = Most information included
4 pts = ALL information included
Table of Contents / N/A
About the Editor
Characteristics of Life
Scientists at Work
Scientific Profiles
Organelle Ads
Membrane Characteristics
Operation Homeostasis
Biochemistry & Life
Cell-ebrity Divorces
Energy Drink Ads
Protein Recipe
Genetic Disorder
New Species Discovered
Point/ Counterpoint / N/A
Green Tips
Too Big, Too Fast
Letter from the Editor / N/A

Student Signature: ______


TOTAL POINTS: _____/_____

FINAL GRADE: ______%