Reagan Golf Team Rules and Procedures

Players are expected to attend all practices and matches:

  • Excused absence are family emergencies or illness
  • Players are expected to communicate with coaches if unable to attend practice or match.

Unexcused absences:

  • 1st absence –suspended from next match
  • 2nd absence—suspended from next 2 matches
  • 3rd absence—dismissed from team

Classroom expectations:

  • Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA
  • Be a positive role model in classroom

In School Suspension:

  • 1st time= 1 match suspension
  • 2nd time= Dismissal from team

Suspension from School:

  • Dismissal from team

Golf Course Expectations:

  • Collar shirt required and must be tucked in.
  • Hats worn correctly (Hat bill forward).
  • No cell phones at matches.
  • No Jewelry (Earrings or any other piercing)
  • No throwing clubs, or use of profanity will be tolerated.

1st offense = verbal warning

2nd offense = 1 match suspension

3rd offense = 2 match suspension

4th offense = dismissal from team


  • Players will ride to matches with the coaches or designated parent to matches. CareerCenter students need to obtain permission from Mr. Martin to drive to matches.
  • Players may ride home with parents after the match. Players may not ride home with friends.

Qualifying For Matches

Each player on the team will have the opportunity to qualify for one of the six spots for match play. The coach will determine the team line-ups throughout the season with qualifying matches or individual scores in match play.

Lettering Requirements: Players must play in a minimum of 5 matches and finish the season in order to letter.

North CarolinaHigh School Athletic Association Rules

Play is governed by the current Rules of Golf of the United States Golf Association and where applicable

by the following Tournament Rules, Conditions and Definitions and NCHSAA policy

COACHING REGULATION: ONE (1) designated coach from each school to coach. It is a conference’s

option during the regular season. These following regulations must be followed:

• There must be some way to identify the ONE coach who is allowed to give advice (armband, tag

around neck, etc.).

• ONE designated coach may give advice, of a short and quick duration, from the tee off all the way

to the greens and the walk between holes. COACHES MAY NOT GIVE ANY ADVICE ONCE


• Prior to any stroke, the coach must step back from the play.

• Use of radios, walkie-talkies, and cell phones are NOT ALLOWED.

• Any violation of the coaching rule can result in a TWO STROKE PENALTY and may cause the

coach to lose his privilege to communicate with players the remainder of the event during the


**Others will not be allowed to give advice and must limit conversations to words of encouragement

only. Any other types of conversations could be considered advice, which would result in a TWO


PARENT/SPECTATOR GUIDELINES: All spectators will be restricted to cart paths (Spectators may

leave the cart paths to assist in finding lost balls). Spectators may carry umbrellas, food, water, medicine ora change of clothing for a competitor. Please limit all conversations to words of encouragement only. Anyother types of conversation could be considered advice, which would result in a TWO STROKE