Reading Wonders Series
Correlations to the
Elementary Science Curriculum
By Grade Level
Table of Contents:
1st Grade5
2nd Grade7
3rd Grade9
4th Grade11
5th Grade13
Kindergarten Correlations
All Stories in Bold are in the Literature Big Book
UNIT / THEME/STORY / SCIENCE STANDARDSUnit 1, Week 2 / Get Up and Go-Pouch
Baby Animals on the Move / SC.K.L.14.3-Characteristics of Animals
Unit 1, Week 3 / Use Your Senses-Senses at the Seashore
Sam Can See
I Can See / SC.K.L.14.1-Five Senses and Related Body Parts
Unit 2, Week 2 / Shapes All Around Us-Shapes All Around
Find the Shapes / SC.K.P.8.1-Sort objects by Observable Properties
Unit 2, Week 3 / World of Bugs-I Love Bugs
Bugs All Around / SC.K.L.14.3-Characteristics of Animals
Unit 3, Week 2 / Sounds-Clang! Clang! Beep! Beep!
Sounds are Everywhere / SC.K.P.10.1-Sound
SC.K.L.14.1-Five Senses Related to Body Parts
Unit 5, Week 1 / How Does Your Garden Grow-
My Garden / SC.K.L.14.3-Characterics of Plants
Unit 5, Week 2 / Trees-A Grand Old Tree, From Seed to Tree / SC.K.L.14.3-Characterics of Plants, Plant and Animal Comparisons
Unit 5, Week 3 / Fresh from the Farm-
An Orange in January
Farmers Market / SC.K.L.14.2-Animal and Plant Portrayals
Unit 6, Week 1 / Four Seasons
Mama, is it Summer Yet?
Is it Hot? / SC.K.E.5.2-Repeating Patterns
SC.1.E.5.4 Identify the beneficial and harmful properties of the sun.
SC.1.E.6.2 Describe the need for water and how to be safe around water
Unit 6, Week 2 / What’s the Weather-
Rain, Rain
Cloud Watch / SC.K.E.5.2-Repeating Patterns
SC.1.E.5.4 Identify the beneficial and harmful properties of the sun.
SC.1.E.6.2 Describe the need for water and how to be safe around water
Unit 6, Week 3 / Stormy Weather-
Waiting Out the Storm
Be Safe in Bad Weather / SC.K.E.5.2-Repeating Patterns
SC.1.E.5.4 Identify the beneficial and harmful properties of the sun.
SC.1.E.6.2 Describe the need for water and how to be safe around water
Unit 7, Week 1 / Animals-ZooBorns!
A Pup and a Cub / SC.K.L.14.3-Characteristics of Animals
SC.K.L.14.2-Animal and Plant Portrayals
Unit 7, Week 2 / Animals-The Birthday Pet
The Perfect Pet / SC.K.L.14.3-Characteristics of Animals
SC.K.L.14.2-Animal and Plant Portrayals
Unit 7, Week 3 / Animals-Bear Snores On
Animal Homes
A Vet in a Van / SC.K.L.14.3-Plant and Animal Comparisons
SC.K.L.14.2-Animal and Plant Portrayals
Unit 8, Week 3 / Look to the Sky-Bringing Down the Moon
Day and Night Sky
Up! Up! Up! / SC.K.E.5.5-Big and Small Objects in the Sky
SC.K.E.5.6-Objects Near or Far in the Sky
SC.K.E.5.4-Day and Night Sky
Unit 10, Week 2 / Sort It Out-All Kinds of Families
Good for You
We Come on Time / SC.K.P.8.1-Sort Objects by Observable Properties
SC.K.E.5.2-Repeating Patterns
Grade 1 Correlations
All Stories in Bold are in the Anthology
UNIT / THEME/STORY / SCIENCE STANDARDSUnit 2, Week 3 / Babies in the Bayou
The Best Spot
At a Pond
Way Down Deep / SC.1.L.17.1 Plants and Animals interact and depend on each other and the environment for basic needs
Unit 3, Week 2 / Time to Plant
The Big Yucca Plant
How Plants Grow / SC.1.L.14.1-Use the 5 senses to observe living things and their environments
SC.1.L.14.2-Identify plant structures
Unit 4, Week 1 / A Tale of a Tail
Bow Bat Got Its Wings
Bats! Bats! Bats! (CER) / SC.1.L.16.1-Make observations that plants and animals closely resemble their parents, but variations exist among individuals within a population
Unit 4, Week 2 / A Team of Fish
Animal Teams
Busy as a Bee / SC.1.L.14.1-Use the 5 senses to observe living things and their environments
Unit 4, Week 3 / Go Wild
Vulture View
When It’s Snowing / SC.1.L.14.1-Use the 5 senses to observe living things and their environments
Unit 4, Week 4 / Creep Low, Fly High
Hi Fly Guy!
Meet the Insects / SC.1.L.14.1-Use the 5 senses to observe living things and their environments
Unit 4, Week 5 / From Puppy to Guide Dog
Koko and Penny
Saving Mountain Gorillas / SC.1.L.14.1-Use the 5 senses to observe living things and their environments
Unit 5, Week 1 / A Barn Full of Hats
A Lost Button
Sort It Out / SC.1.P.8.1-Sort matter by observable properties
Unit 5, Week 2 / A Bird Named Fern
Kitten’s First Full Moon
The Moon / SC.1.E.5.1-Observe and discuss the vast number of stars scattered unevenly in the sky
SC.1.E.5.3-Investigate magnifiers and their uses
Unit 5, Week 4 / Now, What’s that Sound?
Whistle for Willie
Shake! Strike! Strum! / SC.1.L.14.1-Use the 5 senses to observe living things and their environments
Unit 6, Week 3 / Wrapped in Ice
Rain School
Rainy Weather / SC.1.E.6.2-Water on Earth
Grade 2 Correlations
All Stories in Bold are in the Anthology
UNIT / THEME/STORY / SCIENCE STANDARDSUnit 1, Week 4 / Taking Care of Pepper
Lola and Tiva: An Unlikely Friendship
Animal Needs / SC.2.L.17.1-Compare and contrast basic needs of living things for survival
Unit 2, Week 1 / A Visit to the Desert
Sled Dogs Run
Cold Dog, Hot Fox / SC.2.L.17.2-Recognize and explain that habitats must provide basic needs
Unit 2, Week 3 / A Prairie Guard Dog
Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!
At Home in the River / SC.2.L.17.2-Recognize and explain that habitats must provide basic needs
Unit 2, Week 4 / Eagles and Eaglets
Baby Bears
From Caterpillar to Butterfly / SC.2.L.16.1-Major stages of live cycles in plants and animals
SC.1.L.16.1-Plants and animals resemble their parents
Unit 3, Week 1 / Magnets Work!
If I Fall Down
Move It / SC.2.P.13.3-Effects of gravity
SC.2.P.13.2-How magnets work
Unit 3, Week 2 / Starry Night
Mr. Putter and Tabby See Stars
Day and Night / SC.1.E.5.1-Observe and discuss the vast numbers of stars in the sky
Unit 3, Week 3 / Lightning Lives / SC.2.P.10.1-Uses of Electricity and other forms of energy
Unit 3, Week 4 / Tornado!
Wild Weather
Can You Predict the Weather? / SC.2.E.7.1-Compare and describe changing patterns in nature
SC.2.E.7.5-Preparing for severe weather
Unit 4, Week 1 / Alaska, a Special Place
Rain Forests
African Savannas / SC.2.L.17.2-Recognize and explain that habitats must provide basic needs
Unit 4, Week 2 / Into the Sea
To the Rescue / SC.2.L.17.1-Compare and contrast basic needs of living things for survival
Unit 4, Week 5 / Snow Shape
April Rain Song
Windy Tree / SC.2.E.7.4-Air and Wind
SC.2.E.7.1-Compare and describe changing patterns in nature
Unit 5, Week 4 / The Woodcutter’s Gift
Earth’s Resources / SC.2.E.6.2-How soil forms
Unit 6, Week 1 / Why Fir Tree Keeps His Leaves
The Golden Flower
Pumpkin Plant / SC.2.L.17.1-Compare and contrast basic needs of living things for survival
Unit 6, Week 2 / Pedal Power
My Light
The Power of Water / SC.2.P.10.1-Uses of electricity and other forms of energy
SC.2.P.13.1-Effects of pushes and pulls on objects
Grade 3 Correlations
All Stories in Bold are in the Anthology
UNIT / THEME/STORY / SCIENCE STANDARDSUnit 2, Week 4 / Kids to the Rescue
Whooping Cranes in Danger
Help the Manatees / SC.2.L.17.1-Compare and contrast basic needs of living things for survival
SC.2.L.17.2-Recognize and explain that habitats must provide basic needs
Unit 3, Week 1 / Inchworm’s Tale
Martina the Beautiful Cockroach
Get a Backbone! / SC.3.L.15.1-Animal Classification
Unit 3, Week 3 / Earth and Its Neighbors
Coyote and the Jar of Stars / SC.3.E.5.3-Sun appears large and bright because it’s Earth’s closest star
SC.3.E.5.1-Stars size and appearance
Unit 3, Week 4 / Bats Did It First
Big Ideas from Nature
Perdix Invents the Saw / SC.3.L.15.1-Animal Classification
SC.2.L.17.1-Compare and contrast basic needs of living things for survival
SC.1.L.17.1-Plants and animal interact and depend on each other and the environment
Unit 4, Week 3 / Grey Wolf! Red Fox! (CER)
Amazing Wildlife on the Mojave
Little Half Chick / SC.3.L.17.1-Plant and animal response to seasons
SC.2.L.17.2-Recognize and explain that habitats must provide basic needs
Unit 4, Week 4 / Firsts in Flight
Hot Air Balloons
Bellerophon and Pegasus / SC.3.E.5.4-Gravity is a force
SC.2.P.13.3-Effects of gravity
Unit 5, Week 5 / Here Comes Solar Power
It’s All in the Wind
Power for All / SC.3.P.10.1-Identify forms of energy
SC.3.P.10.2-Energy’s ability to cause motion and create change
Unit 6, Week 2 / The Big Blizzard
Nora’s Ark
The Wind and the Sun / SC.2.E.7.1-Compare and describe changing patterns in nature
SC.2.E.7.5-Preparing for severe weather
Unit 6, Week 4 / Butterflies Big and Small
Alligators and Crocodiles
The Monkey and the Crocodile / SC.3.L.15.1-Animal Classification
Grade 4 Correlations
All Stories in Bold are in the Anthology
UNIT / THEME/STORY / SCIENCE STANDARDSUnit 1, Week 3 / A World of Change
Tornado / SC.2.E.7.1-Compare and describe changing patterns in nature
SC.2.E.7.5-Preparing for severe weather
Unit 1, Week 4 / The Big Race
A Crash Course in Forces and Motion with Max Axiom, Super Scientist
The Box Zip Project / SC.4.P.12.1-Objects in Motion
(Q 2)
Unit 2, Week 3 / Rescuing Our Reefs
The Buffalo are Back
Energy in the Ecosystem / SC.4.L.16.2-Plant and animal characteristics are affected by the environment
SC.4.L.16.3-Animal behaviors and characteristics
SC.4.L.17.4-How living things impact the environment
SC.4.L.17.2-Transfer of energy in a biotic system
Unit 2, Week 4 / Animal Adaptation
Anansi and the Birds / SC.4.L.16.2-Plant and animal characteristics are affected by the environment
SC.4.L.16.3-Animal behaviors and characteristics
SC.1.L.17.1-Plants and animal interact and depend on each other and the environment
Unit 4, Week 3 / A Telephone Mix Up
The Moon Over Star
3 Ellipses, 2 Ellipses, 1 Ellipses, We Have Spin Off / SC.4.E.6.5-Tools and technology
(Q 4)
SC.3.E.5.5-Using telescopes and other observational tools
Unit 4, Week 4 / Wonders of the Night Sky
Why Does the Moon Change Shape?
How It Came to Be / SC.4.E.5.4-Relationship among Earth, Moon, Sun and stars
SC.4.E.5.2-Phases of the Moon
Unit 5, Week 3 / Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning
Energy is Everywhere / SC.4.P.10.1-Forms of energy
SC.4.P.10.4-Uses of energy
Unit 5, Week 4 / Your World Up Close
A Drop of Water
The Incredible Shrinking Potion / SC.4.P.8.1-Measure and compare objects based on physical properties
SC.1.E.5.3-Investigate magnifiers and their uses
Unit 6, Week 3 / The Great Energy Debate
Energy Island
Of Fire and Water / SC.4.P.10.1-Forms of energy
SC.4.P.10.4-Uses of energy
Grade 5 Correlations
All Stories in Bold are in the Anthology
UNIT / THEME/STORY / SCIENCE STANDARDSUnit 1, Week 5 / Are Electronic Devices Good for Us?
The Future of Transportation
Getting From Here to There / SC.5.P.13.2-Changes in motion
SC.5.P.13.3-Forces that move objects
SC.5.P.13.4-Balanced and unbalanced forces
Unit 2, Week 3 / Growing in Place
The Boy Who Drew Birds
Daedalus and Icarus / SC.5.L.17.1-Animal adaptations
SC.5.L.15.1-Environmental changes
Unit 3, Week 2 / Survivaland
Plants with a Purpose / SC.5.L.14.2-Comparing plant and animal organ functions
SC.3.L.14.1-Plant structures and functions
SC.4.L.17.4-How living things impact the environment
Unit 3, Week 3 / Patterns of Change
The Story of Snow (CER)
Fibonacci’s Amazing Find / SC.5.E.7.4 - Forms of Precipitation
SC.5.E.7.5 - Weather Conditions
Unit 4, Week 4 / Power from Nature
One Well
The Dirt on Dirt / SC.4.E.6.3- Earth’s Resources
Unit 5, Week 3 / Forests on Fire
Global Warming
When Volcanoes Erupt / SC.5.L.15.1- Environmental Changes
SC.5.E.7.7- Natural Disaster Plans
Unit 5, Week 4 / Changing Views of Earth
When is a Planet Not a Planet?
New Moon / SC.5.E.5.1- Our Galaxy AA
SC.5.E.5.3- Solar system AA
SC.5.E.5.2- Planet Characteristics AA
SC.4.E.5.4- Movement in Space (Also
assesses SC.4.E.5.1; SC.4.E.5.2) AA
Unit 5, Week 5 / Should Plants and Animals from Other Places Live Here?
The Case of the Missing Bus
Busy, Beneficial Bees / SC.5.L.17.1-Animal Adaptations AA
SC.5.L.15.1- Environmental Changes AA
SC.4.L.17.3 - Food Chain AA (Also
assesses SC.4.L.17.2, SC.3.L.17.2)
Unit 6, Week 3 / Mysterious Oceans
Survival at 40 Below
Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves / SC.3.L.14.1- Plant Structures and
Functions (Also assesses SC.3.L.14.2;
SC.4.L.16.1) AA
SC.5.L.14.2- Comparing Plant and
Animal Organ functions (Also assesses
SC.3.L.15.1; SC.3.L.15.2 AA
SC.4.L.16.4- Life Cycles AA
Unit 6, Week 4 / Words to Save the World
Planting the Trees of Kenya
Park Project / SC.5.L.15.1- Environmental Changes AA
SC.3.L.14.1- Plant Structures and
Functions (Also assesses SC.3.L.14.2;
SC.4.L.16.1) AA
(Q 3)
Office of Academics and Transformation – Department of Science
Developed by Amy Weinberg and Alison Hirsch