AP GovernmentWagner
Government by the People
Reading the Text – A Few Hints…
Being able to effectively read Government by the Poeple is one of the more important goals of this course. Much of what we do in class will be based on your understanding of the textbook. Since you will be reading one chapter ahead of where we are in class you need to make sure that you complete the reading and understand it. Therefore it is important for you to develop skills to read effectively.
Use questions provided on the note guide to structure your note taking.
Divide you notes into distinct sections, using the organizing questions from the note guide.
Highlight or underline titles of sections, key vocabulary terms, and concepts.
Use T charts, lists, venn diagrams, sequence chains and other organizers to save time, space, and aid your studying.
Avoid taking notes as just a stream of consciousness, organize them into distinct sections.
A good rule of thumb is to take two pages of notes for every 10 pages of reading.
Read for the main ideas in each section, and then provide 2 or 3 supporting facts to substantiate the main ideas.
Focus on the causes and effects of important events.
Take notes in your own words, you will remember them longer than if you simply copy the book verbatim.
Be sure to provide definitions of specific terms.
Much of modern government is about trends (things increasing, decreasing, etc), so be sure to identify trends. Use up and down arrows to quickly represent trends.
Break up your reading so that you are doing a little bit each night.
Review your previous notes each night before you read the next section of the chapter.
Attempt to read the entire chapter in one night.
Read the chapter and take notes at the same time. First read the entire chapter, then go back and take notes. This will help you to put things into your own words and reduce the sheer quantity of notes that you will take.
Simply read the chapter so you can say that you are done. This is a college level course you need to read for understanding and retention. You are accountable for everything you read.
Do not attempt to read the entire chapter in one night (Wait a minute, I heard this somewhere else, I wonder if it is important?).
Remember that these notes will serve as an important review tool for the AP exam. You do not want to have to reread the book in May. The notes should be something that helps remind you of the important information in the chapter. If your notes are illegible, missing details, unorganized, or not complete, they will not be a useful tool for you to use when studying.
How to Make Vocabulary Flashcards
For each of the chapters assigned you will be required to make a set of flashcards representing the most important concepts and vocabulary. These flashcards will be helpful in reviewing for unit tests and incredibly important in reviewing for the AP exam. Make sure you complete these for each unit and DO NOT LOSE THEM. Lost cards must be remade. A few guidelines:
- Use only 3X5 note cards. They can be in the pre-bound spiral format or loose-your call.
- The word or concept should go on the front of the card and the definition, examples, characteristics/significance, and illustration on the back. Be specific with the definition. An example is always nice if it seems appropriate.
- Make the writing on the cards clear so in April and May you can review them with a partner.