Week of August 31, 2009
Dear Parents,
We had another great week of learning. A special “Thank You” goes out to Mrs. Huecker for providing our class with some playground equipment. We now have a kickball, bouncing balls, bat and ball, and hula-hoops to use at recess. We also got a Nerf football for passing only.
Parent conferences will be starting next week. Please check the “Reminders” section for your appointment time. If for any reason you are unable to keep your appointment, please let me know as soon as possible so we can reschedule.
This is what we did this week:
We finished our first story – The Day Eddie Met the Author. We took the story test on Friday. We will start the next story on Tuesday. The test for this next story will take place on Monday, September 14th. In language arts and writing, we took our spelling test on Friday. New spelling lists are in their binders and the test will be on Tuesday, Sept. 14th. I have also given students a “Spelling Menu” to keep in their spelling sleeve with many different activities to do with their spelling words for homework. Try some of these activities with your child.
We finished unit one and took the unit test on Friday. Please continue to make sure your child completes his or her home link each night and return it the following day. We check them every day. Once a student has three missing home links during a nine week grading period, they will starting getting a number on their calendar for not being prepared for the class for that day. Please encourage your child to complete and return their home links when assigned.
We have been working on our group projects of making a poster of different types of communities. We completed the first chapter on “What is a Community?” last week. Projects were presented to the class this week and we took the chapter test. We will start our first unit of study in Science next week.
Nightly homework assignments are in your child’s planner. Students have homework every night. If your child does not get the daily assignments done in class, they are to complete at home for homework and return the next day. This is in addition to the nightly homework assignments. If your child is having daily assignments to complete each night, you need to speak with them about being responsible with using their work time wisely.
☺ Friday folders and the bottom of the newsletter (signed) are due Tuesday.
☺ Binders/planners are to be checked each night and behavior calendars need to be signed nightly.
☺ We have P. E. for Specials next week.
☺ Dates to Remember – Monday, Sept. 7th – Labor Day – No School.
☺ Parent Conferences Next Week – Thursday, Sept. 10th @ 8:15 a.m. – Julia Lamb
☺ Students may bring a bottle of water to keep on their desk during the day.
☺ Check out our class website at You can read our weekly newsletters, find out about the holiday happenings, field trips, and the Physically Fit Owls program for our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
☺ Weekly and monthly AR goals:
Weekly Goals –
2 passed tests per week with an 80% or higher on student’s level
1 chapter book per week with an 80% or higher on student’s level
Monthly Goals –
8 passed tests per month (based on 4 weeks)
4 chapter books per month (based on 4 weeks)
If you ever have any questions or concerns about your child, please feel free to contact me at school during the following hours: mornings - 8:00 - 8:45 a.m.; during the day – 11:30 – 12:00; after school - 3:30 - 3:45 p.m. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Have a wonderful long weekend!!
Mrs. Mullen ______
Please sign, cut, and return bottom portion with the blue weekly folders on Tuesday.