Beowulf, part 2

Reading Guide and Skill Review

Directions: As you read the second part of Beowulf, answer these questions. You will need to use your own notebook paper.

1. (Epic Hero) On page 40, what characteristics of an epic hero does Beowulf display during his fight with Grendel’s mother?

2. (Visualizing) What saves Beowulf from being killed by Grendel’s mother’s dagger?

3. (Visualizing) What CATHOLIC reason saved Beowulf from being killed by Grendel’s mother dagger? Hint: Visualize Beowulf lying on the ground, “stretched on his back.” What shape does a prostrate body, with outstretched arms, lying on the ground take?

4. (Respond to Art) A warriors sword and shield were his most precious possession. A Celtic chief supposedly threw the shield on page 40 into the Thames as an offering to a river god. Thinking about this, answer this Anglo-Saxon riddle: “I’m by nature solitary, scarred by spear and wounded by sword, weary of battle. I frequently see the face of war, and fight hateful enemies…” What is this object?

5. (Making Predictions) On page 41, what will the battle between Grendel’s mother and Beowulf end?

6. (Analyzing Motivation) On page 42, the odds are against Beowulf at this point. Why does he keep fighting?

7. (Epic Hero) To what extent has Beowulf remained an epic hero. Think back to your epic hero chart for help.

8. (Cultural Connection) Anglo-Saxon society was based on the code of comitatus, in which a leader who rewarded his loyal followers with riches expected loyalty. Knowing this, what does it mean for Beowulf’s kingdom when his men fail to come to his aid on page 43?

9. (Cause and Effect) Why do you think Beowulf’s men desert him?

10. (Cause and Effect) Why does Wiglaf decide to fight side-by-side with Beowulf on page 44?

11. (Alliteration) What examples of alliteration can you find on page 44?

12. (Cultural Connection) On page 45, Beowulf equates his life to his material possessions. Reviewing what you know about comitatus, what other reason does he mention his treasures?