Reading Challenge 2 – Word List
1. In the Name of Beauty
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
affect (v) to have an influence on 영향을 미치다
ancient (adj) very old 고대의
appearance (n) outward aspect of a person 외모
apply (v) to put on 바르다
around (prep) on all sides of ~의 주변에
chalk (n) a soft white rock made mostly from seashells 백악, 석회
chemical (n) a substance obtained by a chemical process 화학 물질
cosmetic (n) a preparation designed to beautify the body 화장품
deadly (adj) extremely poisonous or injurious 치명적인
drop (n) a small quantity of a liquid 방울
dye (n) liquid for coloring 염료
end up to finally become 결국 ~이 되다
harmless (adj) not causing harm 해가 없는
henna (n) a red or orange dye made from the henna plant 헤나
improve (v) to make better 향상시키다
in some cases sometimes 때때로
in the name of for the reason of ~한 명목으로
kohl (n) a powder used around the eyes 콜, 검은 가루
lead (n) a soft metal 납
mercury (n) a poisonous liquid metal 수은
nerve (n) a part of body that passes information to the brain 신경
poisonous (adj) containing a poison 독성의
powder (n) tiny pieces of something solid 가루
pupil (n) a hole in the middle of the eyes 동공
rather (adv) to a certain extent; somewhat 다소, 약간
rouge (n) a red cosmetic used on the cheeks 루즈, 연지
sulphur (n) a pale yellow nonmetallic element 황
sunscreen (n) a preparation used to protect the skin from the sun 자외선차단제
throughout (prep) all through ~을 통틀어
treatment (n) application of remedies to a patient 치료
wig (n) an artificial covering for the head 가면
2. Who Took That Tooth?
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
add up to equal 더해서 ~이 되다
although (conj) regardless of the fact that; even though 비록 ~일지라도
be responsible for to have the duty of ~을 책임지다
century (n) a hundred years 세기
concerning (prep) in reference to; about ~에 관하여
consider (v) to think of 생각하다
count on to rely on 믿다, 의지하다
custom (n) usual thing to do by tradition 관습
exact (adj) specific; accurate 정확한
exchange (v) to change for another 교환하다
fairy (n) a tiny mythical creature with magic powers 요정
fat (n) part of meat with a lot of oil 지방, 비계
feed (v) to give food to 먹이다
for instance for example 예를 들면
guardian angel a spirit protecting a person 수호 천사
instead of in the place of ~ 대신에
involve (v) to contain as a part 포함하다
link (v) to connect with 관련시키다
magical (adj) having special or magic powers 마술의
magpie (n) a black and white bird 까치
mystery (n) a strange event 신비
origin (n) the point at which something begins 기원
pillow (n) a soft thing to support one’s head when sleeping 베개
present (n) a gift 선물
respect (v) to think highly of 존중하다
role a part or function of a thing or a person 역할
roof (n) the top or covering over a house 지붕
similar (adj) having the same characteristics 유사한
the wee hours between midnight and 4 or 5 a.m. 한밤에서 새벽까지
though (adv) however 그러나
3. The Ring of Fire
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
chain (n) connected series of events 연쇄
come up with to think of first 고안하다
consist of to be made of ~로 이루어져 있다
constantly (adv) without stopping 끊임없이
continent (n) a large area of land 대륙
dormant (adj) quiet; sleeping 자고 있는
earthquake (n) shaking at the surface of the earth 지진
enormous (adj) very great in size 거대한
erupt (v) to become violently active 폭발하다
float (v) to stay on the surface of a liquid 떠 있다
flow (v) to move like liquid 흘러가다
frequent (adj) happening often 빈번한
lava (n) molten rock that reaches the earth’s surface 용암
locate (v) to determine or specify the location 위치를 정하다
magma (n) molten rock in the earth’s crust 마그마
material (n) what something is made of 재료, 물질
melt (v) to become liquid 녹다
plate (n) a thin flat layer, part, or structure 판
process (n) steps or events to some result 과정, 절차
rate (n) speed 속도
right on the mark exactly correct 꼭 들어맞는
run into to hit or bump 충돌하다
section (n) one of several parts or pieces 부분
slide (v) to move smoothly 미끄러지다
slightly (adv) to a small degree or extent 약간, 조금
southward (adv) in the direction of south 남쪽으로
suggest (v) to imply as a possibility 암시하다
surface (n) top; covering 표면
theory (n) idea; assumed law in science 이론
volcano (n)
4. Myths about Pimples
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
acne (n) medical word for pimples 좌창
argue (v) to have an argument about something 논쟁하다
as a result consequently 그 결과
claim (v) to assert or affirm strongly 주장하다
clear up to become clear 해결되다
cure (v) to fix or solve a health problem 치료하다
disease (n) an abnormal condition of a body part 질병
encourage (v) to urge 권유하다
extra (adj) more than what is necessary 여분의
fatty foods foods with lots of fat in them 지방분 음식
frequently (adv) many times at short intervals 빈번하게
germ (n) a very small organism that causes diseases 병균
get rid of to eliminate 제거하다
grow up to get older 자라다
hormone (n) a chemical produced in the body 호르몬
infection (n) disease caused by germs 질병, 감염
irritate (v) to make a health problem worse 자극하다
level (n) a relative degree 수준, 정도
myth (n) untrue story or belief 신화
necessarily (adv) definitely; surely 꼭, 반드시
normally (adv) under normal conditions; usually 보통
pimple (n) a red spot of infection on the skin 여드름
pop (v) to break; burst 터뜨리다
puberty (n) teenage years when the body changes 사춘기
reach (v) to arrive at ~에 도달하다
remedy (n) cure 치료법
scratch (v) to use the nails to relieve itching 긁다
specialize (v) to devote oneself to special area of work 전공하다
teenager (n) a person between the ages of 13 to 19 10대
turn into to become ~으로 변하다
5. I Cut the Cheese!
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
absorb (v) to take in 흡수하다
admit (v) to say one did 인정하다
bacteria (n) tiny living organisms 박테리아
beans (n) seeds of some plants that you can eat 콩
chemical (n) a substance obtained by a chemical process 화학 물질
cut the cheese to make a bad smell; fart 방귀를 뀌다
delay (v) to stop for a short time 지연시키다
diet (n) usual food of a person 음식, 식단
digestive (adj) relating to digestion 소화의
embarrass (v) to cause to feel self-conscious 당황하게 하다
face up to to confront 직면하다
fart (v) to break wind 방귀를 뀌다
garbage (n) food waste 쓰레기
harmful (adj) dangerous 해로운
have ~ to do with to be connected with ~와 관련이 있다
in addition also, as well 게다가
intestine (n) bowel; gut 장
nervous (adj) scared or worried 불안한
oxygen (n) air 산소
poison (v) to have a harmful influence on 해를 끼치다
proud (adj) filled with self-esteem 자랑스러워 하는
pressure (n) force or push 압력
reaction (n) a response to a stimulus 반응
release (v) to let go 방출하다
sooner or later sometime in the future 조만간
source (n) origin; beginning 기원, 출처
stinky (adj) having a bad smell 냄새 나는
stomachache (n) pain in the stomach 복통
swallow (v) to pass something through the mouth 삼키다
therefore (adv) for that reason or cause 따라서
6. The Greatest Brit
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
add (v) to say or write further 첨가하다
against (prep) in resistance to ~에 맞서서
bomb (v) to attack, damage or destroy 폭격하다
Brit (n) a British person 영국 사람
common (adj) well-known 흔한
control (n) power to direct or determine 통제
deadline (n) a time limit 마감기일
during (prep) at some time in a period ~ 동안에
fill out to complete a form 작성하다
give up to stop doing something 포기하다
humorous (adj) showing humor 유머가 있는
impact (n) strong effect 충격, 영향
include (v) to have as a part 포함하다
in the end finally 마침내
list (n) a series of names, words, or items 목록
literature (n) creative writing of recognized artistic value 문학
politician (n) one who is actively involved in politics 정치가
Prime Minister a high office in the British government 수상, 총리
quite (adv) to a degree; rather 다소, 꽤
quote (n) a passage or expression that is cited 인용문
rank (v) to take or have a particular position 순위를 차지하다
receive (v) to take or acquire 받다
serious (adj) thoughtful 진지한
speech (n) a talk or public address 연설
survey (n) research tool that asks questions to people 여론조사
talk about to discuss ~에 관해 얘기하다
through (prep) by the means of ~을 통하여
vote for to choose 뽑다
well-known (adj) famous 유명한
while (conj) during the time that ~하는 동안에
7. Are Sports Bad for You?
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
acceptable (adj) worthy of being accepted 용인되는
aggressive (adj) bold and active 공격적인
allow (v) to permit 허락하다
basic (adj) primary; fundamental 기본적인
behavior (n) way of acting 행위, 행동
call someone names to insult or abuse someone with words 욕설을 하다
cheer (v) to shout with excitement or praise 응원하다
coach (n) a person teaching or leading athletes 감독
copy (v) to follow as a model or pattern 모방하다
effect (n) result; consequence 결과
face up to to confront 직면하다
feedback (n) responses to someone’s work 반응
further (adv) to a greater extent; more 더욱
healthy (adj) having a good body and mind 건강한
impression (n) first idea about 인상
injure (v) to cause physical harm to 부상을 입히다
insult (n) an offensive action or remark 욕설, 모욕
knock yourself out to try so hard you become exhausted 무리하여 일하다
media (n) television, newspapers, magazines, etc. 대중 매체
message (n) meaning; idea 생각, 의미
negative (adj) having the quality of something harmful 부정적인
over and over again and again 반복하여
positive (adj) involving advantage or good 긍정적인
powerful (adj) strong 강력한
reinforce (v) make stronger 강화하다
self-esteem (n) opinion about oneself 자존심
value (n) beliefs a person follows in life 가치
violence (n) action that hurts others 폭력
whether (conj) under any circumstances that ~이든 아니든
yell (v) to speak loudly and in anger 소리치다
8. May I Have Your Autograph?
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
admire (v) to look up to 존경하다
arena (n) a place to watch sports 경기장
around (prep) about; close to 대략
autograph (n) signature of a famous person 사인
business (n) occupation, work, or trade 사업
chic (adj) fashionable 호화로운
collect (v) to gather things that you like 수집하다
collection (n) a group of objects kept together 소장품
cost (v) to have as a price 가격이 ~에 해당하다
depend on to be or change because of something ~에 달려 있다
earn (v) make money through work 돈을 벌다
entertainer (n) actors, singers, dancers 연예인
fame (n) level of public notice or popularity 명성
hang around to wait or stay somewhere 어슬렁거리다
hound (n) one who eagerly pursues something 수집광
like (prep) such as; for example 예를 들어
matter (v) to concern 중요하다
on the other hand from another standpoint 한편
pay (v) to give money in exchange for goods 지불하다
profile (n) an essay of famous person’s achievements 인물 소개
rare (adj) not common 드문
rarely (adv) not often; infrequently 드물게
signature (n) official written name 서명
sign (v) to write 쓰다, 적다
sometimes (adv) at times; now and then 가끔
throw away to discard 버리다
under (prep) less than ~보다 적게
valuable (adj) having worth or merit 귀중한
willing (adj) ready to do happily 기꺼이 하려 하는
worth (adj) equal in value to something specified ~만한 가치가 있는
9. Can You Smell That?
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
adjust (v) to
available (adj) possible to get 이용 가능한
capable of able to ~할 능력이 있는
colleague (n) a person you work with 동료
commercial (n) a paid advertisement on TV or radio 광고
current (adj) belonging to the present time 현재의
delicious (adj) having a very pleasing taste 달콤한
equipment (n) devices, parts, machines 장비
expensive (adj) high in price 값비싼
gel (n) a thing like jelly 겔
give off to emit 발산하다, 방출하다
hold (v) to have or keep 보유하다
image (n) picture 영상, 이미지
in process begun, and not completed 처리 중, 진행 중
mass production the process of making a lot 대량 생산
operate (v) to run 작동시키다
patent (n) paper giving rights for an invention 특허
precise (adj) exact 정확한
presently (adv) at this time or period 현재
production (n) the act or process of producing 생산
prototype (n) first model 원형, 견본
public (n) the people as a whole 사람들
put heads together to work together 협력하다
rather than instead of ~하기보다는
release (v) to let go 방출하다
reservoir (n) a place to hold water or liquid 저수지, 저장소
right around the corner in the near future 가까운 미래에
silicon chip small computer device made of silicon 실리콘 칩
solid (n) hard thing, like metal, rock, wood, etc. 고체
tiny (adj) very small 아주 작은
10. Desert Delivery
Vocabulary Practice
Wordlist Meaning (Korean)
appreciate (v) to be thankful for 고마워하다
assistant (n) helper 조수
borrow (v) to get temporarily 빌리다
camel (n) a humped, long-necked animal in desert areas 낙타
compare (v) to examine the similarities or differences of 비교하다
delivery (n) the act of conveying or delivering 배달
effort (n) an attempt to do something 노력