Assignments are due on the day they appear on this assignment sheet. “Palmer” indicates readings in the text, A History of the Modern World. Assignments taken from the source book are indicated by its title, The Western Tradition, followed by the author, the title of the selection, and its page numbers. Assignments taken from other source books are indicated by "handout" followed by the author, the title, and its page numbers. "MLY" indicates presentations made by me. “MLY handout” indicates something written by me; you should print a copy to read prior to its due date and bring the copy with you to class. If I want you to have a specific idea or set of ideas in mind when you read an assignment, I will put this information in italics and in parenthesis.

Wednesday, August 29 --- MLY: introduction of the course

Thursday, August 30 --- MLY: overview of medieval history

Friday, August 31 --- Palmer, pp. 49-55; MLY handout: One Hundred Years War

Monday, September 3 --- No School, Labor Day

Tuesday, September 4 --- Palmer, pp. 56-65; MLY handouts: Renaissance Themes and Humanists; Renaissance Take-home Essay Assignment

Wednesday, September 5 --- Palmer, pp. 65-69; The Western Tradition, from Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince, pp. 10-23P1 (Which Renaissance themes are apparent in Machiavelli’s writing, either in the subject matter itself or how he presents the subject matter?)

Thursday, September 6 --- Student Presentation: Renaissance Art; handout: "Renaissance Types - Man of Letters, Courtier, Artist and Patron," pp. 357-363P2

Friday, September 7 --- Palmer, pp. 69-77; The Western Tradition, from Thomas More’s Utopia, pp. 108-111 (Which Renaissance themes are apparent in More’s writing, either in the subject matter itself or how he presents the subject matter?)

Monday, September 10 --- Palmer, pp. 77-84; The Western Tradition, Martin Luther's "95 Theses," pp. 58-64P3; (Divide the theses into sections and give each section a title.) MLY handout: Chronology of the Reformation; Optional Multiple-Choice Mini Test on the Renaissance

Tuesday, September 11 --- handout from Martin Luther's "An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility…," pp. 423-434P4; The Western Tradition, Martin Luther's "Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants, 1525," pp. 69-71 (What is Luther’s attitude toward the political establishment in the German area of the Holy Roman Empire?); Reformation Take-home Essay Assignment

Wednesday, September 12 --- Palmer, pp. 85-92; The Western Tradition, from John Calvin’s The Institutes of the Christian Church, pp. 71-73; MLY handout: Reformation, An Overview of Religions (What are some differences and similarities between the Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, and Catholic churches?)

Thursday, September 13 --- Palmer, pp. 93-98; Renaissance Take-home Essay Due

Friday, September 14 --- Student Presentation: Ignatius Loyola; The Western Tradition, from Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, pp. 73-76 (How did the Catholic Church respond to the creation of protestant churches?)

Monday, September 17 --- Palmer, pp, 121-130; MLY handout: Spain vs. The Netherlands (How are these wars of religion more about politics?)

Tuesday, September 18 --- Palmer, pp. 130-135; The Western Tradition, from Jean Bodin’s La Republique, pp. 116-119; MLY handout: French Civil War

Wednesday, September 19 --- Palmer, pp, 135-143; MLY handout: Thirty Years War

Thursday, September 20 --- Palmer, pp. 106-114 (What were the essential changes that took place to cause a commercial revolution?); Reformation Take-home Essay Due

Friday, September 21 --- No School, Yom Kippur

Monday, September 24 --- Palmer, pp. 114-120; Student Presentation: The Advent of Serfdom in Eastern Europe; Optional Multiple-Choice Mini Test on the Reformation

Tuesday, September 25 --- Palmer, pp. 145-155; The Western Tradition, from Jacques Bossuet’s “On the Nature and the Properties of Royal Authority,” pp. 178-182;

MLY handout: Louis XIV

Wednesday, September 26 --- Palmer, pp. 155-162 (How is this war of religion more clearly about politics than the other three wars?); MLY handout: The Puritan Revolution; Student Presentation: Oliver Cromwell

Thursday, September 27 --- Palmer, pp. 162-169; MLY handout: The Restoration in England

Friday, September 28 --- Palmer, pp. 169-181; handout: W. H. Lewis’ The Splendid Century, pp. 23-25 (How does Louis XIV achieve the “trinity of the monarchy?”)

Monday, October 1 --- Palmer, pp. 169-181 (again); Student Presentation: Baroque Art

Tuesday, October 2 --- Palmer, pp. 181-188; handout: Pierre Goubert’s “Louis XIV and the Larger World,” pp. 50-55P5

Wednesday, October 3 --- Palmer, pp, 189-199 (What are the common problems these three countries failed to solve?)

Thursday, October 4 --- MUTTIPLE-CHOICE TEST on Chapter 4

Friday, October 5 --- Palmer, pp. 199-211

Monday, October 8 --- Palmer, pp. 211-224; MLY handout: Peter the Great

Tuesday, October 9 --- Palmer, pp. 225-231;The Gin Act of 1751 DBQ Assignment

Wednesday, October 10 --- The Western Tradition, from Rene Descartes' The Discourse upon Method, pp. 153-162P6 and handout from Francis Bacon's Novum Organum, pp. 68-71P7

Thursday, October 11 --- Palmer, pp. 231-240

Friday, October 12 --- The Western Tradition, from Galileo's "What is Scientific Authority?" pp. 150-153 and from Isaac Newton's The Mathematicl Principles of Natural Philosophy, pp. 162-167P8

Monday, October 15 --- Palmer, pp. 240-249; Student Presentation: Michel Montaigne or Blaise Pascal

Tuesday, October 16 --- Palmer, pp. 249-255; The Western Tradition, from John Locke’s The Second Treatise on Government pp. 194-206P9; Student Presentation: Pierre Bayle or Richard Simon

Wednesday, October 17 --- No Class, One World Day

Thursday, October 18 --- Palmer, pp. 257-265; The Gin Act of 1751 DBQ Assignment Due

Friday, October 19 --- Palmer, pp. 265-273

Monday, October 22 --- Palmer, pp. 274-282

Tuesday, October 23 --- Palmer, pp. 282-290 and 293-296 (How did England and France see and use the idea of balance of power differently?)

Wednesday, October 24 --- Palmer, pp. 297-308; Take-home Essay Assignment on the Enlightenment

Thursday, October 25 --- The Western Tradition, from Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws, pp. 217-222P10 and from Voltaire's "On English Commerce" and "On Presbyterians," pp. 222-224; 1st Quarter Ends

Friday, October 26 --- No School, Faculty In-Service

Monday, October 29 --- The Western Tradition, from Jean Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract, pp. 225-232

Tuesday, October 30 --- Palmer, pp. 308-311; MLY: Adam Smith

Wednesday, October 31 --- Palmer, pp. 311-329; Student Presentation: Joseph II or Frederick II (the Great)

Thursday, November 1 --- handout from Carl Becker's The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth-Century Philosophers, pp. 209-212

Friday, November 2 --- Palmer, pp. 329-337

Monday, November 5 --- Palmer, pp. 349-355

Tuesday, November 6 --- Palmer, pp. 355-360; MLY handouts: Chronology of Important Events in the French Revolution and The Estate System of the French Revolution; Take-home Essay Assignment on the Enlightenment Due

Wednesday, November 7 --- No School – Family Conference Day

Thursday, November 8 --- Palmer, pp. 361-370

Friday, November 9 --- The Western Tradition, from Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes' "What Is the Third Estate?" pp. 288-291; from the August 4, 1789 "night session" decree of the National Assembly, pp. 291- 294; from The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, pp. 294-296; and from Olympe de Gouges' Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, pp. 296-299

Monday, November 12 --- Palmer, pp. 370-374

Tuesday, November 13 --- Palmer, pp. 374-383; Student Presentation: 18th century music