Reading Academic Vocabulary – 5th Grade

Word List
figurative language
/ idiom
introductory paragraph
main ideas
/ onomatopoeia
oral presentation
point of view
punctuation marks
/ reference source
visual image
affixes (afihksihz) one or more sounds or letters attached to the beginning and end of words (ex: prefixes and suffixes)
citations (siitayshuhnz) Credit given to the author of the ideas or words used in the research paper
clause (klawz) noun group of words containing a subject and predicate
comparative (kuhmpEHruhtihv) noun,adjective the form of an adjective that compares two things, formed by adding -er or more to a word.
conjunctions (kuhnjuhNGkshuhnz) words that are used to join other words or parts of sentences together
figurative language Language that displays the imaginative and poetic use of words such as simile, metaphor, or personification
hyperbole (hiipurbuhlee) noun exaggeration used to emphasize a point
idiom (ihdeeuhm) noun phrase or expression which means something different from what the words say
implied (ihmpliid) adjective suggested; hinted without directly being stated
interjections (ihnturjEHkshuhnz) words used for emphasis and to express emotion
introductory paragraph first paragraph of an essay which introduces to topic and main idea
main ideas The central point of a passage,will many times be stated directly in the title, the beginning, or at the end of a passage.
metaphor (mEHtuhfawr) noun A comparison of two things without "like" or "as"
narrative (naruhtihv) noun,adjective A type of writing that tells a story.
onomatopoeianoun A word that imitates a sound.
oral presentation process of speaking in front of an audience; speech
personification (pursonuhfuhkayshuhn) noun Giving human qualities to something that is not human.
point of view Perspective or vantage point from which the story is told. 1st or 3rd person are both examples.
prepositionnoun word that shows the relationship between a noun and some other word in the sentence (tells where, when, which one...)
promptnoun,verb,adjective Topic and instructions for writing assignment.
punctuation marks marks and signs used in writing to make the meaning more clear
reference source Books and other sources that contain facts about many different subjects.
similenoun a comparison between two unlike things using the words 'like' or 'as'.
superlative (supurluhtihv) noun,adjective the form of an adjective that compares three or more things; formed by adding -est or most to a word
theme (theem) noun the lesson or moral of the story; author's message
visual image something we can picture in our minds