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For our families and ourcommunities: that wemayservewith joyin our heartsso that we maygive thanks and praise for the manygifts with which You bless us,

we pray …R.


Reader:You asked formyhands thatYoumightusethem forYourpurpose. Igave themfora moment,

then withdrewthemfortheworkwashard.

Lord, have mercy.All:Lord, havemercy.

Reader:You asked formy mouth to speakoutagainst injustice.

I gave You a whisperthatImightnotbe accused.

Christ, have mercy.All:Christ, havemercy.

Reader:You asked formyeyes to see the pain ofpoverty.

Iclosed themforIdid not wantto see.

Lord, have mercy.All:Lord, havemercy.

Reader:You asked formylife that Youmightworkthrough me.

Igave asmallpartthatImightnotgettooinvolved.

Christ, have mercy.All:Christ, havemercy.


O God, ourLovingCreator,


O HolySpiritofWisdom,

ofall the gifts Yougive us,the greatestislove.

Open oureyes tosee,our earsto listen, ourmindstolearn,

ourheartsto beacceptingofothersand ourhandsto be more giving towardthosein need: thelost,thelonely, thelowly and theleast.

You areamongus asone who serves.

Each day, we desireto serveprayerfullywithfaithfulness,

so thatwe maycome to a deeperawarenessofGod’s lovingpresence.

Help ustoserve honourablywithhumilityonthis earthlyjourney leadingto eternallife.

Weaskthisasfriends and followersofChrist, ourLord.


Leader:Letus go forth toserve with humilityinthe Love ofChrist, with allthatweareandallthatwe offer …

In the nameof the Father, and ofthe Son,and oftheHolySpirit.


DAY TWO:Prayer Service

“Forallwho exalt themselves will be humbled

andthose who humble themselves will be exalted.”

~ Luke14:11

Opening SongSuggestions:

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ServingintheLoveof Christ2014CatholicEducationWeekThemeSong


I WillFollowtheGoodShepherd#10,WeBelongtoGod (Grade1CD)

Speak, Lord #2,MayWeBeOne (Grade5CD)

Am I Strong Enough #2,StandByMe (Grade8CD)

OpeningHymn Suggestions:

Lord, WhoseLoveinHumbleService#668,Gather(red);#507,CBWIII

HereI Am,Lord #671,Gather(red);#520,CBW III

ComeandFollowMe #677,Gather (red)

TheSummons#687,Gather (red)

Take,OTakeMeAsI Am#692,Gather(red)-OstinatoRefrain


Leader:Jesus said, “Iamamongyou as one who serves.”(Luke 22:27e)

As we celebrateDay2 of Catholic EducationWeek, letus be mindful that we are an integralpartof

the wondrous handiwork ofGod’s creation.

In this place, gathered in God’s name,

we become quietand still in the presenceof the sacred to reflecton the meaning ofServingwith Humility,

as we pray:

In the name of theFather, and of the Son, and of theHolySpirit.


Reader:Godof humility,

mayYour spiritof love infuseour gathering today. We contemplate the words of Jesusassuring us

thatHe is among us asone who serves.

We bring toGodwho we are-our joys, our worries,

our doubts,our faith, our strengths andour difficulties.

We askYouto open our hearts, ourmindsand

our whole being toYour loving presence in our lives.


All:Loving God, helpus to deepen ourunderstanding of what itmeans to serve with humility.

Guideour feet to walk in theways ofJesus,

who was born in alowlymanger, travelled on foot, walked among

the lepersand washedHis apostles’ feet.

We ask this in the name of Your Son,

who is here among us to remind us howto serve in the love ofChristas we gather in His name. Amen.

Areading fromthe HolyGospelaccording to Luke.All: Glory to you,OLord.

WhenJesusnoticedhowtheguestschosetheplacesofhonour,hetoldthemaparable. “Whenyouareinvitedbysomeonetoawedding banquet,donotsitdownattheplace ofhonour,incasesomeonemoredistinguishedthanyouhasbeeninvitedbyyourhost; andthehostwhoinvitedbothofyoumaycomeandsaytoyou,‘Givethispersonyour place’andthenindisgraceyouwouldstarttotakethelowestplace.Butwhen youare invited,goandsitdownatthelowestplace,sothatwhenyourhostcomes,he maysay toyou,‘Friend,moveuphigher’;then youwillbehonouredinthepresenceofallwho sitat thetablewith you.For allwhoexaltthemselveswillbehumbledandthosewho humblethemselveswillbeexalted.”Hesaidalsototheonewhohadinvitedhim, “When you give a luncheon ora dinner, do not inviteyour friends oryour brothers or yourrelativesorrichneighbours,incasetheymayinvite youinreturnand youwould berepaid.Butwhenyougiveabanquet,invitethepoor,thecrippled,thelameand theblind.Andyouwillbeblessed,becausethey cannotrepayyou,foryouwillbe repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”


  • Blessed Mother Teresa said,“Live simply so thatothersmay simply live.” Whatcan I do tosimplify my life?
  • Howcan I serveGod and others more humbly with allmyheart?


Leader:Ever-living and ever-lovingGod,

joining together in prayer, we entrust to You ourselves, our neighbours, the Church and the world,

imploring Your mercyand Your blessings.

TheResponse to the petitions is:R.Bewith us,Loving God, in allourneeds.

For Church leaders,especiallyPope Francis, ourearthlymodelof faithfulness and

servant leadership: that theymayallcontinue to spread the GoodNews of the

Gospel,notonlybywords, butalso in actions, wepray …R.

For our communities, ourFirstNations peoples, our province, ourcountry, allpeople of the world: thatallmayhumblywork together withrespectand understanding,

not with pride in power, as we work for the common good,wepray …R.

For our Catholic schools (especiallyN.):that the HolySpiritmayguide us to serve with compassion and kindness in allareasof the curriculum, hearing the words of Jesusand findingthe face ofJesus in these sacredplacesof learning,we pray …R.

For our students and staff: that we maystand in solidarity to act with justice in bringing abouthealing, reconciliation, fairness and peacemaking in our schools andthroughout the world,we pray …R.