Novel Explorer (NE) Book List
2nd Nine Weeks
Directions: Read one book from the list below to complete your Novel Explorer requirements for the 2nd Nine Weeks. Along with an independent project, you are responsible for completing a Reader Response Test for your book in Google Classroom. If you have any questions about these requirements please see Ms. Doyle in a timely manner.
Reader Response Test Due:
December 1, 2017
Project Due:
December 7, 2017
1st Nine Weeks Total Requirements:
1 Reader Response Test
1 Novel Explorer Project
Title / AuthorThe Black Cauldron / Alexander
The Book of Three / Alexander
Castle Roogna / Anthony
The Underneath / Appelt
Peter and the Starcatchers / Barry
Masterpiece / Broach
The Sword of Shannara / Brooks
Powerless / Cody
The Witches / Dahl
Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane / DiCamillo
Enchantress from the Stars / Engdahl
The Ruins of Gorlan (The Ranger’s Apprentice Book 1) / Flanagan
Coraline / Gaiman
Into the Woods / Gardner
13 Treasures / Harrison
Quest Begins (Book 1: The Seekers) / Hunter
Into the Wild (Book 1: The Warriors) / Hunter
Redwall / Jacques
The Phantom Tollbooth / Jester
Savvy / Law
A Wizard of Earthsea / Le Guin
The Witch’s Guide to Cooking With Children / McGowan
The Candy Shop War / Mull
The False Prince / Nielsen
The Golden Compass / Pullman
The Key to Rondo / Rodda
Tentacles / Smith
The Egypt Game / Snyder
The White Giraffe / St. John
The Mysterious Case of the Allbright Academy / Stanley
The Emerald Atlas / Stephens
The Mysterious Benedict Society / Stewart
Breadcrumbs / Ursu
The Sword in the Stone / White
Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur / Yolen
Creative & Critical Thinking Book Interactions
- Create an animated or stop-motion video - Create a 2-3 minute mini movie based on important events in the plot or a chapter you feel is especially important. Put Google to use and find a tutorial to assist you in building your own stop-motion video! Bring your project to class on a USB and you will present on the ‘big-screen’.
- Character Dissection: Use a large piece of construction paper or tag board to draw a big portrait of the main character. On the side of the picture write something the character thought and draw a line from the comment to the character's head. Next, write something the character heard and draw a line to the ears, etc. Find as many possibilities as you can (felt=heart, saw=eyes, traveled=feet, etc.). Cite evidence for your choices.
- Graphic Novel - Transform your novel into a graphic novel. Make sure your creation looks like a graphic novel, complete with an eye-catching cover and vivid illustrations. Format your pages in the style of the graphic novels we read in our classroom. DO NOT use lined paper, and make sure all writing is either typed or written neatly with a black marker or pen.
- Classic Board Game - The spirit of adventure in this genre lends itself to the creation of a game. Use the plot and characters to develop a board game based upon the novel. Be sure to craft a colorful and engaging board game, complete with game pieces and rules of play.
- Puppet Show: Develop and present a puppet show about an important scene in the story. You will need to type a script and turn it in with your project.