Read pgs. 773 Chapter 32 Australia New Zealand Oceania

Lesson 1

  1. What is the western Plateau? Describe it
  1. Define bush
  1. Describe the Nullarbor Plain
  1. Describe New Zealand
  1. Define atolls, caldera, and lagoon
  1. What is the main water problem in Australia?
  1. What is a great part of their economies?
  1. Compare and contrast the climates of New Zealand and Australia
  1. Define the Great Barrier Reef. Look at page 779 write down the different life species
  1. Describe the natural resources and economy of both countries

Lesson 2

  1. Describe the history of Australia
  1. What happened to the indigenous people?
  1. What happened in 1901?
  1. What is the government of both countries?
  1. What is the dominant language?
  1. Why is the aging population a problem?
  1. What characterizes the Aborigines and Maori societies?
  1. What was the Stolen Generation?
  1. Describe women in Australia
  1. List the economic activities of both below and natural resources
  1. Read page 788 Why did the rabbits become a problem?

Lesson 3

  1. Define station, copra and graziers
  1. Compare and contrast both countries agriculture
  1. How has land use in Australia and New Zealand affected their environments?
  1. What is a cause of increase of soil salinity in Australia?
  1. What problems arise with ocean levels rising?
  1. What is the Natural Heritage Trust? And Australian Government Envirofund?
  1. What is the World Wildlife Fund?

Extra Vocabulary to Know -Define in your notebook


Great Barrier ReefMaoriBleachimg

DominionGreat Artesian BasinMt. Cook

Mount RuapehuGreat Dividing Range

Chapter 33 Oceania

Lesson 1

  1. Name the 3 island groups of Oceania and describe their locations
  1. What is the highest peak in Hawaii?
  1. Describe the climate of Oceania:

Lesson 2

  1. Describe the early history of Oceania
  1. How did the 2 world wars change the geography?
  1. Describe the Melanesians:



  1. Describe the economic activities:
  1. Read page 810 – Who owns the seas?

Lesson 3

  1. Name methods to improve agriculture in Oceania and describe
  1. How have overseas companies taken advantage of Oceania?
  1. What are the environmental challenges of Oceania?
  1. List ways humans have affected the environment of Oceania:

Open to page RA 24and RA 25

Who owns Easter Island?

Who owns Cook Islands?

Who owns Guam?

What other islands does the United States claim in the North Pacific?