Apologies from all the non present members Chris Farr, Denise Austin and Hazel Short present.

Read minutes to go over what was discussed.

Six V Six Super Series was unable to commence in 2016 due to climbing, hopefully the situation without the climbers wont happen again. Denise liaised with Sonya Gysin. Look for 2017-2018.

The beginners session quite successful three new adult members for 2017 , will look to run this every September. Denise to liaise with Petroc.

Men’s teams developing for Petroc college players, trying to give them access, James and Spencer to encourage the non playing Petroc players to play SW league.

Saturday Morning sessions continuing with Immy, Denise to book less of the hall for the remaining March sessions, and buy new hooks and arrange net for small width of the hall. Also for the 29th March there is a North Devon Junior Championships for U16’s. Open to year 11’s. Denise to distribute the entry forms. At the Leisure centre, CF mentioned it was being demolished. The next day Denise received a group email from Richard Slaney from NDC. She is going to BD meeting for interested parties for use of the LC.

SW Mini GP went really well, previously. Waiting on payment form SWVA.

Volleyball Futures taking place at Petroc with 120 years 5-8 testing, intro to Volleyball, lifestyle and S&C/injury. To encourage new members. Adrian Avery distributed. Tim Newton developing. Sign post them to the Saturday morning sessions. Wed 1st March 2017. Denise in role as H/C.

Wed sessions been really well attended since the age group split, U13/Over13 still light on numbers from the older boys side but it has meant the older boys who attend regularly have been getting good training at a higher standard. Keep pushing through this time frame, when they reach Petroc they take it up again and wish they had kept at it. Good number of boys at U13 age.

U15 boys and Girls played in the National Cup. Great results, Bohdan Martin and Terry Hill coaching, congratulations. Denise to organise a level 1 coaching in September 23/24th. Trying to reduce the costs with either VE or First for sport. Great crop of parents supporting the new younger club members, well done.

Memberships still outstanding trying o keep it up to date. New membership open. A new price was agreed by the committee via messenger. £3 U8’s, £5 U11’s, £10 U18’s, Adults and Families to remain the same. Our costs have gone up due to insurance, admin, facilities, coaching, coach registration, equipment, H&S. Price will go up as soon as the website can be updated. Mail chimp sent out with new price. 24 hours to get old price registered.

Denise to make sure we are known as a volunteer club and not a professional club. Maybe on the website. Have opening info on home page.

Denise to update the new members for 2017 and cross check against the PayPal.

BACS payments being made for session fees.

Look to employ children to distribute flyers, tap into work experience, guides, scots, duke of Edinburgh etc. Denise to think who to contact. DA contacted Petroc.

No Press secretary. Little press from the teams playing in the leagues. No volunteers to shout about for our success, this is the right time to shout out about it. Who shall we get? Need a geek. It’s a great time to shout about it alongside the VE futures. The committee needs to shout out about it. As do the players. Big push for this month.

Thankyous. Jackie to send TQ to Hazel for her valiant effort when Nicole was ill and she drove for the weekend without her children present. To Georgeham council, and parkdean.

All coaches and team managers to encourage and heavily insist that team players do update their google spread sheet. Lay out clearer guidelines for players in the club as to their minimum expectations to aid the team managers and understand the effort that goes on behind the scenes. Poor form not to. Need to make sure they understand the behind the scenes work and all do their bit. NVL matches must be careful of arriving late.

This is the best way to communicate your availability. The Facebook pages are great for logistic sharing but not the best for availability. Messenger best for communicating internal dialogue. All players to post on the chat to share their logistics for transport/hotels.

Need to check with VE about National Team/VE training clash.

Expenses for the club, are spiralling esp the NVL teams. Would be good to have an overall sponsor to help support the teams.

Gold Coast New big headlines this year, we only have 20 volunteer tickets available this year, we can always buy some at £35 if we need to. Claire to organise the list early and be more discerning for the more regular volunteers.

Entry form DA to work with Ali West and GC about tickets and price for entry. £35 player wrist band.

Junior King and Queen will depend on NT as to if we run it this year.

VEBT dates TBC

3-4th June Student Cup

17018th Ocean Fest June

24/25th June GY

½ July Sandbanks

8/9 July Skegness

29/30 July Weymouth

3-6th August NEZVA U17/19 TBC maybe in UK

19/20 August VEBT finals

Accounts we are going to employ Michelle Davis to do the book keeping for the club, long term we can work towards having the books audited. Been a lot of work for CF and DA and would like to have someone who can future proof our accounts.