19th January 2016
Dear Parent/Carer
Re: Year 9 Options Evening
As your child enters the last part of their Key Stage 3 Curriculum they are now entering an important stage of their school career. They will soon be choosing their subjects for deeper study at GCSE and developing an important pathway to their future study at A level. We know, that as exciting a time as this can be, it can also be quite daunting for some and we will fully support you and your child in ensuring they select the right choices for them at Key Stage 4.
The first part of the Year 9 Option process is the Year 9 Options Evening on Thursday 4th February. The evening will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm; where parents and students will be able to browse subject stalls to help decide which options to choose. As part of this evening a key speech will be delivered by Ms Honnor, Headteacher, at 6.00pm explaining the entire process and the possible subject choices.
Students and parents are invited to collect an options booklet and student data sheet upon their arrival at any time during the evening and to visit the subject information stands to discuss the subject content in greater detail and to look at examples of work from students currently studying at that level.
As this Year 9 Options Evening is so vital to your child’s future, if you are unable to attend this important event, please do send your child unaccompanied so that they can see the teachers and work displayed and ask questions in addition to collecting their booklet.
Refreshments will be available throughout the evening and members of the Senior Leadership Team will be available to answer questions.
Following this event, students and families will have the half term holiday to consider the information on each subject provided in the Options Booklet and to consider any questions they may wish to ask. Urgent questions may be emailed to or tweeted to @MarriottsEng.
On return to school after half term, students need to hand in their completed options forms NO LATERthan Monday 29thFebruary. At this stage an appointment will be arranged for each student to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to confirm their choices.
On 25th February we have our Year 7-9 Parents’ Consultation Day. You will be invited to meet with individual class teachers and to discuss your child’s academic progress, and suitability for courses moving into Key Stage 4.
Yours sincerely
Miss N ReesMrs C Scott
Assistant Headteacher(Curriculum)Head of Year 9