Re: Greening Frankston’s Children Centres
Council has been successful in securing funding to help enhance the energy and water efficiency of the buildings and operations of the # Children Centres that operate out of council-owned buildings. We will be rolling out this program starting in DATE to the Children Centres over the next two years. We are asking for your centre’s support and participation in the program over the two years.
The benefit of the program is that it will help reduce the energy and water bills of the centre, provide education to staff, parents and the broader community on energy and water conservation and will help protect the environment.
The program would involve an energy/water auditor visiting your centre and working with centre management and staff to assess what energy and water savings can be made. Auditors usually find that savings can be made by a mixture of behaviour change and installation of efficiency equipment. Any measures recommended will be consistent with the various guidelines required by DHS, building codes and OH&S.
Once the audit is completed, the installation of equipment and any further staff training will be organised. Council will provide educational material on energy and water efficiency for staff and parents. Signage will also be provided indicating the energy and water efficiency measures undertaken.
The provision of the auditor, efficiency equipment, staff/parent education and signage will be provided by council with no cost to the centre. We are asking each centre to work collaboratively with us in delivering this program. We will require water, electricity and gas bills for the centre for the past 1 to 3 years and over the next 2 years; access to the facility for the auditor and for installation of equipment and signage; and some staff time for training.
In addition, we would appreciate the centre’s willingness to promote this program to its parents and the community by providing information in the centre’s newsletters and handing out to parents the educational material.
Council will be promoting this program and the participating children centres to the broader community through the local media and Frankston City News.
We will work with you to fit our program in with the needs of your centre and to minimise as much as possible disruption to the daily activities. Attached is a standard Agreement form which we are asking all of the centres to fill in and return by DATE. If you require any further information on the program, please feel free to call ……..
We look forward to hearing from you soon and hopefully working with you on this program over the next two years.
Yours for a better future,