Dear Parents/Carers,
7th October 2014
Re: Fundraising Events for Animal Care Centre on Thursday 16th October
Many of you will be aware that we have recently opened a small animal care centre as part of our expanded Sixth Form provision in BW6. We have already managed to rehome various species of animals and our collection is growing rapidly. In order to expand into the outside area and provide the beginnings of a small farm we need to raise some money to provide suitable fencing to protect the animals from predators and provide housing and enclosures for more animals which will then in turn require increased levels of care and resources and of course the costs that this entails.
We have been bowled over by the enthusiasm of our students about the development of this project and it was their idea to hold a fundraising day on Thursday 16th October. This will be a non-uniform day and students will be asked to contribute a minimum of £1 to be collected in the usual way by tutors in school. We will have various events during the day for which students may wish to bring a little extra money.
We are also seeking contributions from parents/carers, not necessarily in monetary form, but we are aware that there may be parents who are able to provide materials or labour to help us take this next step in our expansion. We are particularly interested in parents who may be able to help with the provision of timber, wire fencing,bricks, slabs, cement screws/nails andstaples. In addition for the construction of enclosures we need grass seed, pond liner, edgers, sleepers, tubes and rocks.We would also love to hear from any parents who may be able to donate some time and expertise in constructing the new area as part of a working party over a couple of weekends (dates to be arranged). Experienced landscapers and fencers would be great but also anyone who feels they could contribute in any other way – working parties always need to be fed and watered too!
An example of one of the rabbit enclosures to be constructed:
If you would like to volunteer your services or feel as if you may be able to contribute to the development of the animal care provision, then please do not hesitate to contact me at school. This is an exciting opportunity to develop a unique resource for our school and wider community.
If you would like to visit the centre to find out more about our plans then again please do not hesitate to contact me at school
Yours sincerely
Mark Pollard
Deputy Headteacher