Date:20 March 2014
Dear Requestor
Re: Freedom of Information request number 4017
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information Request. The details below have been supplied in response, I hope you find the information useful.
- What procurement and commissioning process was used to engage Snap as the external agency
SNAP was commissioned taking into account the current processes in place whereby an existing service directory was updated to form part of the work required for the Local Offer. There was no legal requirement to procure this service via a tender process, as the amount of funding given falls well beneath the threshold.
The LA will also be looking at a range of services to add to the Local Offer, which will be in full consultation with parents.
- The residential locality of the Parent Partnership Service parents ie; are they
residents of Thurrock
The Consultation events to date have been supported by the Parent Partnership Service in engaging parents to attend. It is our understanding that the parents involved are from the Thurrock Parent Partnership service and are therefore residents of Thurrock.
- What selection or consultation process was used to identify the parents who participated from the Parent Partnership Service
Three consultation events were arranged by the Parent Partnership Service on 19/07/13, 17/10/13 and 11/12/13. The 2 members of staff from PPS that helped to organise the parents participation are no longer working for PPS and therefore how the parents were selected is unknown.
- How the consultation process with PEG took place ; when? and where?
PEG is a recently established Parent Engagement Group. It is the umbrella term that incorporates the existing parent groups and forums in Thurrock. There was a Consultation event at the Beehive on 14/02/13 and more general consultation events in July 2013 at Beacon Hill and TreetopsSchools and with the LINK group. Further Consultation events relating to the Local Offer will be taking place and there is one arranged for 2nd April. The recently appointed Parent Engagement Officer will support parents to attend and fully participate in these.
- How were parents made aware of the consultation process for PEG?
There were a number of meetings set up at the Special Schools and with existing parent groups in Thurrock. These were led by Contact a Family with the support of CVS and Contact a Family.
- Why has it taken so long to undertake parent consultation and engage a Parent Engagement Officer?
We recognise that the development of PEG has taken a long time. However despite this there has been parent representation on a strategic level on a number of forums. Once it was identified that Parent Engagement needed to be brought together and supported to do so the appointment of a Parent Engagement Officer took place relatively quickly
- How has the parent been identified from PEG ? Who is involved in the working
Whilst the LA has had parent representation on a number of forums, the newly appointed Parent Engagement Officer will be identifying a cross section of parents to sit on the Working Group in Future.
- How dates , venues, agendas and minutes from the working group are made available.
The information will be circulated to parents via the Parent Engagement Officer as part of the ongoing work of the Working Group.
If you are unhappy with the Council’s response you can make a complaint via the
Council's complaints procedures and this will be looked into. If you are not happy with
this decision you may then appeal to the Information Commissioner.
Information supplied in response to your request is the copyright of Thurrock Council.
The information has been supplied for your personal use. Except for permitted acts
under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, the information supplied may not
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without the explicit written consent of Thurrock Council.
Yours faithfully,
Linda Dutton
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Telephone (01375) 652242
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